Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Comment moderation turned on

Please note that I have turned on comment moderation temporarily, due to the higher than normal level of abuse I am receiving.

I will endeavour to allow all posts, however I would point out, I usually get all the abuse I need, from my work mates, so stick to the point.


  1. "Please note that I have turned on comment moderation temporarily, due to the higher than normallevel of abuse I am receiving"

    Perhaps its somthing to do with your latest mutterings erring more towards the status of "utter bollocks" than your usual ill researched drivel that can be found here.

  2. It's sad that you have to turn on moderation too.. now you know why it was unavoidable on ThanetLife because for every ten thousand polite people, you'll find one who has nothing better to do than spew invective at anyone or anything he or she doesn't like to see in print.

  3. 10,000?
    Always thought that you were one in a million, Dr.

  4. The Doc would lie through his teeth over anything.
