Tuesday, September 09, 2008

China Gateway Meeting

Tonight's China Gateway meeting arranged by Chrisitine Tongue, with Norman Thomas chairing ( I think if thats the right term) was jam packed, I count myself as one of the lucky ones, since I was close to the door at the back, able to hear what was being said but also in the cooler air, since when I did managed to barge my way in, it was too damn hot.

I can't spend more that five minutes on this, but needless to say I tony flaig had to pipe up, and give my opinion and it is this,information is power and I reckon they need a focal point since their is so much information to digest and many to do it, and yes I did suggest they start a blog but hopefully a bit better than this one, more on the model of the Save Wye campaign.

The thing is I will not be using a keyboard for much of the day mostly, in my line of work it will be a shovel, hammer, bar and specialist rail tools, but if I can influence opinion that ought to be easy for this group since there are plenty of articulate angry people in Thanet.

That's it I'm not even going to read through this to edit, any errors then its just tough titties!
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  1. Why don't these whingers go back to london and wales, there they can pick on communities who are far better off than us. Or could it be they have an 'interest' in the issue and are using the situation to further their interests.

  2. looking at the picture, just how many people were there? Its a very small hall

  3. Most present were locals who also happen to be sick of politicians of have yet to come up with any benefit for thanet we know that CGP shareholders will do all right and thats about all

  4. What are the chances that it will be as packed at the next meeting do you think?

  5. It was a good turn out and it was good to see local media taking an interest....at last.

    We need to get this application called in for a public inquiry because looking at the planning application there just isn't the information on what China Gateway will do and what impact it will have the rest of Kent...all those lorries have to come from somewhere.

  6. I helped organise the meeting in the Red Hall about China Gateway, and would like to apologise to all the people who didn't manage to get into the hall. We thought the council was going to meet on Sept 11th to make a final decision so we called the meeting two days before so that at least some people would have a chance to find out what it was all about. Thank goodness we've now got more time.

    We're all just concerned people who want to preserve what's good about this place, and try to prevent what seems to be a potential disaster.

    Go back to London and Wales? What's all that about? There are poorer communities in London and Wales than here - but how is that relevant?

    Christine Tongue
