Thursday, March 03, 2011

Fragments - Cllr. Clive Hart meets with Alan Poole Chair South Thanet Labour

According to a  fragment of info,  on Clive Harts Twitter, Labour top bods had a meeting, and that's the wonder of twitter, little detail but broad brush strokes.

Just what did they discuss, exit strategy, regime change, the May elections, sometimes more is less and less can be more, anyway answers on a postcard to the usual address.


  1. How to word a public apology?

  2. World domination and the Dark side?

  3. Or who has the darkest heart perhaps? Or maybe they just went to the Poole for a swim!

  4. perhaps they are both standing down please god as i think most of thanet would like that

  5. NU clear or UNclear, Harts statement of Resignation is a matter that is Unclear at the moment, NU clear it is not Poole is always good for lighting the touch paper, the pair of them are a damp squib, come on Mark light their fire, lets see how big the bang is from the nuclear unclear duo
