Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Minor Point

Why has Simon Moores taken to renaming blogs in the sidebar of his blog, myself becoming miserable of Margate or something similar.
                                                                                                    I'm almost inclined to repay the compliment but lack the energy etcetera, although "Tit" sprang to mind not for the first time, still let's be mature we are adults after all.


  1. 'Brave New Tit' has a nice ring to it.

  2. Tony, It's called 'Wit' and rhymes of course with 'Tit' and I will try and explain the concept to you one day. :>)

  3. A tit is definately NOT a minor point although a minor may not have one

  4. Simon you should realise there was only one blogger in Thanet with wit and that was ECR. Nobody comes anywhere near his standard, just a few poor imitators. Stick to just insulting people Simon as is your style.

  5. Let it bounce off the armour of your indifference Tony.

  6. To add a minor point, I think the renamed blog links are on the side bar to the Thanet Independent Group Archive blog that Simon has recovered for posterity.

    Whatever one's view of these names, I think the saving of the TIG offerings is well worth while lest we should ever forget what a ridiculours bunch of opinionated bandwagonners they really were (are assuming the right wing homophobic assassin with the Aids dart gun has not got one of them yet).

    Interesting that the BBC, having reported this story of a councillor being targetted on one day, have done no follow up. Surely it should have been one of the hottest stories in the South East.

  7. "Interesting that the BBC, having reported this story of a councillor being targetted on one day, have done no follow up. Surely it should have been one of the hottest stories in the South East."

    Wants to think himself lucky he's not being targeted for his children (if he has any)that's the real subject they want to keep buried.

  8. 12:39 I think he is gay so hardly targetted for his children, unless of course he has done an Elton and adopted one.

  9. Well at least he has ambition then, Peter.

  10. Tony, how strange he refers to your blog as an almanack! I wonder if he knows what an almanack is. Famous one include Whittaker's and Wisden's. The point being that an almanack is an annual publication that includes information such as weather forecasts, sports information and tabular information in a particular field or fields often arranged according to the calendar.
    Unless of course he knows that you are changing your blog to report Margate's tide tables one a year.

  11. 7 30 I find it disrespectful not to use the title Bignews Margate, still it is what it is a blog.
