Monday, August 28, 2006

Wye Kent Tories are bad for us
embarrassment for David Cameron!
If you think Kent Tories have screwed up in Margate, with the Turner centre, just consider this David Cameron's main policy initiative appears to be targeted at what Tories call ''Labour's garden grab'', therefore it must be rather ironic that one of the key developments in Kent involves building a significant new town, slap bang in the middle of ''the garden of England'' backed by leader of KCC Paul Carter and his colleague Ashford council leader Paul Clokie.

Now the development I refer, is Imperial College's plans to build what they call a science park, the bulk of which just happens to involve building 4000 new houses, presumably the science involved is in part psychological (an experiment to gauge how stupid or gullible the public are) and economic (just how much money can you make when converting agricultural land into prime residential land).

It will be of some interest to those who treasure areas of outstanding natural beauty, whether Paul Carter's KCC Tories and Paul Clokie's Ashford Tories consider a change of heart and back their leader or continue to back the destruction of the garden of England.

I have yet to see an explanation, or a reason that a science park needs to have 4000 houses adjacent, I suggest the great minds of Imperial College take a look at Pfizer Sandwich which would probably be aptly describe as a science park and note the lack of housing estates.

Does Imperial College or any of its advisers, really think that the public are so stupid as to believe that Imperial College are only interested in building a science park, I would imagine that anyone with half a brain would assume that Imperial College are seeking to make vast amounts of money from agricultural land call me a cynic, I prefer to think of myself as a realist.

Kent we all know, is one of those bastions of Conservatism in England, where you can literally put up any candidate for election, even Cameron's A-list lightweights and be sure they'll be elected. Kent Conservatives have seen leaders come and go (quite a few in recent times), and they'll still be running Kent long after David Cameron has been forgotten, so what are the chances of Kent Conservatives having a rethink and backing their leader on the environment and protecting an area of outstanding natural beauty, I'd guess zero.
PS Get yourself a Garden of England T shirt or souvenirs, before its concreated from where else you got it KCC online shop
Before the construction or distruction starts Download this handy guide to Wye Pdf format guide


  1. Dont think moneys involved do you

  2. No wonder Kent, which used to be voted the most beautiful county in England, now ranks fifth after North Yorkshire, Devon, Derbyshire and Gloucestershire. We're just another London suburb these days.

  3. New Tory policy is completely at odds with itself. Cameron announced that greater priority should be given to greenfield sites for housing, whilst saying we should look after our environment...
