Sunday, May 04, 2014

The road to Hell

In common with many not immersed in Thanet's benefits culture I frequently leave town early and return late from work. Thanet's economy is very much skewed to poverty pay, with recently arrived migrant workers, fodder for exploitative employers on zero hour contracts,  the main exception of course being the public sector, with the council being one of the areas largest employers.

Content with my lot in life, minding my own business, coming back into Thanet after a days proper graft, I was surprised to find that a road which cost 81 million was closed, why I don't know maybe an accident, although I'm guessing it was for some sort of maintenance in which case, why is it happening at around 19:00 and why such poor signage.

I refer of course to the East Kent Access Rd. which if you ask me (you didn't) is poorly thought out and badly designed road. Thanet council it seems owe a few millions to KCC, which is perhaps the reason that Clive Hart has ignored the wishes of the TDC planning committee to turn down a crazy (IMHO) scheme to build 500 houses on land controlled by EKO, having already in his short time as Council leader been at the helm, to waive goodbye to several millions in write offs as a direct consequence of poor management by council officers.

This blog posting was going to be the usual middle aged angst about the local road network, still believe it or not I google things as I write, which turned up this post, by Cllr Ian Driver, who despite not agreeing with his politics or orchestration of protest, I take to be an honest person.

Anyhoo Cllr Driver has made several accusations, about inappropriate behaviour, it seems that rather than thank, Ian Driver for whistleblowing, and making public an email, which might constitute "gross misconduct", Thanet labour leader is alleged by Cllr Ian Driver to have reacted in a rather hostile manner (IMHO), this is how Ian puts it "As soon the Council Monitoring Officer raised my concerns the Leader of the Council, Clive Hart, demanded to know why I had not been reported to Kent Police for stealing the e-mails from the Council. He then wrote to the Chief Executive suggesting that she arrange for the matter to be reported  to the police. 

Whatever the rights and wrongs concerning allegations that Ian Driver has made, regarding the Chief Executive Dr Sue Mcgonigal and Cllr Clive Hart, surely given the recent reports of Thanet's council continuing reputation problems, would in not make sense for the Chief Exec and for Labour leader to step down, till such time as a proper investigation has been made concerning EKO planning matter.

Still maybe those well paid people administering Thanet council didn't read the report from the LGA (local government association), or maybe they just don't get it.

PS I just wonder whether hacks at the Isle of Thanet Gazette?KM Thanet Extra have balls to properly report these goings on. 


  1. Why don't you cycle instead? Thanet has an excellent cycle network, you'll save money and you'll get fit! What's not to like?

  2. Theft is in legal terms the "intent to deprive the legal owner permanently" therefore as the email concerned was only borrowed to copy CH & SM would find it difficult to get the police interested in that allegation.
    Further the proper recourse would be to report said Councillor to Standards assuming after the last balls up they are ready to convene.
    This is becoming a PR disaster of majestic proportions

    1. That all depends whether a copy taken of the original would be deemed to be also the property of the originator and then that would be theft. With copyright laws copies frequent are the property of the original producer.

      If the police showed interest in a cowboy blogger anything is possible.

    2. Not for one photocopy anyway and not for whistle blowing

  3. I've turned on comment moderation on, reason local authorities are happy to bar the public from meetings as is my experience and their more than happy to misuse public funds on misuse of the legal system

  4. Well said Tone and why had tdc voted itself a living wage with our tax. But not for the rest of us?

    1. I can assure you that not everyone at TDC gets a living wage (ie cleaners and catering staff). Check your facts.

    2. 16:39, TDC presumably means the council and they may vote and staff salaries and increments. The councillors do not get a wage, just an allowance, as they are not employees of themselves. I know it is hard for you but do try, there's a good chappie.

    3. The council voted for a Living wage for all staff a few months ago. Did that not happen 17:18 or are you outsourced.

    4. You're confusing TDC with KCC!

    5. There is only one person round here confused, 3:34, and that needs to be prefixed with 'very' in your case.

  5. KCC pay a Living Wage but not TDC and not the private sector? How many other councils unilaterally pad out their salary bill like this?

  6. LGA report description of TDC as toxic and dysfunctional is all the more severe given TDC funds the membership and invited them in for whitewash! Tdc is beyond repair and we don't need to wait another year for a clearout.

    1. Short of revolution you have no choice, 18:27, and I doubt you are the type for the front ranks when the shit starts flying. You are just a meaningless mouth.

  7. Sandys has resigned and several civil servants sacked so waiting a year isn't valid. Linking revolution with a crappy local council is laughable. Hart to go?

  8. You still do not answer the question, 13:42, how do you propose to bring about this change a year early. Oh, and please spare us the with holding council tax idea unless you are prepared to start it off.

  9. Tax boycotts and meeting boycotts and delisting candidates and candidates pledges would be relevant. While arrests would happen anyway or are you saying TDC is not corrupt?

  10. You arr saying the council corruption is ok and we should wait a year for elections with the same people?

  11. Tim's new MP website with manifesto downloads on demolishing Arlington and TDC corruption
