Just a quick, mention, and a thank you to local artist Adrian Day, for drawing my attention to a new gallery the Viking Gallery just off Northdown Road (Cliftonville ave), which is currently showing his work as well as that of Luda Burgess, Sally Carson, and Kathy Michael.
I understand that the gallery has been opened recently, which I personally hadn't noticed since most days I leave the planet fannit @ 5.15 for the smoke returning around 8 ish, anyhow in yesterdays grim, overcast and wet afternoon this gallery was an oasis of sunshine.
I consider myself probably representative of your average art goer in fact probably above average in as much as I've been to four major galleries this year and reckon the that work on show is as good as much that I have seen particularly that at the Tate Modern.
Anyway I have an appointment with a Kronenbourg, but for those of you with time to spare I recommend a visit and maybe if your one of my more affluent readers even dipping into your pockets if you see something that appeals. Also most likely you will be able to meet one of the artists as did I anyway dinner beckons as does that beer, but do nip down and have a butchers open Tuesday thro Saturday 10:30 - 4:30
I understand that the gallery has been opened recently, which I personally hadn't noticed since most days I leave the planet fannit @ 5.15 for the smoke returning around 8 ish, anyhow in yesterdays grim, overcast and wet afternoon this gallery was an oasis of sunshine.
I consider myself probably representative of your average art goer in fact probably above average in as much as I've been to four major galleries this year and reckon the that work on show is as good as much that I have seen particularly that at the Tate Modern.
Anyway I have an appointment with a Kronenbourg, but for those of you with time to spare I recommend a visit and maybe if your one of my more affluent readers even dipping into your pockets if you see something that appeals. Also most likely you will be able to meet one of the artists as did I anyway dinner beckons as does that beer, but do nip down and have a butchers open Tuesday thro Saturday 10:30 - 4:30
Just had a mate stay, he owns a Guest House near Stratford Upon Avon. I told him about the new Art Gallery to be built and the amount of opposition and he laughed, Stratford Upon Avon attracts people who love theatre, i.e. culture, 6-7 million a year I think he said. People want culture and to feel cultured. He said it's probably what Margate needs. This from an outsider, interesting.