Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Thanet blog

Sometime in the last few days, another Thanet centric blog, has been created observingthanet, as is often the case, the author is anonymous but they appear to be well-connected. Any how this seems to have a left bias.

One particularly interesting strand, takes up the outrageous gagging of local councillor David Green, however as is the way with the comment columns the particular posting to which I refer comes down to a slanging match, with a sideways attacked on Dr Moore's Thanet life blog (clearly not everyone enjoys his self-assured style), and Chris Wells (saviour of revolutions skate park).

Councillor David Green's, predicament is outrageous, and it is easy to point the finger, at the ruling Tory group for using The Standards Board. But since this tool of repression was created by Labour, you can hardly blame the Tories if they make use of it, reprehensible as it is.

If blame should attach anywhere, maybe it would be at the door of John Prescott, being a politician or bungling comic figure is one thing, introducing harsh sledgehammer legislation which tramples on freedom of speech is another.

The Standards Board of England, as I understand was set-up to monitor conduct, in local government, however part of the draconian powers, stop councillors speaking on subjects where they have firm opinions, put simply if you were to elect a councillor because they had strong opinions against development at Westwood Cross, that would prevent them from speaking in any debate on that subject.


  1. Maybe everone is too frightend to comment tony!

  2. I have only just become aware of the fact that councillor Dave Green has been gagged, and I think it's a bloody disgrace. Especially as he's my councillor. Effectively I no longer have an elected representative to speak on matters that affect me. I'm tempted to say that the Tories are a pack of arseholes, but maybe that would be too strong language for a Pommy blog.

    And by the way, I do get to vote in case you were wondering, as I'm on the electoral register and pay my council tax.

  3. I thought I would give the council a ring to day and see whats what, not surprisingly i think they dont take to kindly to members of the public ring up on matters of this sort
