Tuesday, September 02, 2008



As if enough money isn't spent on health administration already , KCC' latest initiative is a money wasting scheme to monitor local health services, quite why Paul Carter KCC Leader has come up with this new service, well, who knows.

Any way all I know, is that Paul Carter could be heard on radio Kent this morning telling us about a new "independant" Kent Health Watch call centre , which will allow "residents & users to raise concerns about substandard treatment in the health economy".

Well I'm thinking of setting up Kent Waste Watch, so that Kent residents of Kent can alert us to Kent Councils Five Star, er cock ups, unfortunatly Bignews Margate has rather meagre means so don't expect any fancy call centre instead you'll have to email me tonyflaig(at sign)gmail.com

Any how at this time, KCC's media centre were unable to help with a simple question of just how much is this going to cost?

I just wonder whether council officials, ever point out to Paul Carter and his ilk, that most of the public, would prefer if councils dealt with council matters like roads education libraries and that sort of thing.

**UPDATE** Just where or how you would find replacements for Paul Carter KCC Leader and Peter Gilroy Chief Executive of KCC, I'm informed (see comments) that this health "call centre" will be draining away £300,000.00 which could otherwise be used for care of the elderly, education etc. I don't know about you but for me this is a disgraceful and inept use of our money by Kent's Tory Administration, no wonder councillors would rather resign than serve in Paul Carter's Cabinet.

Just for Kent's excellent leadership, you could save the taxpayer £300,000.00 by suggest that the people of Kent, if subject to substandard medical treatment just contact the Healthcare Commission or perhaps Health Service Ombudsman who do the same job only better just a click away


  1. From the KCC CABINET SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 26 MARCH 2008 report the budget was stated as:

    £300,000 has been allocated as the budget for KHW (subject to the usual
    budget approval processes). The budget will fund the staffing required to
    implement KHW. This amount may be varied according to demand
    experienced when KHW becomes operational.

  2. Cheers thanks for the info I asked KCC's 5 star media chaps and I might get an answer sometime next week
