Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow worries, the roads have been treated say Kent bods!

Here in Thanet we are apparently experiencing a mass hallucination, those like myself who thought they were driving on ice, must be delusional since if you happened to listen to BBC Radio Kent this morning County Councillor Nick Chard seemed to be claiming that all major roads had been treated, which had that been the case, would have helped keep our roads safe for driving on last night.

John Warnett (BBC Radio) could have just clarified the issue by asking Cllr Chard, exactly when did you grit these roads?

Anyway if anyone actually saw one of Kent’s gritting lorries yesterday afternoon or even early this morning (before 6am) please do tell.

I heard recently that Kent council has had to pay out for pothole damage to cars, if there are any lawyers reading this, maybe you could tell me and my readers whether we could successfully sue Kent Council for not treating the roads, I know of about ten people who couldn’t get to work this morning including me.

Still in all honesty some are made of tougher stuff including Mrs Me, who trudged to work, through the snow instead of the usual drive, taking 1 hour. Pictured above

Still these questions need answering

When were the roads in east Kent and Thanet gritted yesterday?

And why are BBC radio Kent so easy on Kent Council?

More importantly is Kent Council going to stop wasting money on big pay offs/bonuses to officers and vast PR spending, and compensate us when they cock up?

Once again Kent council have shown that here in East Kent we continue to be second class citizens


  1. When you listen to Nich Chard just remember he was the KCC cabinet member responsible for finance when KCC threw money at the iceandic banks. The Audit Commission said at the time that KCC where negligent. A statement that made leader Carter throw his toys out of his pram.

    So just maybe the gritting lorries or the gritting plans for East Kent have been mis-laid.

  2. coming back from the gym last night I got stuck in a car jam/pile up for hours, due to thick ICE, no fun - no police . Lots of black ice out there - I made phone calls for back up WATCH OUT FOLKS!

  3. Come on sheeple wake-up

    They are banking on you too stay fast a sleep.

    While you are sleeping they are creeping, look into the LSP local Strategic Partnership, find out who is really running the show

    Alex King (Tory)deputy leader has just added Towergate to the board along with another property developer Simon Wright Homes who has just liquidated one of it's companies.

    The snow is the least of our worries.

  4. It's not just Thanet.

    Folkestone and Romney Marsh caught it bad too and the A259 didn't appear to have been gritted before it fell.

  5. Our bins will not be collected again due to a few snow flakes,
    If we lived in Iceland would they ever get collected?
    Iceland! is'nt that where £50million of our council tax has been "salted"away!

  6. Yesterday afternoon, the lorry was gritting in Ramsgate which had suffered more snow than Margate, Birchington etc

  7. first sighting anyone else spot the gritter yesterday

  8. one in broadstairs just driving around not actuly salting at least it looks good to the general publicas usual being taken for fools by KCC HIGHWAYS

  9. one in broadstairs just driving around not actuly salting at least it looks good to the general publicas usual being taken for fools by KCC HIGHWAYS

  10. one in broadstairs just driving around not actuly salting at least it looks good to the general publicas usual being taken for fools by KCC HIGHWAYS

  11. one in broadstairs just driving around not actuly salting at least it looks good to the general public as usual being taken for fools by KCC HIGHWAYSjerigh

  12. Well the one in Broadstairs, presumably seen four times by the previous contributor, did drive along the road from town to North Foreland early in the morning and was gritting. However, please don't let me spoil a good old anti-KCC moan. Wait till the meteor strikes or even the second coming for it will be KCC or TDC to blame as usual.

  13. I saw a gritting wagon on queens avenue turning onto Grosvenor Gardems in Margate at about 6.30pm on Saturday 4 Feb
