Saturday, July 15, 2006

Honour killing

Sometimes I find it difficult, to believe that I live in a supposedly free society and reading a report from yesterday's Guardian this thought is once again with me. The report in question concerns a so-called honour killing and the fact that two of the participants have been given life sentences for their part in this appalling crime.

Now the part of the story I found most disturbing was the quote from Nazir Afzal, area director of the Crown Prosecution Service "Samaira was murdered because she loved the wrong person, in her family's eyes. In that sense, it was an 'honour killing' to protect the perceived status of the family, to mark their disapproval.
"We hope that Samaira's death and the investigation and prosecution that followed will deter others who may wish to harm their own family members because of practices that are as tragic as they are outdated."
Something that would send a clear and unequivocal message, to communities who believe that they can force their children into marriages and in extreme cases murder would be a specific law against Forced marriage, something I have written about on several occasions.
The Home Office decided a few weeks ago not to protect vulnerable people, perhaps those responsible for that decision might care to reconsider.
Just as a side issue I would like to point out, that I requested the Home Office to give me a contact address for Baroness Scotland (who was involved in this decision), there enquiry office could not help, despite several phone calls and an email, I wonder what freedom we have when you cannot be given a contact address, for a minister in a government to voice your opinion.
If you would like to read, some of my opinions on the subject of forced marriage or you happen to be Baroness Scotland CLICK HERE
For the Guardian story CLICK HERE


  1. Sorry Tony, I've been in the US, trying to persuade the Septics (Septic Tanks - Yanks) that they should have the same sort of reciprocal summary extradition laws that we've 'ass'-lickingly put in place for them. Something to do with the Natwest Three. Not that I've much time for merchant bankers (that's also rhyming slang).

  2. What warped outlook honour my arse
