Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Thanet Councils flawed parking consultation

Just what do we expect of Thanet council, not much, no surprise to find the councils parking consultation flawed.

First they want your postcode, not to bad but a bit intrusive, secondly it gets a bit weird as one thing they need to know is if you're a councillor amongst other things (but not whether you work for the council) more sensible things, like if you live in Thanet are also included.

Question 4 asks which types (plural) of transport you use regularly, allowing only one choice, if like me you drive a car van cycle and walk then this question is frankly meaningless.

Question 6 is loaded, if you know what I mean, you're asked to prioritise choices for parking, first suggestion is "Charges are reasonable" no surprise "Free and unfettered by marauding council parking wardens" for some reason doesn't get a look in.

At this point I gave up God knows who created this consultation perhaps, council officers perhaps the labour leadership set aside five minutes, clearly it's as useful as a diversity Supremo in a Thanet council.

I tabbed through to the last pages, no surprise under Labours new bonkers administration, they wish to intrued on your ethnicity and religion and all that nonsense, yes of course, I know, when parking don't we all take into consideration whether a parking bay is suitable for someone of mainly European ethnicity albeit with a mixture of Irish English Scottish perhaps mainland european, perhaps with a tinge of regret that we've turned our back on Christianity, fleetingly considered Judaism, Islam and Buddhism but realised they'd conflict.

When will Clive Hart and his council get real, stuff the lunatic diversity horse crap and try thinking clearly. Rant over!  PS if Thanet Labour believed truly in diversity, why do they need to know ethnicity information it really doesn't matter.

If you'd like to check out the "consultation" for yourself click here


  1. Do they ask if you're a fat middle-aged bloke who never stops moaning?

    1. Bonkers is the new black, Tony, better get used to it.

      Can I still say black?

    2. Only if you add 'is beautiful' and avoid any hint of sarcasm!

    3. Seems to be Cheryl Cole's favourite colour so it must be OK.

    4. I honestly feel the best way to get more revue into the Council is to fine the buggars who park in the wrong places, taking up all our pavement spaces to park their cars, When did this become legal, wasn't more than 9 years ago i received a police notice on my car saying if one of my wheeels were seen to be on the kerb again I would receive a £50 fine.
      We now have Caravans Lorries, motorbikes and cars on our pavements, not to mention cars parking on the bicycle lanes. No one is prosecuted but us caring motorists are penialised and have to pay for our legal parking, whilst others are left to continue to illegally park on our pavements.
      Do the council or the Police Care? Don't seem to just want a easy life and get us to pay.

  2. I can't be bothered to read an argument that is littered with poor grammar. It just comes across as a mindless rant with no substance nor reason. Yawn. What were you saying?

    1. Says regular reader, why do it to yourself ? And please don't respond it will only confirm that whoever you are you're a grade a idiot.

  3. 22:58 comes across as a pretty dull dim wit. He sits up late on his PC, writes a comment on a blog which he then goes on to tell us he cannot be bothered to read. So what the 4X is he doing there responding to it.

    He also tells the author that the posting is a rant when Tony himself has already concluded it by saying just that. Talk about originality of thought.

    No, what we have here is yet another anonymous troll who contributes nothing save the rather pathetic non-constructive criticism of others.

    I also makes no apologies for referring to this late night twitterer as 'he' for no woman could have so little to do with her time.

    1. This "he" is a she actually!!!

    2. Are you sure? Better double check!!

    3. If you are a she, 11:14, shouldn't you have been doing something useful at 11 oclock at night like making your husband's cocoa or checking the kids were settled? I thought a woman's work was never done.

    4. I'm a lesbian, and get the other 'alf to do that!

    5. Yogi, you can still get cocoa if you look around.

  4. I have filled in the parts of the form apart from religion and ethnic origin as everybody can do. There are also a few boxes in which you can add comments. So Tony fill in the form and give the council your views, maybe you can ask them where the parking for the thousands of visitors to Dreamland will be? Unless of course once again you can only be negative.

    1. Tony is not alone is being critical of this so called consultation and if you care to go over to Michael Childs blog you will find others similarly unimpressed. This is just a pathetic attempt to pretend their recent sell out on parking in some parts of Thanet, in order to buy the TIG support, had some kind of rationale behind it.

      Whilst I would agree one does not have to answer the ethnic origin and religion questions, why ask it if we are all equal. Might as well ask what we have for breakfast for its relevance to parking habits.

  5. The main thrust of this post was concerning the professionalism of the parking consultation, my competence as author of this blog has never been in doubt yes it's full of errors poor English and grammar and clearly I should tug my forelock remove my hat as a mark of respect to tits like 08:47 22:58 and 21:59 but that not likely is it. So do yourself a favour address the topic not me!

    1. But Peter you can say that on the survey and that you dont want the council to spend money on parking but do you want visitors to be able to park and spend cash in Thanet?

    2. Peter how will the council know your views if you dont fill in the form? Even if the form is flawed you can still write what you think including telling TDC to spend money on cycle paths and how to fix the form. Be positive.

    3. Just a final comment I see today's Thanet Times has a bit of free editorial featuring Cllr Alan Poole who is promoting this "consultation"

      This is the councillor who when the Conservative administration, had backed down over selling tennis courts in Ramsgate, still insisted on make a case despite his opponents having already capitulated to some astonishment of conservative members and non partisan observers such as myself.

      Wonder if Cllr Poole will answer questions about this flawed questionnaire consultation

  6. It doesnt matter if you print dodgy money, hurt cats,make hate calls or drink drive, as long as you get your grammer correct you may join our organisation!
