Chance meeting results in accidental attack on Cat*
I’ve had a long day, starting at 5.45, then restarting at 5.55am having returned home to pick up my, mobile phone where I left it by the front door. Work, work, work, home from Corydon around 5.00pm. Then surf, surf, surf then, Mrs me reminds me its my Sisters Birthday, shop, shop, shop, its now gone 8pm, Oh forgot to give wifes best wishes, she will never know. Then down to Margate sea front Petes Fish Factory, on way out I am challenged “Man eating sausage” (reference to link on that fictional character ECR site) pardon I check my flies, look up at my interrogator, the man explains and introduces himself as Stardusted also known previously as kev, we had both worked @ Steelcase in Margate a few years ago, before we found fame and fortune on the Blogging circuit. I never miss an opportunity to talk about myself, feign interest in Skin of Stars weblog, (actually I do read this quite often), although I do not begin to understand the oonagi site (Strictly for young whippersnappers). Can see eyes glazing over, and feel my fish supper going cold, shake hands, just in time as it happens, drive away as incoming fire starts up, my brain tells me its Margates regular firework display, but my mind thinks innocent civilians/UN peacekeepers and I know Israel already has a buffer zone in Downing street but you never know, irrational as it is.
Anyhow, normally hot meal now cold, upshot is get dinner in microwave, take out, trip over our harmless cat and now Mr Puss is not talking, hope he doesn’t become alienated. If he wasn’t on an expensive diet, for medicinal reasons, I’d crack open a tin of Tuna.
Thank god I’m not Tony Blair or Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and don’t have to worry about the bigger issues.
* Mr Puss would like to point out these are the sole views of the author and neither he or anyone else endorses this rubbish.
PS once again his photo has been disguised