In common with Simon Moores, Eastcliff Richard, etc. I write this weblog, because I generally have something to say and enjoy saying it, at least that's what I assume.
As with Simon Moores, I prefer to write as myself rather than some anonymous creation, in my case the reason is I believe it gives some personal authority, clearly others choose anonymity for reasons of position career whatever.
Not surprisingly, Simon Moores yesterday made it quite clear that his reputation and more significantly his family, were more important than his website.
Undoubtedly having insults and threats made to you and your family are an unwelcome side to blogging, and is something we all have to deal with in their own way. Sometime ago, I found myself targeted by what for a better term I shall call, a special interest group (in actuality lawless morons) who went as far as to issue death threats, as well as devoting whole pages of abuse in their own specialist websites. Since those in question apparently had a lower reading age than mine, I thought would be unkind to pursue the matter, although it had put me off blogging a while.
Since we're talking about people's opinions, then not surprisingly this sometimes gets personal, and in the unfortunate case of Simon Moores, apart from having someone making threats to his family, he seems to have picked up, the apparently obsessive commentator " One Voice In Thanet" who appears to have some compulsive character flaw, that he has focused on councilor Moore. I assume this character OVIT, is an underachiever who unlike many of us (underachievers) has yet to accept their own personal limitations. Frankly I really don't give a toss, and I don't mean that in a derogatory sort of way, what other commentators say or do since it's their right to say of what they like.
Unconnected as it may be, it looks as if, another simple minded critic has made the leap from legitimate comment, to actual crime. Presumably you may or may not be aware now that the Eastcliff Richard site has been hacked.
Like many I am a frequent visitor, and naturally assumed, that Eastcliff Richard, was making a comment of sorts by taking his site down, which seemed a tad extreme. Inquisitive as ever, I made contact with Eastcliff's office, and eventually spoke to the man himself, who informed me over the sound of a passing jumbo jet, that, his site had been hacked.
So it looks as if, blogging is taking a nasty turn, with personal threats to Simon Moores family and now criminal damage, Eastcliff Richards website.
Frankly if I were either of these two authors, I would consider reporting these incidents to the police, since threats to family are beyond any genuine criticism, as is the destruction of websites. To the perpetrators I would suggest, that they are in need of a psychological help at the very least.
I hope that both of contributors to the local blog community, continue to enlighten us in the future, since free speech is a fundamental right, that even in the backwaters of Thanet, it is worth preserving, particularly in the light frequent attempts to pervert free speech, as recently seen with the British Olympic team, when officials wished to gag athletes in China this summer.
Finally to those who threaten or commit crimes, against bloggers, get help, in Britain unlike many other places such as China free speech is allowed except by complete morons. Bloggers spend many hours contributing to free speech, and if you don't like what I say you have a choice my support goes to both Simon and Eastcliff who have been subject to criminal activity ie threats to family and criminal damage. Hope to see you both back soon.