Monday, March 12, 2012

KENT WATCH - Freemasons as reported by BBC radio Kent

From Grand Lodge website
It seems Freemasons are on a recruitment drive, in the media, believe it if you will, freemasons are coming out of the closet, as it were, suggesting not for the first time that all those dark views, of sinister goings on and funny handshakes are, well a myth.

BBC Radio Kent was more than happy to give a fairly or perhaps more accurately easy ride to Nigel Brown the Grand Secretary to the Freemason, I was not surprised at how the presenter Clare Mcdonnell referred to  "a new report published this morning" without giving much, if any background to it's authority. Having delved a bit you can read it here for yourself, anyhow this independent report was commissioned by freemasons, not quite the same, as say a government, judicial report and a quick glance suggest it draws on many academic works (see extensive bibliography at back of report), however none of those books that I've read full of bent coppers, politicians and dodgy dealings appeared to be source material.

"Not a secret society" says Nigel, Clare asks "Why do people think that of you, do you think?" Nigel "a combination of reasons, we have been very open for a long time.... during periods of intolerance we've had to adopt a defensive position" Nigel then citing Nazi persecution, had I been Clare I'd have interjected and pointed out (I'm drawing on my own experience aged 55⅓), that the WW2 ended 66 years ago and that this is the first time in my life, I've ever heard, the rather (to me) preposterous notion that Freemasons are "open".

Now I've no doubt that most members of freemasonry are honourable, honest, decent people including Nigel Brown, still here's a couple of things that contradict and perhaps reinforce a contrary view, first  two acquittances applied to join, both joked their motive was personal advancement, later one told me that it did help considerably, secondly after posting the view here on Bignews, that Kent County Council had promoted freemasonry, I was surprised that shortly after a council contractor, hinted at legal action, should I express my views again. As a result I had to take the extraordinary action of asking Kent Council, if they acknowledged my right to freedom of expression since the company threatening legal action, were running a Kent council project and in my view by implication were representing the local authority.

I was interviewed by the BBC about the threat I'd received, for some reason, they decided not to transmit the interview, apart from a bland remark about KCC not wasting taxpayer money on media projects (£2 million roughly), fortunately print media such as Private Eye were a little more open. I understood later from someone who might know, that it would not have been of public interest.

Coming back to last Fridays "phone in" programme after interviewing a mason from West Kent, Clare Mcdonnell reassured us with this ".....they are not a secret society, ...... I still don't quite know what they are .....but they are not corrupt..." and I'm content with that as I'm sure you are.

I'm sure that at some time soon, the BBC will be reporting on real news, like Kent councillors having to repay expenses, the use of official cars for private business, wishing to charge for freedom of information requests, and perhaps most disturbing matter of grieving relatives, unable to arrange the timely and dignified funerals ought to be given a bit more air time.

The masons will always be contentious, given the personal oaths to fellow members, however yes most are decent people, not on the make and at the end of the day, we have to take individuals on face value unless we know otherwise but then we shouldn't accept that group whose loyalties are to one another above all else are entirely benign.

To hear the programme again click here you have until Thursday night, listen from about 1hour 8 mins in.


  1. Freemasons were persecuted under the Nazi regime.

  2. as were millions jews, gipsys, homosexuals, priests, slaves, etc. pretty much any group which didn't embrace fascist ideology

  3. Top level freemasons funded the nazi regime.

  4. Of course, 2:20, you have irrefutable evidence of that statement. Thought not otherwise you would not need to post it anonymously.

  5. These gentlemen raise a great deal of money for Charity.

    Granted no where near as much they trouser themselves but there very generous.

  6. Grammar is not your strong point then, Ed! By the way, if freemasons are secret, how do you know how much they 'trouser' to use your rather quaint Arthur Daley type expression?

  7. Tom Clarke, if you want the full dirt, read 'America's Nazi Secrets' by John Loftus, a former US Army Intelligence officer who used his high level security clearance to scour the top secret document archives.

    The first edition was heavily censored, but much of that information has since become declassified so the revised edition is complete.

    Here is a taster

  8. 3:57 don't you worry brother , nod nod wink wink

  9. Peter, the freemasons, like anything corporate, have a pyramidal structure where those at the bottom are the least informed.

    Those at the top are involved in every kind of racketeering and atrocity known to man, not to mention committing mass genocide in the hundreds of millions.

    This may come across as a bit OTT to some, but I can assure you that it is the truth.

  10. I just knew this would bring out the conspiracy nutcases

  11. Tim its not about conspiracy nut cases, its about deep distrust, at the top of the freemason pile we have royalty from what I can gather, many different degrees all the way up to grand master dib dob.

    A feudal throwback.

    Most normal people, who have given freemasonry any thought, view masons with distrust, until last friday, I always thought them to be the secret society that they are.

    Masons remind me of children, in the playground, who claim to know a secret and they choose to exploit a bluff.

    If freemasons crop up in conversation, I always look at peoples reactions, as to whether people look disturbed by something they don't understand or smug because they do.

    I imagine the need to join, must be either personal inadequacy or some power trip.

    Still whatever, what us normal people understand, is that freemasons agree to look after each other to the detriment of the rest society, end of story and why most have healthy distrust.

  12. "I imagine the need to join must be either personal inadequacy or some power trip."

    Or maybe they just like to spend time with like-minded people, just like a Working Man's Club.

    "Still whatever, what us normal people understand is that freemasons agree to look after each other to the detriment of the rest society"

    Just like members of a Working Man's Club...

  13. Not in the least 8 47 as you well know.

    Apart from loyalties undermining normal society, you have situations where for instance such as in the police where a chief constable could be subordinate to an ordinary constable.

    Granted members of all sorts of clubs societies, clubs, teams and work groups will look out for each other but that is generally an open clear relationship.

  14. Don't you just love the wild imaginations of the uninitiated. Most of what is written here, including Tony's offering, is conjecture, but what is certain is that you will not get any masons contributing to reject it. Mind you, they are probably having a good laugh at the expense of the plebs.

  15. The Chief Constable was in the constabluary football team, but the team captain was a lowly constable. Gosh, that must have made it difficult at work!

    You seriously are having a laugh, Tony, I hope.

  16. Why isn't our "Diversity Champion" looking into this? Or is he one of them?

  17. 11:57 I think he is one of them, though I do not know about his masonic connections.

  18. Of course Tom Clarke (no relation to tim Clark?) I think you're the one having a laugh.

    Whatever the truth is and Freemason can certainly promote the impression of being benign, however I'd question the assertion that they are an open society, where is the evidence?

    Incidently I remember back in the seventies some Grand dibdob apparently representing freemasons say that corrupt influence of freemasonary was in the past and again some time in the ninties similar nonsence and now in 2012 Freemasons are OPEn come off it if anyone's having a laugh it's the masons surely.

    I think if you were to ask most members of the public if
    Freemasonry represented a secret society most would say yes, which is the truth.

  19. How many of our elected members are masons? do they have to declare it.

  20. Tony, the laugh was not over whether masonry is open or secret but your suggestion that masonic rank somehow takes precedence over police ranks (or army for that matter).

    Imagine the general, recently initiated into freemasonry, ordered that the division would attack at dawn. However, his private staff car driver, master of his lodge, decided that they would delay it for 24 hours because he wanted to see his girlfriend.

    Like I said, Tony, you are having a laugh or you have been reading too many conpsiracy books.

    By the way, no connection with Tim Clark, other than we both seem to be right of centre.

  21. Yes, they have to declare it where a conflict of interest may exist.

  22. The freemasons are a global network of sneaky bastards whose mission is mainly to sow terror and chaos, to be blamed on, for instance, a nation ripe for regime change.

    The most famous recent example of that was probably the attack on New York's Twin Towers. Closer to home the London Tube Bombings.

    Further back, there was the Great Fire of London, where they also knocked out the water wheel so the fires could not be extinguished. That cleared the slums and paved the way for the financial centre and the scam that is the debt-money system.

    And they love killing kids (for maximum propaganda value); Oklahoma City bombing; the recent Norway massacre.

    If an insider threatens to blow the whistle, an occultic ritual sacrifice beckons, often in Paris.

  23. Tony your claims are so laughable that several Masons have taken it upon themselves to spend time rubbishing your claims.

    You might be on to something.

    As for the BBC why did they promo Freemasons

    Good call

  24. Well spotted 7:25, for you evidently noticed their masonic handshake in the way they type on their keyboards. Very clever of you but, for the less bright amongst us, can you tell the rest of us which ones are the masons.

    Anyway, must dash, for got to leap on the old nag and ride into Margate with the rest of the brotherhood to carry off some virgins to the caves.

  25. Randy, virgins in Margate! That is one hell of a well kept secret.

  26. Sorry Peter and Tony, 'fraid you misunderstood me. I am no great admirer of Freemasonry, although I would be the first to admit that I have no personal experience within their club. I do have some experience of the way that non-members can be disadvantaged and am therefore a mite suspicious of them. However, I could be equally suspicious of Round Tablers and of course anyone from Thanet District Council.
    No my reference was to the fact that this post would bring out the conspiracy theorists - and sure enough, look at Conjecture Merchant at 5:25. Surprised we haven't heard from Retired yet.

  27. Oh dear, ALL of your comments leave me in near fantastic laughter! It's almost impossible to tell which side anyone is on for all of the sarcasm.

    My hubby has been a US Mason for 30 some years, and never once has he come home from lodge with goat hair on his coat, nor gotten any contracts for his firm that were not squarely bid. And he is not necessarily a lowly member of the rank and file. He hold an office with the Grand Lodge of the state.

    As to my being omitted from lodge meetings... once every two weeks, go hang out with the guys? "Nite dear, see you 'bout 10, right?"

    C'mon. Nazis? Police corruption? Boys, boys. Now understand that I'm a PR queen, so I appreciate the fact that their office of public information has bungled things up pretty well for the past 300 or so years. Let the good ol boys go hang out, eat cholesterol laden dinners now and then and stay out late. I get to go to some pretty fun conferences. And I have been selected to chair some Masonic boards and serve on committees.

    These guys are perhaps an upscale Lions club. They have solid values, good moral principals, and they donate to charity in our community every year. Oh yes, and that bit about supporting their own... They do in a way. When a man loses his job, the Masons will offer to help if the gent seeks it. As a loan.


  28. Keep drinking the fluoride Nancy.

  29. 08:48, if that is the best you can come up with I reckon Nancy wins the argument hands down.

  30. What the masons do provide is a wonderful justification for all life's failures. It was not down to their shortcomings but because they weren't masons. How would they live with themselves without such an excuse.

  31. How many council leaders such as Conservative Christopher Garland the leader of Maidstone Borough council are there holding positions of "authority" within local government ?

    Why should we have any secret societies in public office ?

    All secret societies including such as the buffalo's who probably failed to get into the masons must be removed if we are to have any chance of having decent transparent public services.

    Charity work seems to be just another ploy to help throw a vision of decency over any dirty secrets of which there are many.

    Removing them all from government, councils, police, military, and especially all services connected with children, is an absolute must.

  32. Now it is the poor old Buffalo order, a more harmless bunch of fruit cakes it would be hard to find, who come under scrutiny. So what about the Orange Order, or the Lions, Round Table, Rotary, Inner Wheel or numerous Regimental Clubs. Then there are the clans, the Working Men's clubs and maybe even the inner city gangs, some of them have rituals and initiation ceremonies.

    What is it with you, 2:28, still claimng you did not pass the 11+ because your old man was not a mason. Sad!!

  33. 2:28 If these dirty secrets are secret, how do you know there are many unless you are one of them.

  34. Nancy I am pleased you've enjoyed your visit, as I mentioned in the original post most freemasons are honest, decent people however nothing in life is perfect, least an organisation that encourages personal loyalty, which can then be manipulated.

  35. "Personal loyalty that can be manipulated." Think the army might call that 'esprit de corps' and most of the better schools require it. It is not unique to freemasonry.

  36. Many masons who have been hood winked (pardon the pun)into joining without fully realising what they have joined or worship yet continue to speak out, even though they are clearly terrified of what might happen to them if they are identified, which is why many still have to choose anonymity.

  37. I suspect the BBC may have discovered they have been infiltrated by Freemasons. If you look at their news website you will see that they seem to have decided not to publish Nigel Brown's answers to "Your questions to the Freemasons":

  38. 6:03 as a former mason let me say you are spouting through the wrong end of your anatomy. There is nothing to fear.

    By the way, what is your excuse for remaining anonymous?

  39. Look at all the secret societies luvies coming out in force to protect their brethen. As for the last comment from a former mason as Victor Meldew says "I don't believe it " once in always in.

    Secret societies are destroying our once great country from within.

    Battle for Britain - Traitors Past Gave Away Our Freedom - Anthony J Hilder

  40. 7:24 Thought you earlier said that ex-masons feared reprisals and now it is once in always in. Which is it?

    As for our freedoms, they were largely given away, along with the Empire, by weak at the knee politicians, predominantly Labour.

  41. If we just stop playing their mind games, their 'power' will disappear like cockroaches in the light.

  42. 9:39, how presumptuous of you to think that anyone gives two monkeys whether you play their mind games or not.

  43. Big fan of suburban, middle class sitcoms are we, 10:10? Poor misguided muppet, that you are.

  44. You have lost me 1:37 for the connection between mind games and middle class surban sitcoms totally escapes me. Do you make these witty asides up all by yourself or do you have an army of helpers? Obviously you know about the muppets so not exactly highbrow in our own tastes are we?

  45. What escapes me is why anyone would go along with a system that, if we keep going on this path, will destroy us all, including you.

  46. Should all be made to put markers on all their businesses and made to declare if they are operating in the public sector so the public have a choice whether to use their services or not, many would choose not to , I am sure.

    Having spoken to a LIB Councillor who is also a magistrate but not a Freemason, who told me that every event he attends that is related to being a magistrate, the first thing he is asked by the other magistrates /judges is what lodge he belongs to. No wonder we have an in-justice system in this country.

  47. How about an inverted pentagram tattoo on the forehead? That should do the trick 11:09.

    More Rockefeller dirt.

  48. 11:09 More stuff and nonsense. No mason asks anyone what lodge they belong to before first establishing that the other person is also a mason.

    Do you make it up as you go along?

    On the tatoos, yes good idea as long as people who justify it also have 'CU next Tuesday' tatooed on their foreheads. There would be a lot of those, rather more than masons I would reckon!

  49. TATTOO has two letters 't' in the middle. Nonetheless, spelling apart I agree with your suggestion but would go further. All these conspiracy folk should have 'NUTTER' emblazoned across their foreheads.

  50. How funny that anyone who dares to tell the truth is a conspirator. The sooner all secret societies are exposed the better for everyone.

    No need to tattoo all who travel on the square.

    Just a simple badge with their symbolic symbols will do such as the compass etc no need to make them wear their 'kid' gloves or 'butchers' apron to work, they might look a bit silly in the tv studio, parliament, council offices, courts, police station, hospital or grammar school etc and could well frighten the horses or even the old 'goats'.

    Either way the public deserve to be alerted to who they are really dealing with, be it male or female and it would be useful to know how many of the women's institute are also members or married to masons.

  51. 5:36 Your truth might carry a bit more weight if you put a name to it. As it is you are just another anonymous poster trying to make out that there is skullduggery afoot.

  52. Does Tom Clark really exist

  53. Yes, but does Norman Brickhouse?

  54. Are, so you're a Muslim in disguise, Asif!

  55. Many know there is horrendous skullduggery but to whom would one to report it. Surely not to the crown police force who appear to be nothing more than masons in disguise.

  56. Flaig wrote:

    "Still whatever, what us normal people understand, is that freemasons agree to look after each other to the detriment of the rest society, end of story and why most have healthy distrust".

    Tony you are so ignorant.

  57. We are trying to put together a list of Freemason MPs, Lords and Public Servants etc. So that the general public might discover exactly how corrupt this secret organization is, and how deeply this corruption is rooted in our society.

    So, if you know examples of Masonic corruption, please go to and send the names and brief details.


  58. Jonathan, trust you are complying with the Data Protection Act on how you retain and publish this information. Oh, as a thought, how do you check that your information is correct and not just supposition. Presumably you phone the subject and ask if they really are a mason?

    Surely you can find something better to do with your time.

  59. I'm gonna prove freemasons are at the cover up of my sons death to protect some council and firm, the council and police are full of them it's great what you can find out if you look hard enough cannot wait to make my story public lol
