Sunday, September 03, 2006

Home truths for terror!

A few weeks ago, leading members of the Islamic community, had the gall to suggest that government policy was increasing the risk to civilians both home and abroad. The timing of their ill judged advice, came hours, after significant arrests had been made of what would appear to be home grown terrorist.

Once again we see significant arrests being made of terrorist suspect's who are apparently being trained in the way of ideological cowards, to murder and maim in the ultimate display of religious bigotry, a route followed by admirers of bigger cowards in recent times.

Now you need to ask yourself, what motivates these seemingly moronic thugs in their hatred. I realise that I don't live in an inner-city neighbourhood, but even so I cannot think of any discrimination against Muslims ever. In fact to be honest, until Islamic terrorists took it upon themselves, to play God or whatever, and slam planes into the World Trade Centre, I had rarely given any thought to followers of Muhammad pbuh, even now I don't have much thought on the subject as one man's religion is his own affair.

So British born Muslims, have been bought up in a free society, protected, nurtured and welcomed by the state so where is the anger coming from. We live in largely a free and tolerant society with a free democratic system, which allows expression of ideas, so why do a minority of young Muslims become so estranged from the society that has allowed them to grow up in an affluent and safe environment.

One is drawn to the conclusion, that sections of the Islamic faith, are so insular as to instil this hatred and loathing just because they refuse to acknowledge or come to terms with the benefits of a free and democratic Western society.

It is a pity that those sanctimonious leaders of the Islamic community who took the trouble to criticise the British government, recently just after several suspected Muslim terrorists, had been arrested for attempted mass murder, could not take time out to sort out the extremists within their community and educate them with the fact that we British (and that includes the Muslim community) are not the enemy.

My posting on that Muslim community letter

My posting on Government reaction to that letter


  1. Do not get too worried about the Islamic threat, Tony. At the moment the organs of the state have to chase around winkling out 'bad-uns' and because Parliament has hysterically passed some draconian legislation on terrororism since 9/11. Anyone who sees the Bush-Blair War on Terror differently from our Tony and says so, writes so, collects any dodgy material that is remotely sympathetic to those opposing the illegal occupation of parts of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria (i.e. Israel); is married to or closely related to anyone so far described is likely to be arrested. 3 out of the original 11 charged in the first batch of arrests will have to rot on remand for a year or more for alledgedly 'non-disclosure' about what hubbie or brothers were alledgedly up to. Our Govt's unswerving ,uncritical support of Bush and the USA position on Israel is the root of our problems.
    Our servicemen and women and the innocent public will carry on paying the price for a long time to come and long after Blair has made millions of dollars with Cherie on the 'lecture tour' circuit' in the good ol' USofA following his impending departure.

  2. Anonymous 3 07 pm, I suggest you talk to young people from this particular community,the extream ones of whom their are quite a few listen to know how they talk about women, not of their faith. Their attitudes, their knowledge, their abuse of their home, its extremely frightening, still if you wish to bury your head or take mind-altering drugs carry on because you seem to be barking bonkers. You appear to be the level-headed sort who would deny the Holocaust, time of day, in fact any sane a view of the world.

    Yes of course Palestine should be free of Israeli influence, but your ignorance concerning terrorism beggars belief, perhaps you are a supporter of these cowards with their stone-age morality. Anyway have a nice day, and try and get a grip on reality.
