Clearly I cannot thank everyone in local government district and county, but I'd just like to highlight some of those things we should be thanking politicians for this year.
Thank you for emptying our dustbins, except when you don't, like this last week.
Thank you for wasting money(£2 million approx) on pointless services like Kent TV .
Thank you for losing £50 mill in Iceland.
Thank you for wasting money on advertising, as with Kent Highways.
Thank you for setting aside £300,000 of public money for the KCC Healthwatch advice line.
Thank you for Transforming Margate's Library into an all singing all dancing Thanet Council customer services area for paying fines, community charge and claiming benefits with minimal privacy.
Thank you for admitting to spending £4.5 mill on the old M&S building millions over its current value.
Thank you for doing nothing to save Margate Museum.
Thank you for doing nothing to save Ramsgate Maritime Museum.
Thank you for putting the future of Northdown House at risk.
Thank you for the hasty consultation Northdown House and the inadequate figures available on which to make any judgement.
Thank you for bending over backwards when dealing with property developers, just look at how Sea Bathing Hospital has ended as a pigs breakfast.
Thank you for all those politicians who've been justifying development plans whilst being rather reticent to mention some of the benefits they already had.
A genuine Thank you to Thanet North MP Roger Gale who has retained some dignity and who's a genuinely free thinker as far as China Gateway was concerned without the "twenty five thousand crisp reasons" that may have cast a cloud over some others.
Finally Thank you for two of Thanet senior politicians, who may well provide something to look forward too, when they have the chance explaining their conduct to the Standards Board.