Monday, September 19, 2011

Youth comes to Margate, Turner Contemporary and I go to Vue

new turnerMarvellous, joyous and er … well no doubt a few more superlatives could be thrown in the direction of Turner Contemporary with their second Exhibition “Nothing in the World But YOUTH”

Unlike the “Revealed” show this one has more than one contribution from an artist, I, in my somewhat sheltered life have heard of. Turner again was represented, with some oil painting, and 4 watercolours/sketches anyway being the latest Thanet blogger to comment I’d go to Michael Child for an expert opinion, Luke Edwards mentions one of his faves (Dexter Dalwood) being exhibited on his Thanet Waves blog well I mentioned Banksy and will probably remain disappointed for the foreseeable future.

Well for myself I was pleased to see a youthful contribution from Andy Warhol, I’m guessing before he got the job designing soup cans, anyhow it was pleasing to see how busy the place was, even more so now that much of the moaning has ceased, in the local press. The TC has had over 230,000 visitors since opening and more than 3,500 this weekend, well done.

Still I suppose we will see a spike in “Turner what a load of rubbish, blah, blah,” type letters in the local press, from middle aged gits like me. My favourite was a few weeks ago from some senior Bat residing in Birchington, “ I live in Birchington, all my friends had told me how dreadful Turner Contemporary was, I always suspected it would be rubbish, last week I visited, it was as I believed rubbish” , I felt like writing to the Gazette or whatever paper and giving a youthful reply along the lines “why the F*** did you bother going or indeed compounding your misery by writing to the local paper?”

I have to say that maybe YOUTH as depicted, did lean a bit on the angst side of things so maybe the old Bat from Birchington, will be more comfortable with this show.inbetweeners

ameleeStill I felt it lacked a bit of the uplifting innocence of youth or rawer yoof type preoccupations, which fortunately were more than represented in my choice of viewing this weekend (no work) Friday I dug out a DVD “Amelie” and on Saturday went to Vue at Westwood to catch the ” Inbetweeners” movie,coarse, bad taste, brilliant a laugh from start to finish.

PS Why did Vue, make me sit through 25 minutes of adverts for condoms, beer and more booze, next time the yoof at the counter says “senior” I shall say yes please, and save myself some money. I recon pro rata Vue had about £4 out of me to watch bloody adverts, if only I was younger


  1. Glad you enjoyed it too, the Andy Warhol is quite something isn’t it, made my watsisname revolve, I think I will have to stump up for a catalogue before I can write anything coherent about the exhibition as a whole, it’s either that or spending the whole day there making notes.

  2. I think you can certainly spend some time with this exhibition.

    I assume the revealed show was more about getting things running smoothly.

    My one complaint is reserved for the carrot cake served up in the cafe, at £2.40 it could have tasted of carrot but didn't I can live with the fussy coffee and odd sugar lumps

  3. Tony I’m a tea man myself and when it comes to the harbour arm can recommend the Puffin Café for this and their cheese ploughmans. As for the carrot cake nextt ime I see mine host of the Turner Café I will mention it to him.

  4. Please do Michael I will try something different, on the beverages I am a tea man a certain times of the day.

    Earl grey is my preference although the dreaded phrase "new and improved" has appeared on my pack of twinnings and it dont taste the same.
