Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thanet Times in Cover up!

How things or indeed Times change, if memory serves me correctly, the Thanet Times at one time used to have a certain down market sort of style of titillation often featuring for no particular reason a semi clad young lady justified by a couple of lines of inane twaddle.

Anyhow whether that's a loss or a positive is of course subjective, myself I've no opinion.

This week I've had more time than usual at home, time to glance through the local papers, today, I was taking a look at the Thanet Times report on a charity event in which a hundred plus stripped off to ride a rollercoaster for charity.

The charity event has been covered in several newspapers, including the Daily Mail, which is part of the same business that also owns the Thanet Times, taking a quick gander I realised that the Thanet Times coverage was different, in that they had apparently manipulated the photo they used to remove women's breasts.

Now I just checked the time on my PC and yes its already ten years into the twenty first century, although I suspect the editorial department of the Thanet Times and Gazette is stuck in a different time zone somewhere around the 1950's, crikey even the Mail online carried uncensored photos.


  1. To be honest I didn't look at the picture long enough to notice, must be old age

  2. Tony, you are just a pervert !

  3. Lets hope anon 408 is not a response from KRN editorial dept
