Saturday, August 29, 2009

Eastcliff Richard Why I’ve cut my links

Trust, earlier this week a comment was placed 15 minutes after he finished a critical post of me.

The comment was bogus, a complete deception from whom I do not know.

Yesterday he refused to delete the comment, today, you will find an elaborate prevarication at the bottom of that same posting.

I’ve gone out of my way to help protect the anonymity of author of ECR on more than one occasion and would do so right now.

The author of ECR is a likable person and its with more than a little regret I have cut the link and ironically not for the last time, I acknowledge the great help he gave me over Ten Alps and the KCC TV affair.

ECR’s abusive comments, physical intellectual blah blah blah the difference is I’m comfortable with my mediocrity, clearly I shall never have the same talent as he however when fact turns to fiction, forget about it.

PS Its only from Tony Flaig if its got my name tag, although clearly some try to imitate.


  1. His annonimity is a badly kept secret though Tony

  2. Oh dear. You really have gone a bit Thanet Life here, haven't you? Deleting links to other blogs. Tut tut.

    ECR may be likeable, likable or perhaps lickable, but even likeable people don't take well to being menaced by nutters like you.

  3. 4:14 I refer you to my posting.

    Still its simple I don't have to link to anybody particularly when their carrying out a campaign of vilification.

  4. ECR is only a sad nobody, who thinks that his very limited childish remarks are funny, when in fact it makes him appear like a boy from a special school!

  5. If you're so smart then who is he Don?

  6. Do you know any more about this Tony?

    None of the other blogs seem to have picked up on it.

  7. 6:59 I'll brief Mr Puss, and get him on the case right away.

    Still a day that starts with cat doo on the living room carpet can only get better.

  8. Something about Thanet Life deleting links to other bloggers?

    If you care to take a look then you'll see there's a very comprehensive list of links to bloggers and Thanet resources in general!


  10. Moving away from the irrelevance of this inter-blog spat, Councillor Chris Wells undertook - on your blog Tony - to get to the bottom of the apparently fraudulent "signing-in" of the absent Councillor Broadhurst by his Tory colleagues.

    I have seen nothing else from him on this. How did he resolve it?

  11. think you will find ECR has removed the comment Tony

  12. Please get back to subjects like "what time does the Euroferry leave Ramsgate on Monday?"

    Can any one tell me. The Cllr/Dr and other councilors must know this surely as they will be in the launch party?

  13. Ah Go on, go on go on; Surely this has gone on long enough. Everyone should sit down and have a nice cup of tea.

  14. Anon of 928. I ascertained that no one had signed in in any name under Broadhurst name, and that the error was an administrative one, not any sort of deliberate action. This information I shared with both Tony and Mark Nottingham; Mark Nottingham certainly updated his blog accordingly, I cannot honestly remember if Tony did, but I thinl his threads had moved on.

    You will all now know this is a slice of history as Cllr Broadhurst is resigning, thus bringing an end to further speculation.

  15. who is Eastcliff Richard?

    I've heard the following three things, perhaps someone would indicate which is closest or just have the balls to say who he is.

    1) A embittered local paper hack from some cut and paste outfit like Your Thanet

    2) An unemployed man, possibly on the sick, who had a low key admin job about ten years ago

    3) A wealthy, educatated, executive type who could easily live in any fabulous city around the world - like Barcelona, Venice, New York, London, Prague or Dubrovnik but stays in Thanet to document it's delcline / rebirth.

    If the answer is 1 he is a sad idiot and should instead devote his time to stopping his paper being so flimsy and devoid of hard news.

    If there answer is 2 then I do feel sorry for him but he is still a sad twat as he should devote him time to getting better, rather than try to live a half-life through his computer.

    If the answer is 3, then hats off to the man but he's wasting his time and really ought to travel the world more and realise that there is no point polishing a turd.

  16. I don't know, but I am pretty sure that Lucy is the same person.

  17. LOL @ DrM.

    What a loser. I know neuoscientists with the Cambridge MA BM BS a Oxford DPhil and a D. MedSci who wouldn't dream of doing something as tawdry as having their qualfications at the bottom of an email, let alone drawing attention to a humanities doctorate from nowhere on someone elses blog.

    You sir are a joke.

  18. Yeah but who cares what you think, you are just some ugly, sleasy nobody with a poor sense of aesthetics who keeps photographing ugly girls for the w*ank bank

  19. Your mother must be so proud.....

  20. Is anyone going to have the balls to say who ECR is already?

    It will be the funniest thing since that old tory geezer joined UKIP and then left after he got some of Kilroy's orange facepaint on his vest.

  21. You tell us who you are "Kitten" & then maybe we'll tell you...

  22. I'm not a blogger, it isn't therefore in the public interest for my anonymity to be breached for the sake of your masturbatory fantasies.

    Suffice to say I'm blonde, big tits, sexy bum and I do everything.


  23. Its my opinion that the author of ECR wishes his or her identity known, with the maximum publicity.

    Frankly I wouldn't reveal the author as they well know, even after ECR slurred me a few months ago.

    Why the procession of lies and innuendo I do not know.

    Whether or not the revelation is ever made it will be about as exciting as a fart in a public convenience if it ever comes it will probably be from ECR them self in some theatrical boring prima donna flourish .
