Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Stumbled across one of those regular email rants from IMS who send out regular publicity for local demos and Thanet Watch Magazine and also promote Videos produced by Christine Tongue

EMAIL From I assume Christine Tongue


Tel: 07947 424505




A campaign has been launched to stop UKIP leader Nigel Farage being elected as MP for Thanet South.

Thanet Stand Up To UKIP is a broadbased campaign supported by trade unions, local people, Labour and the Green Party, LGBT and disabled activists.

The campaign has been launched even though UKIP hasn’t officially announced Farage is standing,

Campaign coordinator Bunny La Roche said: “Local UKIP activists have said Farage is on the shortlist and that means he’s bound to be chosen to run for Thanet South.”

Bunny continued: “We are dismayed that Nigel Farage is on the selection shortlist for south Thanet.  Farage is part of the establishment - a hard-right Tory.  He tries to present himself as the man of the people, he's not.

“He will only look after the interests of his class - the rich and powerful. That's why he's happy to make deals with the Tories. He has nothing to offer people of Thanet, except hatred, racism and bigotry. “

As evidence of what it claims is Farage’s “racist” attitude, the campaign is pointing to a report written by 18 year old Thanet resident Sula Shephard which appeared in the Independent  on Sunday newspaper.

"I intend to study politics at university,” Sula wrote in the newspaper, “so, before the European elections, when Farage held a rally in Margate, my friend and I went to hear what he had to say, away from the media spotlight.

“Naively, we believed that it would be an open meeting and that other non-Ukippers would have come to hear him, but we seemed to be the only two there.

“Surrounded by mainly middle-aged, white men and a few women, we felt out of place. But we became even more uncomfortable when Farage finally took to the stage. The standing ovations were so unsettling that we wanted the floor to open up and swallow us. Strangely, his racist remark about not wanting to live next door to Romanians, which he had publicly explained away as being down to ‘tiredness’ was repeated during the rally, eliciting another ovation."

Thanet Stand Up To UKIP, said Bunny, will be campaigning to try to stop Farage getting elected, by asking people to use their vote to stop Farage'.

Added Bunny: “We will be holding meetings, producing publications, and organising protests. We will also be involved in some fantastic cultural events to get our message across south Thanet, until Election Day in 2015.”

People are asked to contact Stand up to UKIP on thanetsutu@gmail.com  if they want to get involved.


Dear Christine Tongue 

Question have you and your loose alliance of I assume Stalinist, Socialist workers and other highly rational "activists" finally lost the plot and gone completely barmy.  

You state at the start of your incredible ramble "A campaign has been launched to stop UKIP leader Nigel Farage being elected as MP for Thanet South. Pol Pot,  Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-un (junior) would be proud of your anti-democratic hate campaign as would any despot.

You continue your pathetic tirade "a hard-right Tory" , “He will only look after the interests of his class - the rich "deals with the Tories.

Compelling evidence is then bought to bare alleging Farage is a racist, coming from a highly credible source an eighteen year old (who wants to study politics at uni) even more so since apparently Sula Shephard's report appeared in the Independent on Sunday of a rally held by UKIP.

Now the rally in question, I attended and did not understand how Sula felt "we seemed to be the only two there" meaning non-UKIP members or that it wasn't an open meeting, I got my tickets explaining that I was a paid up member of the Liberal democratic party, no problem, yes of coarse at a UKIP rally not surprisingly you get a fair number of UKIP members what do really expect . 

Sula I suppose would be right in saying that the meeting wasn't entirely open, since at the entrance some fairly yobbish racist types were declined entrance to the meeting.  As for the accusation of Sula, of  being "Surrounded by mainly middle-aged, white men and a few women, we felt out of place... uncomfortable I'm sorry but Sula needs to get out more, perhaps to any political gathering where unfortunately it is true those who attend these things are predominately middle-aged and since this is Britain predominately white. 

Maybe it's me but your collaborator,  Sula seems to me to be not only to be ageist but a little racist, had the meeting been in Hackney or Southall then of course a meeting with predominately middle aged white men might be unusual.  

Anyway at least those in UKIP and those like me who sympathise with the desire to see this country independent of the EU are honest enough to use the democratic process, for someone who is so often involve in protest, its quite odd that you don't appear to be involved with any political party yourself.

No doubt should Nigel Farage stand for election in Thanet he will of course be haunted by a ragbag of work shy socialist "workers" "activist"  whose  behaviour will range from borish to thugish. To be bullied by self-righteous lefties every bit as obnoxious as any imaginary neo-nazis is clearly going to colour UKIP's campaign.

Anyway keep up the good work, may I suggest that you all get help.

Clearly it is not your view, but I for one do not believe there is any legitimacy in this countries relationship with the EU.

Who's your candidate Christine???? or is it all demo's and protest

Cheers tony flaig Bignews Margate

Sorry to all those who received this email pressed reply all rather than single reply


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. off topic ramble (It takes five minutes if that to start your own blog)

  3. You should be supporting this campaign - it will drive thousands of floating voters into the UKIP camp.

  4. As we seem to upset you so much Tony we'll take you off the mailing list to receive press releases. I thought at one time you were a fair person but this has degenerated into personal hostility that I find very hard to understand.
    Thanet Watch Magazine

    1. The point being ukip are racist ie farages repeated romanian comment. And have a narrow elderly hard right base. Hardly the future...

    2. You certainly are a one-off Cheggers! But what's wrong with campaigning for a different UKIP candidate or none at all? That's democratic isn't it? And Farage standing in Thanet is hardly democratic as he's not from the town? He can't get elected in his own town?

    3. Don't really understand what you're saying Cheggers. Many people are against UKIP because they are racist and/or claim not to be racist. That's their only policy. When digging into their candidates and (few) policies they're as bad as you'd expect. The BNP did well for a an election or two and then imploded as will UKIP. And yes we should boycott any parachute candidates of any party. I agree none of the other candidates have announced any policies - nor can they as mere mouthpieces of their national leadership. Now you tell us why you think UKIP are so wonderful?

    4. I think we've reached the depth of your knowledge on UKIP Cheggers so best of luck and goodnight.

  5. Please Christine don't take me of your mailing list, it's one the joys of blogging, what better remind me why I do this stuff.

    What could be better fodder for a blog posting, than a communication from Thanet's own socialist revolutionary committee.

    Really Christine you need to take a chill pill, you appear to be advocating an attack at democracy with your comrades highly personal stop Farage nonsense and have the cheek to accuse me of personal hostility.

    PS I'm still fair.

  6. Farage is just the new kid on the street in the soap opera that is British politics. While I don't agree with everything Christine says, she makes a good point about Farage being an establishment puppet.

    Don't get sucked in by UKIP, Tony, they are not what it says on the packet.

  7. A recession and right wing racists pop out of the woodwork that's all. UKIP have zero policies and appalling twits like Farage or Bloom or Neil Hamilton are laughable. Latchford is the perfect example of elderly right wing twits - unfortunately it makes Kent and Thanet look awful. Neither Latchford nor Shonk or the NF bloke have done anything since being elected. Just more Duffers.

  8. Come on Peter what have UKIP done? Janice Atkinson? Tell us.

  9. I for one can't be bothered Peter but if you feel you have anything to support your opinions of UKIP then don't hesitate to air them here.

  10. What? Ukip not elected in thanet or kent you say peter? Nor do you have any email from me you little prankster...

  11. Cheggers chokes off another blog debate with his empty Manston-ukip comments. ..

  12. Why is he prattling about manston again? It doesn't exist now as all the kit is sold off so it's just a few empty buildings and dumped jets. A junkyard at best

  13. UKIP, Tory, Labour, Lib-Dem and Green, they're ALL duffers who want Manston reopened. Time for change. Vote for Garbutt.

  14. UKIP haven't been elected here? was I just imagining them taking 7 out of 8 county council in Thanet last year? They haven't done much around here since but in the UKIP tradition, they take the expenses and do the bare minimum, look at Farage's EU record of meetings attended, and you strange people really want him as your next MP, wow

  15. So Cheggers would vote for Janice but not Farage but can't ecplain why or detail any policies and doesn't know Ukip took almost all Thanet KCC seats. But they're all rubbish anyway. Stick to Showaddywaddy.

  16. Showaddywaddy are a great band,

  17. The likes of Bunny La Roche, Sula and Christine Tongue demonstrate once again that it's always those who preach 'diversity and equality' loudest who are the most vindictive and intolerant bigots imaginable.

    But in the event they remain harmless and their assorted self inulgent campaigns are rather quaint.

  18. Or there's pompous pensioners with a usually foolish view on everything, like yourself John

    1. Anon 11:04:

      And then there is you - a half educated, inconsequent, inadequate, inarticulate ranter who is so ashamed of his name that he must hide behind anonymous. Whose remarks leave a slime trail over many blogs. But you are harmless.

  19. Don't set him off we'd largely confined him to whining on Michaels pensioner blog

    1. Anon 11:31 You're off talking to yourself again. You are so stupid that it takes you five minutes to boil a three minute egg.

  20. Mike Pearce regularly criticises Holyer in thr Gazette for this sort of tedious and childish debate. Just ignore him

    1. Anon, Remember that I know who you are as do others who read these blogs. In fact only recently there was a letter about you in the local paper. It said that you are a perfect idiot. I say that you're not perfect, but you are doing all right.

      I expect Tony is getting fed up so I will leave his blog to you. You can talk to yourself as is your wont.

  21. You know nothing Holyer except to ruin the blogs with your stupid views and childish insults. But yes run along now you've taken the hint, you have no contribution to adult debate

  22. Ting tong! UKIP and Janice not racist?

  23. And let's ban 'Little Britain' from our screens, racist scum!


  24. Yes the comedy is rather racist and so was Janices remark in referring to her own supporter as a ting tong from somewhere. You seem too stupid and racist to see the point.
