Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thanet councils crazy recruitment advertising

Glancing through this week's local papers, I note that Thanet District Council is seeking to recruit, new personnel to work at part of its tourism team, nothing wrong with that.

However what I do question is whether it is necessary to spend so much on advertising these four posts, for some reason Thanet District Council feel it necessary these days, to take full-page adverts or as near as they can get. I would take a guess that they have perhaps spent something in the region of a £1,000 on these. Now I appreciate that with the chief executive, on roughly a hundred grand a year, such a sum might seem petty but for the rest of us, who struggled to subsidise, large salaries, health benefits, free car-parking (which incidentally prevents people from shopping in Margate) for council employees and of course fat pensions which just don't exist in the commercial world this is a ridiculous sum of money to waste on recruitment.

Now of course I may be wrong perhaps the reason for these adverts, is part of some equal-opportunities, non-discriminatory initiative by the Council to make sure that myopic applicants are not left out. Now the Tories have just got themselves re-elected, why don't they start acting in an efficient manner, and save us some money or at the very least directed to things we as Council tax payers want.

It must be music to the ears, of advertising staff at Kent regional newspapers, when they pick up the phone from Thanet District Council. For the benefit for the geniuses that run their Council his how the commercial world do things, below is example where the business world has managed to squeeze at least 14 jobs on to one page not four, I only point this out, since often local-authoritys is delude themselves into thinking they are working in a businesslike manner, which they rarely do.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Tony! It reminds me of the Waterbridge full page adverts; buying yourself some good press coverage by being a generous advertiser?
