I recently wrote to Tanya Oliver the KCC “Officer”, who as “Head of Strategic Development Unit KCC” is tasked with matters relating to Kent TV and some of Kent’s other more er …. unusual services like film?
Not stuff normally associated with local authorities, core services but under the enlightened administration, headed up by Peter Gilroy Chief Exec and directed by the charismatic Tory leader Paul Carter, we in Kent, are blessed with more media, than we probably care for.
Any how to cut to the chase, I asked Tanya Olivier, if there was a future for Kent TV in my email of 18th June “I recently contacted your office, initially as no minutes were available for Kent TV's Board meeting for March. I now understand that this was cancelled as I understand nobody could be bothered, which poses the questions is there a future for Kent TV since clearly optimistic and some would say unrealistic ambitions of substantial sponsorship have not materialised as far as one can see.”
The reply (same day!, thank you, other KCC officers, please note) included this, in answer to my inquisition, “The Kent TV Board met last week and the minutes for that meeting will be available online shortly.” which didn’t really answer my question “is there a future for Kent TV”. I checked yesterday and the minutes for Kent TV were still not available (meeting held 2 weeks earlier), however it appears they have been placed on KCC’s website sometime after five in the afternoon.
For me I cannot understand why Tanya Oliver did not think it worth mentioning that the contract for Kent TV was to be extended, still just as astonishing, no mention of costing is included in the minutes, why not, one wonders? Kent TV now extended till March 2010 ! (I’d like to say by popular demand)
An excerpt from the minutes worth mentioning “John McGhie said that there had been an issue with morale among some of his staff who had felt unfairly victimised by some publicity and press releases”
I know John McGhie is an occasional reader of Bignews Margate, so I would like to empathise with him and his staff, having been on the rough end of a less than complimentary letter from Ten Alps myself. I also consider myself to have had been unfairly treated uncomfortable as it is I still have sympathy for his colleagues.
Its also noted that Geoff Miles will be sending a thank you letter to staff, its a pity that such courtesy, doesn’t also extend to sending to apologies to offended Kent taxpayers, something which I am sure the Board of Kent TV are aware and yet according to their collective minutes have seemingly ignored. See ECR’s concise report
As you may know I alerted KCC and the Electoral Commission to a serious error in Kent TV’s first time voting video, this features as Item 5 of the minutes, there version reports that they withdrew the film within four minutes of being alerted, however what they do not mention is that I informed KCC around mid-day who did nothing despite, my pointing out that they were responsible for Kent TV’s output(as confirmed previously by KCC legal expert).
When KCC refused to act I contacted Chris Wells , Peter Gilroy (Board Member) should have been aware of all this since I had emailed him on the matter, still no mention I wonder why. Before anyone unleashes their legal dogs, Kent TV acted professionally in this matter and withdraw the video immediately, however KCC’s refusal to even discuss the matter is questionable.
My post are a commentary and should be taken as such but it would be handy if KCC were more efficient in publishing information perhaps KCC could get their corporate a*se into gear and let us know what’s going on in more detail more often.
As you know KCC are ruthless where image is concerned and recently threatened the Audit Commission with heavy handed legal moves over their use of the word “negligent” to describe its role in the Icelandic banking debacle, according to KOS Michael O’Higgins chairman of the Audit Commission stated “It would be an inexplicable waste of public money to seek a judicial review of a dispute about the meaning of a single word” (but not I guess for Paul Carter or Peter Gilroy who demanded the removal, presumably at any cost)
Anyway I will be adding I hope a bit more to the debate on Kent’s unique media experiments, with or without a response from KCC’s press office.
Quote of the day KCC press office “someone will ring you back” Yeah Righto! last Thursday, Friday and Monday!
Having briefly read through the minutes, I feel there is much to worry about in terms of what’s hinted at and what’s not stated.
It would be nice KCC actually put some meat on to the bone of their sometimes vague assertions like this one “Whilst you may not support Kent TV, it is contributing to savings on publications of £1 million in the current year” yes but precisely how much is that “contributing to” how about seeing the calculations!
This has been a long winded post but “finally” (thank god) may I invite you to take the “pepsi taste test” as far as community TV is concerned firstly click on a low budget model (which didn’t require 1.2 million pounds) Your Thurrock and then Kent TV I think you will agree both look professional.
KCC Kent TV minutes, six months since the last Click Here
I always think it prudent to remind KCC and others that postings on this blog are subject to Human rights laws to protect the freedom of speech something which took KCC a while to acknowledge in relation to KCC’s Kent TV.