Friday, February 03, 2012

BBC Judge and Jury?

Chris Huhne resigns, having no choice following allegations, as I understand by his ex-wife, who suddenly if I've got this right, confessed to having taken penalty points for a speeding offence (way back in 2003), some years later in 2011, which should have gone taken by her then husband.

Both will now appear in court to answer charges of perverting the course of justice, now I cannot help thinking, the rights and wrongs of this will be decided by a jury, however I cannot help thinking that the over  the top coverage being played out just now on the BBC's News channel is prejudicial, and if I was unkind might suggest its also biased and plain boring.

Switching channels, I see Sky news have other items on their news, maybe as I often suspect, BBC Journalist are just too lazy, why bother reporting news when, you can chit chat in a vaguely relevant way to a colleague standing somewhere in Westminster talking well informed bollix.


  1. This nation's saving graceFriday 3 February 2012 at 16:23:00 GMT

    oh what a tangled web we weave...

    ah well, go back to your constituency and prepare to be arse-raped in the showers.

  2. If this was a Labour MP (or cllr) you'd be the first to brag about it Tony.

  3. If it was a Labour MP (or Lord perhaps) he would probably have got his female office worker to take the points, rap and sundry other things he wished to plant on or in her.

    Don't make such a fuss 4:24. They are all at it and point scoring around us Thanet bloggers is just plain silly.

  4. I agree entirely 4:55, but my point is that Tony would've been the first to score points.

  5. Absolutely. It is just cheap political point scoring. Not only have the Liberal Democrats abandoned their principles, values and beliefs over the past 18 months or so, but the holders of two of their four Cabinet posts have had to resign because they've either been proven to be liars and cheats or they are alleged to be. You must be so proud when you look at your membership card, Tony. And you must have your tongue in your cheek when you rant at Labour.

  6. What do you expect from the lefty BBC! Them lot at Sky are driven by nothing more than Truth, the Spirit of Honest Journalism, Neutrality and the non-Commercial ethics and standards of it's owners. Let's get rid of public-owned media and have the quality of Sky, ITV and Channel 5 in it's place.

  7. HAHAHA!
    Now that IS an entertaining post.

  8. Totally agree with you about the BBC, all there coverage about the "doomed" Euro, which is now slowly rising against the pound and still 25% stronger than ten years ago when it started.

  9. Undoubtedly Auntie has a pro- Labservative / establishment bias.

    However I think the single biggest reason for there being so much coverage today is the general curse of 24 hour news programming, which has to blow up any story to fill the broadcast hours.

    The peculiar CPS decision to announce that they had made a decision and would be announcing what it was the next day helped a lot with that, mind. It created half a day's worth of airtime filling build-up when they could have just got on with it.

  10. Readit, I think it is more about us getting weaker than them being strong.
    On another point in the Mirror yesterday there was a picture of Britains gold reserves in the Bank of England vaults. It is valued at at £156 billion. Which is rather strange because the Conservatives said before the general election that Gordon Brown sold of all our gold. If this was the case then where did that lot come from because the price of gold has been up since 2008. So was the £156 billion spent after the general election on gold or was it already there afterall ?
    Gold does not earn interest and only appreciates on market value. It only appreciates when there are problems ahead. At the same time Germany holds record gold reserves and so does Italy and Portugal. Even Greece has got a bit tucked away. So I think the BBC may have a point.

  11. Getting back to the original posting I think the thought on most political minds is who is going to win the by election.

  12. Perjury carries a hefty sentence lets hope it gets apply correctly and not whitewashed as normally happens for those in the Bullingdon ssociates club

  13. @Tony B and Readit.

    I'm afraid the markets are all rigged, the banksters can steer them any way they want.

    Phantom piles of debt are being electronically swapped back and forth to be used as collateral for more debt, net result; ALL western currencies are being gradually devalued to prepare us for the single currency.

    Not that Robert 'commie purpose' Peston will tell us any of this.

  14. annon, I am not an economist but I do understand gold, the gold standard and the post war Bretton Woods agreement.
    It is also interesting what Ron Paul has to say about the federal reserve.However even though I am not one for conspiracy theories central banks do seem to be printing money and buying gold with it yet the currency is not backed by it.
    In the picture in the Mirror the bars were not standard gold bullion bars they were 1000 troy ounce bars.The current price of gold and silver and the record prices paid for scrap is to complete contracts to supply these bars . The question is who are buying these bars and for what reason ?

  15. You are quite right, Tony B, you are not an economist, but then, nobody in the Labour party is which is why they always make such a stuff up of things.

    Best leave it to the experts!

  16. And exactly who are the experts, Anon, in what is commonly regarded as an imprecise science?

  17. Back to the topic, Tony this story is unique.

    The Lib Dem Energy Secretary is the first Cabinet minister ever to be forced from ­office by a criminal ­prosecution

  18. Good point 2 35 but there are so many grey areas see reference to Blairs in todays Times, no surprise to see Mrs Blair linked to Bahrain a country quite familiar to human rights abuse along with Kazakhstan one of her husband clients.

    Mr Thatcher was happy to entertain low life General Pinochet who just happened to be President of Chile at the time many hundreds were murdered thousands tortured.

    Nice people, that's politicians for you, puts Huhne's situation in pro portion

  19. Annon 01:12, it still does not alter the fact that the central banking system and invetment banking institutions are hoarding gold.

    As for Chris Huhne my gut feeling is that he is innocent, but then as annon 01:12 points out I am no expert.

  20. You don't expect, Anon 2.35, that Tony will concede a negative point against his Liberal Democrat Party, do you? He is a politician too.

  21. 8 53 Ironic as it may be I believe that the BBC has along with other broadcasters once again been pushing at the boundaries of honest reporting and what might be consider prejudicing a future trial.

    Ironic given allegations of perverting the course of justice, which is why I wont be conceding a negative point, since until we have the outcome of a trial, we simply don't know either way.

  22. Well you've covered all your options if Huhne is found to be another Liberal Democrat liar and cheat. It'll have been an unfair trial!
