Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Queen’s visit to Margate

the queenNo doubt excitement is mounting throughout the upper echelons of the great and the good of Thanet Society and indeed, Kent as a whole. As yet details of the visit due on Friday 11th November are limited, however I would assume a circuit of the Turner Contemporary is most likely, in which case I’d guess Thanet’s top knobs might well play second fiddle to KCC wallahs.

I see at least one local councillor is showing he’s already muchly excited “a great privilege for the town and the island in general. I suspect that the frantic polishing of shoes and pressing of suits and dresses is already well  underway” regular local blog readers will “I suspect” recognise the fawning style of Cllr Moores .

Anyhoo I’d just love to be a fly on the wall as our “betters”, vie with each other for a chance of hand shake or exchange of pleasantries and speculate on the machinations between Labour and Conservatives particularly given the tenuous grip on the council of the latter and the ambitions of the former.

Well as a sort of republican, I would, if we lived in a proper democracy vote for the Queen as President, since from my observations, she appears to be well informed and has experience well beyond any politician in Westminster.

Since at this point through oversight or whatever my invite has yet to arrive at Flaig Mansions, it’s unlikely I’ll need to brush up, on protocol, still I doubt I would bow, however I could and would willingly manage a nod.

Respect to the Queen for nipping down to these parts, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy the Turner Contemporary. I hope she also gets to use the HS1 from St.Pancras, rather than the Thanet way, avoiding any holdups.

For those who don’t know how to behave, according to the British Monarchy Website   “The Queen meets thousands of people each year in the UK and overseas. Before meeting Her Majesty, many people ask how they should behave. The simple answer is that there are no obligatory codes of behaviour - just courtesy.

For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.

On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is 'Your Majesty' and subsequently 'Ma'am'.


  1. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth defender of the common law will be well aware of the commercial liens being placed on her public servants for not doing their jobs, all of whom will be held accountable in the Queens bench.

    For all those that still believe we are all equal under the 'law' please wake up and watch this presentment held recently at the British Constitution Group /child stealing conference.

  2. Just in case anyone dares mumble a word against the " royals " better not do it using a mobile phone.

    Met Police spends millions of pounds on secret aircraft
    The Metropolitan Police has secret spy planes capable of eavesdropping on mobile phone calls from the sky.

  3. Anon 10:45, such boring repetition of your favourite hobby horses. Don't you have a view on the Queen's visit without all your constitution and child snatching ranting.

    Personally I welcome the visit for the publicity, even of our problems, that it might bring to the area and for the pleasure of watching our local politicians, even the Republicans, jockeying to be introduced.

  4. One person will be there to greet the royal party and its not the local blogging doctor. Its the Lord Lieutenant of Kent who's job it is to look after members of the Royal Family and Heads of State when they pay official visits to the County of Kent. His biggest problem in Margate will be where the royal party can find an open clean toilet.
    The local and county councillors will have to just get in line and no doubt will just have the problem of whether to bring the wife or girl friend (or even boyfriend) and who child will present the bunch of flowers.

    But Tony if you are taking a day of work don't forget to take a stool to stand on as the Queen is very short and you may not see her through the crowds.

  5. 12.25

    What a shame you find the truth boring many of us are grateful that he is educating the dumbed down masses which is extremely important and we dont all find ' pleasure in watching our local politicians, even the Republicans, jockeying to be introduced '

    After all its all just another distraction to keep the truth hidden and criminals protected.

  6. Of course it is, 1:15, and you keeping telling them so. As for educating the masses, well even the schools struggle to do that so I would suggest Tony, if that is who you mean, is on a hiding to nothing.

    Suggest you watch the Jeremy Kyle show for your educated masses!

  7. She doesn't do poses in the nod, Peter.

  8. What you need to do Peter is to get one of those planes that tow banners to go up with you details on and fly over when the Queen arrives. But Margate will be teeming with the Royal Protection squad armed to the teeth, so there is a chance it will be shot down.

  9. I suspect the pilot you are hinting at will be firmly on the ground in the queue to meet HM.

    As for Peter's powers of persuassion at getting ladies to get their kit off, I would suggest he could make more money giving lessons on how!

  10. I remember a similar discussion in a Broadstairs pub many moons ago. The matter of would we be better off with an alected president and so forth.

    An outraged retired Colonel demanded from the sidelines of the pub talk would the fellows fight for Queen and Country "Yes or no"

    Representing the former other ranks whose chat had been rudely interrupted was a redoubtable local character. On one occasion he had announed to a throng that the Council leader was looking like a pox doctor's clerk.

    But the former corporal replied to the retired Colonel "Yes I would fight for Queen and Country you im,pertinent oaf of a colonel"

    The colonel asked "Why"

    "Habit" came the reply, amidst much laughter, and the Colonel was taught that pub talk is a bit beyond the ability of the commissioned classes.

    I think you are being a bit harsh on Simon Moores on this occasion. Poor chap wants to meet the Queen. My own experience of meeting HM the Q involved a long march home afterwards. But Her ma-amship wanted to meet us and it seemed churlish to refuse.

  11. 1729. If you believe Cllr Moores, he has tea with the Queen, President Obama and just about everyone else of any importance on a regular basis. Can't see how he finds the time to mix with hoi polloi.
    On the subject of Cllr Moores, did anyone else think that his comments about Rebecca Smith at the end of his Misty Business blog were a touch sexist?

  12. 5:29

    What utter barrack room nonsense. Between proper soldiers and officers there is mutual respect not this silly class hatred rubbish that you make it out to be.

  13. But Rebecca Smith is a Tory, like her folks, you silly people. She only pretends to be neutral in journalistic role. Mater and pater have a nice listed period property in little old Tory Wingham.

  14. Is that right TDC will be expecting her royal highness to walk down unswept streets?
    But that would show Margate in its true colours.
    Its going to cost TDC a pretty penny to smarten the place up and put on a lunch for the royal party, councillors and council officials.
    A recent visit to Maldon cost the council £10,000 and that was after sharing the costs with the county council.
    It will make the fuss about public cash spent on councillors having drinks and food at council meeting look like chicken feed.

  15. What a sad bunch some of the Thanet public are. We get a royal visit, which could be a further boost for the old place, and somebody is already complaining about the cost of lunch. Unreal!

    Mind you boosts don't suit the Labour plan which is to oppose everything that might do any good or create any jobs, like the airport or Thanet Earth, for the benefit dependent are more likely to vote for the party of public spending. Sod working for a living!

  16. Run down places represent opportunities to some folk so don't knock publicity.

  17. Run down places represent opportunities to some folk so don't knock publicity.

  18. I don't recall writing anywhere that I wanted to meet the Queen but it may go with job, who knows? It's not my decision.

    I see Mingles4all , Aka 'the troll' is busy obsessing over his favourite councillor again. Just to correct him, I haven't met President Obama but I hope to see Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton this week.

  19. I have got news for Anon 7.56. Thanet Earth employs 450 workers of which 90% are casual migrant workers. Of the 45 other jobs only a few will be local staff.
    Not exactly what was promised when planning permission was granted.
    It may also be of news that Manston now employs only 100. In the future it may only still be a few hundred with Airlines striving to cut costs with self check ins etc and typical numbers are 200 staff per million passengers.

  20. Any jobs are better than no jobs except in the eyes of the brethren (or should that be comrades) who would have us all in the dole queue, touching our forelocks and thanking our socialist masters for our handouts. Well, at least until the money runs out then we all protest and blame the bankers.

  21. Wonder if the live export protesters will turn up in force, should put a smile on certain Councillors faces.

  22. whoever posted as Tony please note I deleted your comment as it might be confused as mine, but I have reposted for you

  23. I had a similar thought as 10 06

  24. Thank you, 8:43, (Bluenote?) for that helping of unintelligible, Orwellian gibberish.

    Let's straighten a few things out from your post.

    The truth and freedom movement is generally made up of common sense, free marketeers, rather than commies or forelock touching dole cheats.

    The corporate enemy, the banking cartel, (with whom HM has close relations,) while fascist in nature, is striving to create a socialist one world state, "an iron fist in a velvet glove." They have stolen the world blind to facilitate this and are in the process of recreating Sodom and Gomorrah just to finish us all off.

  25. 7:09 for once I agree with you, at least on the Sodom and Gomorrah, for it is the fate of all great empires to descend into debauchery and ultimately disappear up their own rears.

    But I am not Bluenote, with or without the question mark!

  26. Has anyone else heard the vomit coming out of bbc radio kent today absolutely disgusting garbage, our old pal Cameron wanting to increase forced adoptions?

    Had the inpleasure of listening to Jenny Whittle whittling on, who in their right mind would beleive anything coming out of a common purpose controlled KCC /BBC ?

    Its about time Queen Elizabeth defended our common law rights and made these deranged public servants accountable.

    Some of us can still remember when our county at least had the illusion of freedom !

  27. What, you mean back when kids were packed off to the colonies, often to be abused or used like slaves. Yes, they were great days alright if you wore rose tinted specs or maybe are suffereing memory loss.

    There were also a load of WWII orphans who were sent off to be fostered in Rhodesia and then, when they grew up in their new country, we promptly sold it down the river and left them homeless again.

    Abandoned kids need homes and a proper adoption system is the best way or would you have them all in homes.

  28. 11.36

    Seems nothing has changed exactly the same things are going on today just home grown and better at hiding it.Children would be far better off being left with their families rather than suffer forced adoptions destroying their heritage forever. Some unfortunately are far to posh to push and see other people children as an option. What a sad state of affairs when children have become an industry and a very well paid one at that.Who are these people who think they can play god with other peoples children nature normally gets it right.

  29. 'There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists.'

    Or so they think.

  30. Many wont be flag waving until this brave man is allowed back into the country and the media blackouts stopped. Let us decide for ourselves if Queen Elizabeth & the Pope are involved with the abduction of children in open court.How much more is being kept hidden by officials running our country & councils ? Thank heavens some are still willing to stand and be counted, just hope that enough people care about the last taboo and stop the molestation & trafficking of children.

    Kevin Annett - The Crimes Against Humanity by Church and State

  31. Tony, someone is killing off debate on your blogsite with this perpetual ranting about children stolen for adoption. OK if you introduce it as a topic but it gets brought up on everything.

    As for nature getting it right, the guy must be totally demented. Just watch TV for all the horrors nature has produced!

  32. At last an attempt by main stream media to expose the real controllers.

    I am sure KCC Kevin Lynes will find it an interesting read.

    The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest

    Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance

  33. 10 57 What can I say, child adoption & rick, I agree with the sentiment.

    My heart sinks every time, I see this stuff appear, I've no wish to interrupt contributions and hate to act as arbiter and rarely mOnitor comments

    Why rick and others can't use their own web space is beyond me

    Who knows they may well have a point, but please make it elsewhere

  34. Ok, Rick, at the risk of opening up a hornets nest, just what is the significance of your link to the Kevin Lynes site and why would he find it interesting. In case it escaped your notice, it is one he wrote himself as a brief pen picture. It reveals nothing he does not want us to know. Explanation if you have one?

  35. Guess you are right, Peter, but why a link to someones own write up has some significance escaped me, especially the bit about it being of interest to himself. I guess I should have realised it is all gobbledeegook and the links are to give the impression of authentic research. Back to the preparation of tonight's dinner I guess for there will be no uplifting debate today!

  36. Too right we shouldnt be paying for any of it including the lunch surely with all her wealth she can afford it ?

  37. It's OK, 8:04, they won't take it out of your benefits.

  38. Telling that benefit receipt and mental illness are used as terms of insult by so many locally (including blogging Councillors who ought to set a better example).

  39. It must have been a great disappointment for Dr Moores along with the other 900 delegates that Hilary Clinton could not turn up at the conference they were attending.

  40. Funny how any comment certain folk don't like must be made by a blogging councillor.

  41. Peter, I have often had my doubts but now I am seriously worried about you. Hilary Clinton, sexy!!
    Change your tablets quickly before you do yourself a mischief.

  42. Without a free press there can never be a democracy nor will the truth be allowed in the media and even when the truth is put out there it gets labeled as conspiracy which is exactly what they want you to believe.

    My heart sinks at the ignorance of it all.

  43. Now there is an about turn, 2:52, for I thought you told us the people were waking up to the plot and us capitalists' days were numbered. Now your heart is sinking at the suppression of your message so maybe the they ain't waking up after all. Must crack another bottle of bubbly in celebration.

  44. Peter, could be a mind readers on here or more like a few defenders of the blue, yellow & red gang colours put out there to keep us fooled and distracted suppose they got to do something between lodge nights.

  45. Peter, style and content is a good clue to which anon is which. 2:52 is our old, 'the peasants are stirring' friend and I responded at 4:42. Mind you, some of the anons write in support of themselves, particularly Rick, in order to convince us there are other nutters out there. Then 7:14is the mason obsessed one, also Rick, who thinks the world is run by a dwindling handful of old chaps with funny hand shakes. Probably less influential than the gay lobby these days, but why spoil his fun.

  46. Have noticed that you have posted comments on anonymous contributors before, Mr. Checksfield, but would suggest that without them most blogs would die.

    Unlike you, I do not have a site of my own, neither the time or expertise, but I enjoy looking around and joining in on things that interest me. Sometimes I use my own name but, whenever I do, some other anonymous person accuses me of being about half a dozen other people. In consequence I now post anonymously, but I do not think it makes my views any less valid. They are, after all, just my opinion. You may agree or disagree as you wish.

  47. No more confusing than using your own name and being accused of half a dozen aliases. After all, what's in a name? e.g. who is Mingles4all or Steve for that matter?

  48. I am not Rick and dont even know who he is and nor am I mason obsessed just stating the obvious its not who you are, its who you know that matters.

  49. You could not possibly visit these pages without knowing who Rick is, thus giving a lie to your statement, Rick.

  50. Who ever Rick is I think he will enjoy this. At the risk of upsetting the cold hearted who prefer to keep their heads buried firmly in the sand, the(stay clam & carrying on brigade) The BBC dont come out smelling of roses nor do the politicians or police although now that they are being made redundant they are singing like larks and about bl**dly time too.

  51. Rick, must hand it to you for bare faced audacity. At least we know who you are even if you don't.

  52. I have been invited to a Gala drinks reception on Friday in the precence of the Queen, totally unexpected but actually quite exciting. I do think its very das thet when Tracy Emin and Mary Portas were coming to the town TDC blitzed the place. We are now being visited by our queen and so far theyve done nothing. Stinking harbour, dead hanging baskets rubbish everywhere. We shouldnt have to put up with it anyway but this is just too lazy. I do hope TDC dont show us up. Whatever your views on the Royal family they should show some respect. If this visit cant help the regeneration of Margate then we are in trouble. Theres going to be loads of press coverage. Clean the place up and it might encourage people to bring their business down here.

  53. If she sees your spelling you might finish up in the Tower. On the other hand, maybe you have been on the juice again!

  54. not the green eyed juice you are so used to. Why so bitter?

  55. I don't believe's Armistice Day!
    Thought she would be with the other Royals at the Centopath in London or somewhere where they have roots, but Margate?
    Will be nice to see a glimpse of her though & im sure lots of people will be lining the streets to welcome her....long live our Queen <3

  56. 12:06 I am not bitter, my friend, just allergic to nuts!
