Friday, June 02, 2006

Local Blogger present during HSBC Bank robbery in Northdown Road

This afternoon about 2:30pm, a robbery occurred whilst customers queued waiting to be served.

I was standing at the end of the queue in HSBC's branch in Northdown Road, contemplating in the length of queue and whether I would get out before a traffic warden gave me a ticket, when all the sudden some scumbag rushed towards the door falling to the floor as a security guard grabbed him, realising that this was a thief I tried to get hold of him but just at this point the criminal shouted to his friend get the shooter, at this point the villain on the floor managed to run out of the Bank, and he and his colleagues, then made their getaway in a red car, very much like a Renault scenic.

After the robbery had finished, we were told that we had to wait until the police arrived and the door was then locked.

I had hoped to take some photographs but was advised by a police officer, that were I to do so, this would then be considered evidence and he would have to confiscate my phone. So no pictures of the torn money bag or the open case which was meant to transport the money securely, but on this occasion clearly didn't, I thought they were meant to lock these things.
I often thought what would I do, in these circumstances, and frankly it was pathetic. I have sustained a minor bruise to my little finger as illustrated in the photo below showing me running it under a cold tap.

For a probably more accurate and professional version read Kent online


  1. Well done Tony! Hope you are otherwise okay. All the best.

  2. Wounded in action eh? At least you had the presence of mind to attempt action.
    Well Done Sir!!

  3. Thank you anon & nethercourt Im Ok, all I did was react and make a pityful attempt to grab the lowlife on the floor in hindsight had I been awake I should have jumped on him with my 19 stone weight I dont think he would have been so agile after that. Thing is these people are probably damaged goods, I can only imagine the sort of people they are most likely, there out down the pub probably have beaten up their partners probably plan an exhausting day on the playstation tomorrow.

    You can only speculate on the effect on the staff and some of the customers who where visably shaken, no doubt should these scum be caught and sentenced there mums will be in the local paper trying to defend them.

    I would assume that some of those and probably the staff might have difficulting sleeping tonight.

    As for my little bruised finger it didnt rate a mention in the Kent online report, right know I wonder if I will ever be able to play the piano, not that I in the past.

  4. Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
