Thursday, June 28, 2012

Home Office nobble race for Election of Police Commissioners?

Back in may, in an article published by the Kent Messenger Group and written by David Cameron's team, explaining the new role of Police and Crime Commisioners, the following is a excerpt "This isn't just for politicians, but community leaders and pioneers of all sorts. People with real experience who've done things and run organisations, whether they are charities or companies. Whatever their background, they will need to be outstanding leaders ready to take a really big role on behalf of all of us

The overall impression was  that the new role would open an exciting era of exceptional people, representing, mainstream views and values to hold to account the management of local police forces like Kent's.

However since that time, as you might expect, the idea that some exceptional person should bubble to the surface, has I'm afraid died and party politics and the unimaginative hand of those who work at the Home Office has and will kill any idea of someone of ability representing the ordinary man or women.

My interest was heightened earlier in the year, when one candidate a no nonsense military type, who I thought at the time, might prove interesting should anyone delve a bit, briefly absorbed media attention, so I thought I'd make enquires, as to what qualifications would be required to stand for this post.

Anyhow full details have yet to be announced but as I understand it, nomination requirements and deposit are now belatedly available, still I think quite a few party political candidates, have been chosen as they have the organisation to pay deposits and gather signatures.

Despite the impression that maybe non-politicians, would be ideal as candidates for role of PCC it looks to me, that what we will get, is the standard institutionalised muppet from either Tory or Labour party, perhaps retired or booted out of Westminster?

For any independents considering standing, things will be tough, the Home Office guidelines require a 100 people to nominate them, and a £5000 deposit, to be forfeited if they get less than 5% of the vote.  Small beer to a mainstream party and lets be honest, as we all know Labour or Tory, and you could put up a monkey and still get votes, but even for that exceptional person outside of politics a daunting task.

It looks to me that the Home Office have set the bar, to exclude individuals and favour the old school, how sad, wouldn't it be great if our police could be answerable, to a normal honest person who would have a balanced view of life, rather than the usual political insider who Knows how to manipulate things.

Still with I think around 85 grand on offer, who else but a politician would be after the job, and as someone pointed out to me, £85 grand pa, no chance of getting the P45, for four years, watching politicians jump on this bandwagon has been like watching rats go up a drain pipe.

So we have a big lie "This is not just for politicians" said Cameron as far  I can see politicians, are not best qualified for the posts, but they will find it a lot easier than any competent independent.

When this idea was proposed,  it was a good one and could still be good, if amongst those not eligible to apply they added politicians to the list.


  1. Sadly, Tony, the minute you make anything subject to an electoral process it becomes political. Hopefully, not all the candidates nominated by the political parties will be former politicians, but I do agree with you that only those supported by parties are likely to have the backing cash and machine necessary for success. It is also highly likely that ex politicians will see this as yet another gravy train like the EU.

    Referring to your previous post, the same problem potentially exists with an elected House of Lords. Instead of a cross section of people from industry, commerce, church, sport, unions and the odd landed gent, we will get more career politicians looking at this as another nice little earner after the Commons.

    This is not a legislative chamber, but one that scrutinises. What a disaster if it suddenly reflects the make up of the Commons and rubber stamps everything the lower house proposes.

    Could be argued that the Lords has served us well for centuries and in the main it works. Why then fix it just to satisfy some yearning for democracy. Yet another wishy washy dream of some idealistic twit who cannot grasp that there are no ideals in the real world.

  2. one way of ensuring that only the corrupt get in

  3. At least they shouldn't be chosen from this list of crooks posing as public servants police officers.

  4. Best they remember that consent is required for them to police the public and we don't all consent.
