Saturday, November 23, 2013

"I’m doing some – somewhat vague – research" says BBC Bod referring to Blunkett's views

I often get emails from people wanting some insight into what goes on in these parts, little do they realise how shallow my knowledge is, including the BBC researcher who emailed me this week.

The Mail yesterday gave the government a rather blunt wake up call, as we all know most of us are profoundly disturbed by the levels of migration of last decade, concerned by the future schooling of our children, worried about overwhelmed health and welfare systems and bemused by the lack of any open honest debate about the implications.

Clearly the government controlled BBC, has chosen not to rock the boat, in recent times by reporting the facts on migration except when it reflects or supports a "liberal" view that we should celebrate mass migration for some vague utopian view that we have been culturally enriched ignoring our oversubscribe health, education and welfare services.

My own knowledge of Roma is pretty much zero, I sometimes walk or cycle through Northdown Rd, or central Margate and perhaps it's me but I find groups of men congregating on street corners shouting across streets up to people hanging out of windows nothing if not least alien upto intimidating, whether they are Roma or not I do not know or care.

According to the Express 3,000 Roma people have set up home in Margate already, several questions pop up in my mind, how do they support themselves? and secondly assuming the figure is true, why have none of the local newspapers such as the Gazette or Extra ever addressed the issue, obviously it's not a issue the BBC Radio Kent, would cover because of their inherent bias.

Anyhow I had a chat, with the researcher who'd contacted me, because of the incredible tolerance inherent in we British , I myself have heard little if anything of concern other than the unease of having an area which appears to have a non-english population with non-British customs.

What do you think, I pointed the researcher toward Cllr Clive Hart, Labour leader since its his area, and of course he and his Labour party colleagues are responsible for the social experiment represented in Cliftonville.

Along with Blunkett and the Daily Mail I have serious concerns, Britain is overcrowded, and no control over its boarders, and is subservient to Brussels, helped by cretinous affluent "liberals" who dont have to chase employment, or compete for school spaces, health services with migrants who have little connection cultural or otherwise with Britain.


  1. The fact that 3,000 Roma's are living in Margate and few people have noticed them proves that they're a lot less of a problem than the scaremongers are making out. Fact is they look British locals, with perhaps a little less flab and fewer tattoos!

    1. A much needed debate is instantly hi-jacked by the immigrants are no problem lobby.

      What this country has to come to terms with is its limited size, resources and infrastructure. It simply cannot go on absorbing more people forever and a sensible debate needs to ensue about a target population limit and what measures should be put in place to restrict it to that.

      Race needs to be left right out of it and we should consider, like most sensible countries, restricting immigration to those with the skills we need and who are thus able to support themselves. At the moment too many of the world's deprived see us as utopia to aim for when the emphasis should be helping them to develop their own economies.

    2. It seem a fair comment, William, however just what are the costs to the taxpayer and why can't we look after our own first and foremost.

    3. Don't get me wrong, Tony, I am very much of the charity begins at home view. However, we already spend millions on aid which is often poorly directed, helps to keep despots in power or is handed to countries with nuclear weapons and space programmes. What I am trying to say is, how much better to direct that money into projects we manage and control to help poorer nations keep their people at home.

      Look at the Chinese in Africa. They do not doll out cash to the locals, but finance projects like mining to obtain raw materials for their own use back home. The benefit to the local community comes in the form of the inward investment, the technical expertise and jobs.

    4. I have lived in two Bulgarian Villages that have a large Roma presence. The non Roma Bulgarians will be encouraging the Roma to leave Bulgaria for they see them as a drain on the tax payer. In my experience the Roma have no skills that we would find beneficial in UK. Those Roma that come here will be chasing Benefits.

      I know Bulgarians in UK who work desparetely hard and that have never taken a penny in Benefits. None is Roma.

  2. William the language of "Debate" was cleverly set long ago. "Racist" the ultimate obstacle to rational debate.

    About 12 years ago in Dover there was an incident that made me laugh. A group of immigrants was blocking the pavement. A lady pushing her husband in a wheelchair came along. And a man with a sort of English/Irish accent asked the immigrants to make way so the lady did not have to bump the wheelchair off the kerb and walk around them using the road. The responding gestures were eloquent and a fight kicked off. Which resulted in a multiple win for the individual who asked them to move. He decked them all.

    So he was arrested by Kent's Finest. Naturally they interviewed him at the police station and mentioned that his offence was racially aggravated.

    The police explained that the migrants are travelling people with a different culture and that he had been intolerant.

    At this point he informed them that he is a Gypsy and he had merely been practising his own culture of bareknuckle fighting (which IMO he was significantly good at).

    Kent Police held a conference. End of which "You can go".

    About 8 years ago my wife and I took a Sri Lankan brother and sister out for dinner. Muslims. If she got up to use the loo he went and guarded the loo door. Pair of engineering graduates working in this country. When they visited Canterbury they refused to enter the Cathedral.

    At work they caused a stunned silence followed by laughter. Someone asked if they would settle in UK. "Too many Pakis" they answered. No English person in the factory would dare have said that.

    One morning my wife set out to work with them and she took a bottle of coca cola and some pork. They had told her that their Mosque told them that if coca cola is poured on raw pork worms will crawl out. So my wife set up the experiment with a bench magnifying glass for them to observe the cola immersed pork. No worms. These remember are graduates. They wouldn't dare tell their Mosque about what they had seen.

    Churchill warned us against a mass immigration of Muslims into Europe and he warned us against the police becoming a Gestapo (enforcing laws of what you think). Now we have both situations.

    The brainwashing of teachers demonstrated

    Just sit back indigenous Brits. Reveal no opinions. And enjoy the show.

    Last time it was Pakistanis versus West Indians in Birmingham. Just keep out of it and let the multicultural theorists face the problem of not being able to blame the indigenous people. Get some beers in

    1. Hehe, I don't think the BBC bod got what he wanted from us... I was expecting him to ask the Portuguese bloke if he knew the local aquifer was polluted, or was he aware that he was being used as a political pawn and collateral on the bond market.

  3. It is deliberate policy to destroy English culture, Tony Blair admitted as much. Not that we should blame Labour or any other party for anything other than treason of course, because the policy would have come from the Royal Institute of International Affairs and associated think tanks, via the EU and UN.

    This policy also serves to boost population numbers to keep the financial ponzi-scheme, our debt-money system, running a bit longer. New passports means new treasury accounts, so that more bonds can be sold to China and others.

    And of course this policy is an effective means to add a bit of racial tension for good measure, which is always a useful tool in the political shenanigans that we have come to expect in this country.

    1. Define "English culture". Morris dancing? Black pudding? Pidgeon fanciers?

    2. Or maybe Shakespeare, Benjamin Britten, Wordsworth, Constable, Turner, cricket, playing the game, patriotism, a Christian heritage, centuries of democratic government, the world's oldest parliament, the greatest empire the world has ever seen and the widest used language in the world. Compare that with curry and kebab take-aways.

    3. Christianity and patriotism are hardly unique to England, and if you really believe that there's a conspiracy to get rid of cricket, Shakespeare, Turner and all the rest then you are clearly deranged!

    4. It is the likes of of you and Holyer that are clearly deranged 10.09 and everyone can see it.

      It is just a matter of time before you lot feel the boot of English culture up your rear ends... to kick you back to Nazi Land where you belong... enjoy ;-)

    5. Apologies John, I take that back, I thought you were agreeing with Nazi Boy.

  4. Think Britten's music, cricket and the language are all still pretty much current, Peter, but a culture develops over a long time so the historic does influence it. Notice you left Emin out of your modern influences (and why not) though Turner seems to have had a major impact on Margate culture!

    Who exactly is Nazi boy or did I miss something?

  5. It's a fact that eastern Europeans hang around Cliftonville with nothing to do. It's also a fact that housing, benefits and the NHS were stretched to their limits even before a million EU migrants first arrived 7 or so years ago.
    Surely, giving economic migrants and most particularly those not working, rights equivalent to British citizens is wholly wrong and devalues all of us.
    The EU agenda sees us all as Europeans, subjecting us to EU law without our say so and the government are responsible for letting this happen. We are pawns in a bigger game and are being forced to like it or lump it.

    1. We are ALL God's children, and as a Christian country it's our duty to look out for our less fortunate brothers and sisters!!!

  6. Having been born in the 50's and witnessed a decline in so many aspects of the quality of life in this country, I hope very much that the future of Britain will not be delivered into the hands of Brussels bureaucrats by well meaning, but ultimately blinkered people who will not see that we are already mired in a mountain of debt and overwhelming social problems of our own.
    We are told that this country can sustain a maximum population of 70 million before a meltdown. That isn't far off.

    1. The biggest decline in quality of life has been due to us not following the teachings of Christ! We really need to get back to that.

    2. "Having been born in the 50's and witnessed a decline in so many aspects of the quality of life in this country, I hope very much that the future of Britain will not be delivered into the hands of Brussels bureaucrats by well meaning, but ultimately blinkered people who will not see that we are already mired in a mountain of debt and overwhelming social problems of our own.
      We are told that this country can sustain a maximum population of 70 million before a meltdown. That isn't far off."

      Totally agree with all of that, except that I am not so sure that the people doing this are either well meaning or blinkered. Blinded by greed, blinkered by self-preservation to the detriment of their countrymen, perhaps, at best they are 'just following orders', but well meaning, no, can't have it.

      It's time to get mobilised people, because the nutters that are in control are not messing about.

      Now why can't the BBC report like the UK Column?

      @21:53, I agree with you too.

  7. Not wanting to dis a local gal, but I think Tracey's work, and the work of most of the artists in that clique, is a part of the moral degradation agenda... along with the foul language and satanic programming on TV, internet porn etc.

    And she mixes with some very dark characters... though I suppose they are the only ones left with the cash to buy her work.

    Saatchi gets a mention here, though I should give advanced warning that this is shocking material - advanced research, that will appear unbelievable to many.

  8. Replies
    1. What "sudden leap"? Even when Tony was pretending to be a Lib-Dem his views were far closer to UKIP.

  9. This blog is becoming a crap version of the Daily Mail letters page. What have these points to do with Margate improvements

    1. I'm sure that Tony will find that comment a compliment!

    2. Anon 23:00,

      And what has your vacuous comment got to with anything that is relevant to the discussion. Why if it upsets you so much do you read the Daily Mail? I

    3. I don't read The Daily Fail as I don't like it, however I like to read this blog or at least I used to when the views were more liberal.

    4. Anon,

      You claimed that this blog was becoming like a version of the Daily Mail Letters page. You then said that you do not read the Daily Mail. Can you explain this discrepancy?

    5. Anon,

      Just one more thing. You refer to the Daily Mail as the Daily Fail. The Daily Mail sells more papers than any other. This does not sound like failure to me.

    6. I've seen it, and it fails because it's run by perverts.

    7. Anon,

      Please explain how you arrived at your conclusion that the Daily Mail is run by perverts; and how do you explaint the fact that the Daily Mail is read by more people than any other newspaper?

    8. John, you are debating with the brain dead. Someone whose only response to a reasonable question is to suggest that the country's most successful paper is run by perverts is hardly intellectual.

      Some people find it hard to grasp that a majority are centre right thus explaining the popularity of papers expounding such views. Their idea of democracy is to ban everything that disagrees with their view thus explaining Milliband's attempts to stifle the free press.

  10. William,

    You're right and his kind are always easy to trap and see them hoist by their own petard.

  11. I think you've upset someone Tony!

  12. Here's your man Tony!

  13. Anyone ever heard of Russ the LibDem candidate? Thought not. So much for party politics.

  14. Leaving aside the rudeness and intellectual snobbery of Epps and Holyer, this blog has moved a long way to the right politically. No problem with that, but Flaig still masquerading as a Liberal Democrat is utterly laughable. As is the decision of the BBC to contact him as a voice-piece for local opinion.

  15. Thank you, 9:27, for I do enjoy intellectual snobbery which is so much more satisfying than the other types. I suppose you have no view on the country's most successful paper being run by perverts or the polls indicating that, as a nation, we tend to be centre right. Perhaps you just like to insult other commentators and the blog administrator.

  16. Thank you, Epps and Holyer, for demonstrating my point so quickly and perfectly.

  17. Pleased to oblige, 14:26, and may the force be with you since nothing else seems to be.

  18. You're just adding to the pile, Epps. Keep them coming, do.

  19. Anon 14:26,

    You're welcome.

    You're terribly class-conscious. You haven't any class and everyone's conscious of it.

  20. Lib-Dems not fascist? Now that is utterly laughable.

    Expectant Italian woman, comes to UK for aircrew training course, has baby forcibly removed from womb by Essex social services.

    Italian press calling us Nazis... and they are not far wide of the mark. We're in trouble, people!

    Begins 24 minutes in:

  21. Bluebottle, the same woman had already had two children removed from her custody in Italy because she could not look after them. Seems Social Services cannot win for they get chastised when they leave a child with a suspect parent and equally chastised when they take one away.

    1. Cllr Eppos, the foetus was removed from her womb prematurely and without her consent, which is unlawful, illegal and goes against any professional code of ethics you wish to name.

      We are talking secret courts, greedy twisted psychopaths, and treasonous, compromised scumbags, all following the diabolical agenda of the satanic ruling elite.

      Thank God we only have a couple more years of this insane filth to put up with.

    2. Come on Bluenote, don't hold back, come out and say what you think.
