Friday, September 05, 2008


Without prejudice
Before I proceed I have to make clear for legal reasons that all of the following comments concern KENT COUNTY COUNCIL project not any supplier contractor or even media company or their staff who unlike their bosses are sufficiently intelligent to distinguish between fair comment and defamation.

Article 10: Freedom of Expression

(1) Everyone has the right of freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

I point this out since I had some er rather heavy handed correspondence from a council contractor, I'd like to say that, my rights were fiercely defended by the local authority however this from Chief Executive Peter Gilroy " I really have nothing further to add to what the Leader, Paul Carter, said to you in his email of 4 July, that in the end **** **** are an independent company acting on the advice of their lawyers" doesn't cut the mustard for me.

Any how just a quick reminder that two Governors post are available, which is something I have campaigned for, and I did think seriously about applying but since I have an instinctive dislike of political organisations funding broadcast media and I know there are those, who would probably like me to keep my mouth shut. Still I have until the 12th September change my mind .

Apart from other reasons, I've kept off commenting on Kent TV until such time as minutes from June crept on to KCC website, I believe they finally made it late August, which since I'd forgotten about was pointed out to me by a helpful reader who was also looking. Cheers!

According to minutes the last board of governors meeting only 7 were present at meeting, lets hope they weren't there just for a cup of tea an a couple of custard creams, although if you read down there were a further 3 governors in attendance, just what the distinction is between being present and in attendance I'm not entirely sure, maybe those in attendance really are just their for a cup of tea and biscuit. Any somewhere on the second page is the tricky subject of Income Generation which ought to have been titled "who's going to pay for this?"

It all looked so marvellous, just last year, this from a Kent Council Cabinet meeting of the 16th April 07

1) Income generation (see paragraph 4) may not meet expectations initially. This is low risk as we have already received significant interest in sponsorship and the company providing Kent TV will have a role in generating income.

Contrast this 13 June 2008 meeting

Income Generation: A conscious decision had been taken to step-back from income generation for the time being although there has been interest in sponsorship outside Kent.

I take that to mean minimal or no interest in advertising sponsorship whatever, so to keep Kent TV going
".... savings generated for KCC, by reducing paper publications, would allow continued funding from the Council. It was agreed that the first step has to be to get the product right and then the income/savings will follow"

I'm not happy with Kent TV, there are some positives but the news and political coverage I find..........................................................................................

This view was shared with a senior a Labour Politician who agreed...........................................

Paul Carter thinks this
"At last week's county council meeting Bob Geldof's company Ten Alps gave a presentation about Kent TV.

It's a series of online channels covering local news and features and useful information. It's run by a couple of top notch TV journalists and a board of governors who ensure its independence.

Kent TV now has lots more interactive channels like the sport, food and how to channels. It's a really interesting and easy way to find out information, everything from what to do if mum needs to go into a care home to information about recycling. You can also post up your own videos for others to watch and a "what's on" section is coming in the autumn.

No-one balks about the importance of the internet and everyone needs information about the services they are entitled to.

KCC's investment in Kent TV is small in comparison to what we spend on advertising in the local press and on printed material.

I think it's a good investment and as everyone moves away from the printed word to electronic communication it will save money in the future.

I'd like to say the 10,000 hits on Kent TV the day after the meeting were a demonstration of the interest in our monthly council meetings, but I think Kent TV's really imaginative marketing campaign was more likely the cause!

The internet is the main way that people now access information and we need to keep up with that phenomenon. Even Gordon Brown says Kent TV is a good idea.

I say….don't knock it till you've tried it."

Anyway on free speech I'll leave you with these fine words from Bob Geldoff who feels gratitude for Britain for allowing him to "get on with it and speak my mind", I wish I could say the same.


  1. Stop bitchin Tony, look at your own Youtube site, bias or what?

  2. Sadly in this game the "disclaimer" pointing out the bloody obvious is a necessity. It seems that people far wiser than ourselves have taken to making a page or post with a stock disclaimer and linking to it from the small print. Irritating but true.

    I've said it before but I think it bares repeating that I feel that the freedom of speech in Thanet is so vital that I am quite willing to consider filing my protest against heavy handedness by publishing anything so addressed myself. Instantly doubling the cost of the action against us bloggers.

    Watching each others backs, I feel, is going to become a common need in this part of the world.

    As for the issue of Kent TV - it has so far failed to significantly cross my radar. Thus it has so far failed to prove relevant to my busy schedule. That does not make it bad just something outside my field of vision.

    If I were a marketer I would be asking how I could engage with bloggers. Perhaps by providing "youtube style" embeddable content that they might want to embed... It's an idea and I am sure there are plenty of other ideas too.
