Sunday, June 25, 2006

Will Thanets traffic problems guarantee retirement for Stephen Ladyman at the next election?

Traffic has got to be the biggest problem faced by Thanet, and you would imagine that having one of our local MPs holding the post Minister of Sate for Transport would be rather handy in solving the transport crisis.

Unfortunately Dr Stephen Ladyman, looks likely to only make matters worse. Have a read of today's Kent on Sunday here are some quotes to frighten anyone who wishes to travel across the Thanet to get to work or go shopping or just to live '' The reality is we are a small island and we have not got enough space to build more'' (Britain), ''Road pricing is needed to make better use of the capacity we have got''and the best quote of all ''we want a few more to join (congestion charge) and I'd welcome an application from Kent ''.

There are two ways to look at this, the first is not only are the queues around Westwood and elsewhere going to get worse but Mr Ladyman presumably would be over the Moon if not only do you add 30 odd minutes to your day but also pay for the privilege, the other conclusion that I reach is that Mr Ladyman wishes to retire at the next election, in some style, and he is not entirely convinced that Tony Blair's, appalling and blundering behaviour is sufficient for him to lose the next election, to guarantee defeat, he will help keep Thanets traffic at a standstill whilst getting residents to pay a congestion charge.

Thanet is one of the most inaccessible parts of Kent, as witnessed last Friday when a tanker tripped up and resulted in chaos on Friday last week. Most people in Thanet, want to be able to travel within the area and also to be able to get in and out with ease.


  1. Thanks heavens I've got a chopper on order.

  2. Are you getting the Chopper built by OCC or is it the flying varity

  3. These politicos dont see people as people and they cannot think on a human scale like it or not I dont care how much it costs I just want some of my day back, tarmac the fields between the towms if you have to i want to go home pronto
