Saturday, February 13, 2010

Margate Mayor - Margate Charter Trustees reputation is it worth anything

With the Mayor of Margate’s conviction for animal cruelty, its the case that once again the reputation of local political institutions is called into question.

Apparently at this point in time Conservative cllr.Ted Watt-Ruffell has resigned from the Tory group on Thanet council but retains his post as Mayor of Margate.

I know little of the Charter Trustees and believe that the membership is made up of District councillors for Margate.

You would think in the 21st century such nonsense as “Mayoralty” would have disappeared but clearly not, it would seem that Thanet and one presumes much of English politics, is brimming with people who wish to dress up in funny clothes and stick lumpy chains round their necks.

What’s next, will Ted do the next decent thing and resign from the council on Monday?, probably not, if you recall the Tory group seemed uninterested in seeing a by-election in Dane Valley previously when Cllr Broadhurst had upped sticks to Panama, the ruling Tory group appeared none to keen to do anything hasty, although belatedly after Bignews Margate exclusively revealed the bogus entry in the register of members attendance, there was talk of a letter of resignation which as I understand it was thrown out as Mr Broadhurst had not signed it. The election resulted automatically as a result of non-attendance not as reported in this weeks Isle of Thanet Gazette after he resigned.

It might be handy if, Thanet council reported on just how Cllr Broadhurst was “signed in” just to clear the air, was it fraud or a clerical errror we should be told, perhaps the Isle of Thanet Gazette should pursue that, rather than perpetuate the conservative resignation line.

Its my view that the Mayoralty, is an anachronism having as much to do with representing the town as a pantomime horse, still this country is obsessed with pomposity and feudal society hence the Royal family presumably descended from god knows what.

Coming back briefly to Cllr Ted, I hope he does the decent thing and we can have by-election, at the earliest opportunity, you will notice no comment from either Clive “Photo-op” Hart or even Sandy “Carpets” Ezekiel, seems both Labour and Conservative don’t want to be judged by the electorate.

Finally according to the Gazette Mr Goldspring ( representing Ted) “rounded on Thanet’s blogs for what he called the “character assassination” of his client, I’d like to point out that this blog and many of Thanet’s blogs have not mentioned the issue, so far even when pressured by family members!Mr Puss not happy


  1. Why are we all worried about a dead cat, wouldn't we be better off concerning our selves with the dead who have to come through Wotton Bassett ?

  2. None of the elected members are worth a carrot, all know exactly whats going on and stay silent and need replacing with those who give a dam

    look what happened in Kent

  3. Talking about Character assasination wasn't it the Lib Dems the only party to mention the cat cruelty charges in election literature in the recent Dane Valley by election.

  4. There seems to be plenty more hidden abuses going on in Kent and else where by people in positions of power over children, we are yet to hear about.

    If only those in the know would speakout , this man would look a saint in comparison.


    Here are the top five earning Local Authorities in 2007 and how much money they made (GBP) by forced adoption. Essex County Council: 2,469,200.0 Kent County Council: 2,156,583.00 Manchester City Council: 984,877.00 Cheshire County Council: 685,134.00 Gloucestershire County Council: 612,209.00 So that's why kids are dis......appearing into the abusive UK forced adoption racket

  6. EX- Tory (Ramsgate) Ian Jospeh Kent County Councillor and Former Social Services Manager, speaks out about the abuses committed within social services and
    stopping forced adoptions, after his experiences as a councillor for Kent.

    What tales he could tell !

  7. It is such a nice post! very nice to read it! there is some great information which is also very useful.. thanks for the sharing.

  8. Anon 01.11

    I wonder if you would care to google "The Beeches Care Home Ixworth". You should come up with a Hansard report of 1972.

    About six weeks ago Lord Clinton Davis phoned me.

    He was one of the MPs who raised the Commons question in 72.

    Until that phone call I was only aware of three child deaths, in Hackney social services care, in 3 incidents from Dec 71 to April 72.

    I was aware that Islington MP Michael O Halloran had raised a Commons question asking Minister Sir Keith Joseph for a public care inquiry. Sir Keith Joseph refused to order inquiry at the same time as he refused Barbara Castkle MP request for full public inquiry into care standards (and 3 deaths in 6 months) at the Sue Ryder Care Home Cavendish.

    Both the Bedches Ixworth and the Sue Ryder home Cavendish came under West Suffolk Social Services for care standard monitoring.

    I was the Police constable for Cavendish.

    So six weeks ago I was surprised when Lord Clinton Davis told me that his Commons question in 72 was not asking for care inquiry for the four month period Dec 1971 to April 72. He was asking for inquiry into child deaths over SIX years at the Beeches.

    To Tony's point. If there is any justiofication for a Royal family, and constitutional monarchy, it is that it SHOULD provide a bulwark enforcing separation of powers.

    The Queen is sole fount of justice in mercy. She and the people (the Crown) are the authority who parliament serves.

    Law is administered independent of govt.

    What happens though when an independent ministerial officer of the Crown (A constable) tries to access his only master the law itself ?

    A govt minister, the Attorney General, uses absolute custodianship of secret public interest to deny access to the Courts.

    There is something deeply wrong now with our constitutional arrangements. The Queen will not be judged lightly by history in this regard. If she had the intellect and independence of mind of Elizabeth 1st we would still have but one law that of the Realm.

    Her successor thinks only of becoming "Defender of faiths". Nowt wrong with that if he gave greater emphasis to his Coronation Oath commitment to become sole source of justice.

    If they cannot do what the Coronation Oath commits them to do then sadly it is time to create a system that does act as a check and balance against the increasingly dictatorial govt endured in UK.

    And of course we still do not know whether West Suffolk had its own Haut de la Garenne. Where's justice ?

  9. tony beachcomber true up to a point however you might just remember a rather ostentatious poster at the labour bunker also i think mark nottingham went over the top on this one

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Tony, I saw the poster on Mark's blog and the small print refers to animal experiments.
    On the subject of cats I am surprised how bloggers have got cats.

  12. anon 10 48 attach your name to a comment like the one just deleted and i might just consider leaving it interesting as it was.

    I think when making personal remarks it has to be signed or attributable

  13. Tony beachcomber i am fairly sure that Mark went off on one as it were

    When i get the chance i will elaborate currently away from my desk

  14. Richard Card

    you may be interested in this, although it may pose more questions than answers

  15. This is sickening and most probably also happening in Kent

  16. after reading the comments why are we concerned about a dead cat i am discusted, any so called person who would write such a poor and low life comment has no right to comment on anything, that person should be ashamed of themselves, you make me feel sick, your life must be a bucket of sick !!

  17. anyone who knows mr wat-ruffell would know he is a really nice guy, he did great things for the town as mayor, and his wife also made margate a great place to live, they brought honour and pride to thanet, his wife is a genuine local lady who works a basic job in asda, just a normal lady, ted is a loving caring father, he has worked for a local security firm for years and has protected many local premises, his fellow security guards speak very highly of him, they say you cant get a greater man for the role as mayor, the incident with the kitten was a genuine accident, please ignore posts about his past as i can assure you he is a kind family man, i know him well and can honestly say what a wonderfull man, i would say please meet him and judge him yourself as he is a really fabolous guy, he did a great job on the planning board etc, his friend stephen broadhurst would tell you the same, they have both received bad press but they are genuine family people, anyone wo says otherwise doesnt know them, they are great upstanding citizens and thanet should be proud of them, thankyou guys for making thanet a greater place to live and work in .

  18. anyone who knows mr wat-ruffell would know he is a really nice guy, he did great things for the town as mayor, and his wife also made margate a great place to live, they brought honour and pride to thanet, his wife s a genuine local lady who works a basic job in asda, just a normal lady, ted is a loving caring father, he has worked for a local security firm for years and has protected many local premises, his fellow security guards speak very highly of him, they say you cant get a greater man for the role as mayor, the incident with the kitten was a genuine accident, please ignore posts about his past as i can assure you he is a kind family man, i know him well and can honestly say what a wonderfull man, i would say please meet him and judge him yourself as he is a really fabolous guy, he did a great job on the planning board etc, his friend stephen broadhurst would tell you the same, they have both received bad press but they are genuine family people, anyone wo says otherwise doesnt know them, they are great upstanding citizens and thanet should be proud of them, thankyou guys for making thanet a greater place to live and work in .

  19. anyone who knows mr wat-ruffell would know he is a really nice guy, he did great things for the town as mayor, and his wife also made margate a great place to live, they brought honour and pride to thanet, his wife s a genuine local lady who works a basic job in asda, just a normal lady, ted is a loving caring father, he has worked for a local security firm for years and has protected many local premises, his fellow security guards speak very highly of him, they say you cant get a greater man for the role as mayor, the incident with the kitten was a genuine accident, please ignore posts about his past as i can assure you he is a kind family man, i know him well and can honestly say what a wonderfull man, i would say please meet him and judge him yourself as he is a really fabolous guy, he did a great job on the planning board etc, his friend stephen broadhurst would tell you the same, they have both received bad press but they are genuine family people, anyone wo says otherwise doesnt know them, they are great upstanding citizens and thanet should be proud of them, thankyou guys for making thanet a greater place to live and work in .
