Friday, June 02, 2006

Random Drug Testing

KCC has recently announced that it is set to pilot a pioneering random drug testing programme in a number of our secondary schools. Presumably KCC have carefully considered the implications of invasion of privacy ignoring people's human rights and forgetting that children are individual human beings who may well object to forced testing.

In the light of some decisions and policies, that KCC, our own local Council have, such as the aborted Turner contemporary centre debacle, backing plans to vandalise the village of Wye and surrounding countryside, and more recently TDC deciding to give employees what appears to be a fun day (see today's Gazette) maybe it is about time that the public started clamouring for random drug testing of our elected representatives and local authority employees.

Drug-testing is routine in many industries, perhaps it is time for our bureaucrats and functionaries submit to this indignity particularly as they are so keen to inflict it upon innocent children.


  1. I notice the 'Gazunder' has featured a picture of a primary school alongside the drug testing article..... Oh well, at least they managed to feature the 'shock horror' story. :>)

  2. I would suggest that it would be more interesting to check the employees bank accounts,rather than test for drugs.

  3. Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
