Sunday, May 27, 2012

How could you resist? Tracy's invite

Not easily, if you care for Margate, Thanet and East Kent, the Turner Contemporary like it or not is the establishments big chip in the regeneration game. A lot hangs on it.

I think you should make your own mind up on this, suffice it to say I'd measure Tracy Emin's talent on the same scale as that of Damien Hirst. After seeing the exhibition I watched the Andrew Marr Show, noting that it seems Mr Marr has tired of politics and appears to be boosting his credentials as an art expert, hence a fairly substantial interview with Tracy Emin.

Anyway it's good to see the Harbour Arm lively with it's own contribution to art, generally Margate looked busy.


  1. Tony obviously living in Ramsgate I didn’t get an invite but went today anyway and think they have spread the exhibition to thin, like drowning a drink, what did you think?

    Perhaps if there had been a gallery of Damien Hirsts as well as the Emins it would have been a lot better.

  2. I got an invite myself along with that exclusive CT9 crowd, would have gone anyway.

    I cannot say that I have been enriched by the experience, and was rather disappointed with not even having the full bed, just a blimin mattress with a branch on top.

    Still I'm pleased that her glassblowing skills are improving, comforted that should the arts council wither and tax dodging nondoms get taxed that at least she will be able to earn a crust.

  3. Check out Matthew Delooze's work about strange and dodgy art works and more importantly why they are being put in certain places, very informative.

    Kent seems to have more than its fair share and the money involved wasted is unbelievable.

  4. I visited the turner center yesterday,and to be honest I felt like a goldfish in a swimming pool,there just isnt enough there,I'm sure Tracy emin is a talented artist,but the bed with a branch on it????really???it would be lovely to see a display of Margate,from when it was a popular seaside resort,to what it has become,filled with photographs,sculptures and memories,but then I don't know nothing about art,I'm just a local that lives here,

  5. Its far more popular in the evening with the secret societies holding their little "meetings" maybe this is what it was really built for, who knows ?

    1. I could visit in the evening,but by the time I've worked out the secret knock and the special handshake the "secret meeting"would be over,I have no idea about why,or for what purpose it was built,but I do think that once its served its purpose it will fit in lovely with the rest of the empty properties that grace Margate.

  6. First I've heard of its out of hours uses - shades of "Retired" I think
