Monday, February 23, 2015

Ukippers it's how politics is

No big surprise watching last nights "Ukippers", the BBC's documentary exposing Thanet South UKIP. The documentary makers got what I assume they came for, a particularly outrageous example of irrational racism, from Cllr Rozanne Duncan.

I get the impression that UKIP bods have been on their best behaviour, while being filmed, still if you point a camera long enough you'll get what you're after.  I imagine some many many hours eventually they hit journalistic pay dirt as Rozanne came out with, what is to most of us I guess complete bollix.

Anyway it shows how politics is, run by ordinary people, not professionals, so sometimes  theysay what they think or talk utter bollix, I dare say if you'd point a camera long enough at Labour or Conservatives you'd come up with some similar outrage, and if you didn't notice members of both of those parties have, since the last local election, each had a member make shocking homophobic comments.

I've certainly heard racist comments from UKIP politicians, and I'm sure the public is more than aware that some Ukippers are from the dregs,  BNP, NF and similar. However how will people vote in the General Election, those who are sick and tired of the dominance and subversion of British interest by the European Union led by Merkel.

It's a tough choice, Ukip are offering to cut us free from Europe, Cameron Clegg and Milliband have done nothing to stop our British democracy being slowly dismantled by undemocratic Eurocrats.


  1. Tony you seem disappointed UKIP are nothing more than Tory racists?

    The anti-EU ideas are just against Romanians or other Johnny Foregner.

    Farage is the perfect Cityboy racist.

    1. You'll find racists in most parties, you're own use of johnny foreign gives the game away.

      I spoke to Farage a few years ago sharing similar views, clearly he wasn't the neonazi mainstream politicos suggest, since then time has past and clearly UKIP represent a legitimate concern.

      The EU has no legitimacy, so voters are left with the choice vote for the more polished politician of the mainstem who will continue to dismantle Britain or UKIP who promise to through a spanner in the works.

    2. Throw a spanner also similar views to 20:14

    3. Throw a spanner also similar views to 20:14

    4. "The EU has no legitimacy". Even by comparison with your wildest flights of fantasy, Mr Flaig, that is - to borrow your term - bollix. The EU is completely legitimate, and the UK's, and every other member state's, membership of it is ensconced in negotiated and agreed treaties.

      By the way, much of the health and safety legislation that covers your own industry - and which you frequently hold up as a shining exemplar - is rooted in the EU. It was merely adopted by successive UK Governments.

    5. How can the EU be legitimate when it's creation has occurred without public consent consultation or debate let alone a vote.

      The EU is corrupt from top to bottom, I'm sure that tyrannical states are often legal Stalins now Putins Russia, Saddam's Iraq, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Israel but who'd want to live in them.

    6. So you're putting the EU in the same category as Zimbabwe and Russia. You really have swallowed the UKIP fairy tale hook line and sinker. Looking at the characters in the documentary, you are clearly in perfect company. Good luck to you.

    7. The UK originally decided to stay in the EU (as it is called now) after a general referendum. Subsequent developments in the format of the EU have all been governed by treaties between member states, ie including the UK. The UK Parliament has, therefore, agreed the developments. The UK Parliament is elected via universal suffrage. Or are you miffed because nobody asked you personally for your views on every detail?

      You say the EU is corrupt. So, it would seem, is the political system in the UK. So it would seem are the banks. So, it would seem, is a large slice of big business. So it would seem are certain UKIP politicos, given what has been discovered about expenses. What do you plan to cling on to in your little UKIPPER world?

    8. If UKIP are so wonderful and not corrupt how come they recruited Neil Hamilton as Chairman ...from cash-for-questions fame?

      UKIP seem to specialise in idiots and crap Tories.

  2. Tony refuses to explain banned civil servant Cunningham standing...

    1. You seen a bit of a f***wit of I may say since I previously answered a similar question like this
      Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 17:51:00 GMT
      Re George Cunningham it seems that he is legally entitled to stand as he is not a civil servant he works for the EU which is I'm told a club and not as I though a state which usurps British sovereignty.

      It seems I have encouraged a rag bag of left wing nuts, just briefly at least Lib dems have done something to help education unlike the sleazebag Labour of the last government.

    2. I also wrote this answer, of your having any difficulty seek advice from an adultMonday, 26 January 2015 at 11:28:00 GMT
      0639 I'm not dodging the question, I myself would say that by any logic, George Cunningham is a servant civil or otherwise working for a government in this case the EU which has final say in much of British legislation.

      This is a personal view but one im happy to argue should any one wish to do so.

      Still I don't doubt that Mr Cunningham is p probably not the only person in this situation.

      I'm sure that this has been mulled over before he was cleared as ap potential candidate

    3. Tony even for you this is incoherent. You've merely pasted your earlier views which contradict each other(!) on Cunningham being a civil servant.

      If he is then he is banned from standing - for any party - isn't he?

    4. Even an f-wit such as yourself can manage the concept that although he is working for the EU as a servant of that organisation technically it is not a government, also I can see and agree that in actuality it certainly appears that he is performing the role of a civil servant for the government of Europe.

      Since you're so upset about this may I suggest you contact the electoral authorities.

      Still of you look at the background of politics as is and compare former foreign secretaries or indeed the likes of Blair who's made millions from working with all sorts including human rights abusers then you've little to get worked up about.

    5. Tony you're digging yourself deeper.

      Now you confirm Cunningham is a civil servant (of the EU you hate as a UKIPPER). The hilarious bit is you saying technically the EU is not a government. When it is ie voters, politicians and civil servants and laws and budgets etc etc.

      So Cunnignham is standing illegally.

      But you seem to be saying (as a former LibDem councillor candidate) we should just ignore this?

      Who is the LibDem Thanet Chair who approved this illegal candidature. No other party has done that.

    6. I'll end this by saying you appear to be better educated than myself however your deliberately stupid replies are pointless.

      Legally your wrong although morally or rather ethically there seems to be a conflict THE END

    7. Tony you're talking more nonsense. Surely Cunningham is illegally standing (even you confirmed he was a civil servant) - and how is that an ethical conflict except by the Libdems and you ignoring it?

      Would you be silent if he was a Labour candidate?

  3. Wauchope is a Party gimp like Mackinlay. What exactly do they offer Thanet after failing to be elected anywhere else?

  4. Farage has been in the EU for years and achieved nothing. What would he do as a UK MP for yet more years?

  5. Oh no Cheggers is back. Perhaps he can explain why Wauchope is the best UKIP can do for Margate? He's a councillor for somewhere else isn't he?

  6. How can anybody decide who to vote for before the manifestos are published?

    Can we expect to see UKIP scrapping development of the railways?
    Will UKIP bring back fox hunting?
    Will UKIP allow smoking in any establishment that wants it?
    Will any school be allowed to become a grammar?
    Wil ex service members be given priority on housing lists, police and prison service jobs?
    Will fracking be allowed anywhere?

    Maybe Peter C already knows the answers.

  7. Cheggers seems rather shy in explaining why he supports Wauchope for Margate....

    Fair point though that the Labour candidate is invisible - is there one?

  8. Watching the documentary, it seemed that UKIP's dismay was that Duncan VOICED her views, and did so in front of the camera. There was no apparent problem with her HOLDING her racist views. That is what is deeply troubling about UKIP. They are a party made up of people, many of whom are racists, sexists, xenophobes and homophobes. Saying that the Party is not racist, homophobic etc is therefore tough to accept.

    Of course, I doubt that Duncan's racist views have only just occurred to her. Indeed she said she has always held her opinions. Which means she held them for all the years she was a Conservative.

  9. Is it true that Tim Garbutt is really standing this time? Even he can't be as bad as some of the other clowns (Driver, Murray, Obesadiah).

  10. It looks like UKIP's star is waning as far as the general public is concerned. The latest polls show a drop down to 11% . Looks like the local outburst has cost the party dearly.
    Since Peter C is shy in telling you, Paul Wanchope is a London based barrister currently a local councillor in Tunbridge Wells and previously the Conservative leader of Camden council. Previously tried to become a Conservative MP and is another person that tried his luck at becoming Kent's Police Commissioner.

  11. I hear that a KCC councillor has given UKIP the big elbow and is rejoining the Cons. Will resign his seat and stand again? I think not. Why would he give up the £13,000 annual allowance for attending 8 meetings a year, but then KCC have stopped publishing the number of meetings councillors attend.

  12. Crikey Wauchope sounds even more irrelevant to Thanet than Mackinlay and Farage. How can a serving councillor frorm somewhere else be standing as MP? And why have they not resigned their positions to do so?

    Iris may as well stand as John O'Groats MP.

    Mere party chancers. And when has Wauchope even visited Thanet or stated one policy since August?

    1. Vote for Farage to get in and you could end up with the South Thanet UKIP chairman as his representative whilst Farage goes back to London to do all those press and tv interviews. Yes Martyn Heale could become the person that looks after the seat and holds the local surgeries for local that have problems.
      I think we need to know who will be the stand in before the election.

  13. Farage has made it perfectly clear he'll never be in Thanet so Heale or Shonky will simply relay any comments for him to ignore.

    He was never in Thanet before selection in August and since then has appeared perhaps 3 or 4 times.

    He'll be even more invisible than Sandys and Thanet will continue its decline.

    Worse the area will be seen as racist.

  14. I m sure Tony will like this one. In the year to may 2014 Roger Gale claimed from the tax payer £19k to rent an office and £119,000 to pay staff. Laura Sands claimed £25k for an office and £125k to pay staff. Looks like Shonks and/or Heale can look forward to big pay days to be Nigel's men in South Thanet.

  15. 4 staff at £ 25k not exactly a big payday. And Heale and Shonky can barely read and write

  16. Yes the dumbing down of politics. Those two can't improve the towns.

  17. For all those making comments on George Cunningham,
    His current role is Deputy Head of Division for China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Mongolia in the European External Action Service, based in Brussels. Having begun his career as a British Army Officer, George worked for British Petroleum and BritishTelecom and ran an NGO before travelling the world as a diplomat both for the United Nations and the European Union.

    He is determined, having walked with a backpack the length of Africa for charity for more than two years in his youth. Much of the focus of his life has been on helping young people get on with life.

    "Thanet and Herne Bay need investment for their rejuvenation and for people to get jobs. This will be the focus of my candidacy and as an MP if elected", said George. He has already attracted investor interest for Manston Airport through his international contacts from the Gulf, China and Taiwan.

    George is now settling in Sandwich, Kent, while working during the week in Brussels ,Just a bit longer then commuting to London . His policy interests include serving Thanet, education, protecting privacy, foreign policy, security and defence. 
George is married to Florence. Their two children, Constance and Curran, both went to school in Sturry.
