Saturday, March 10, 2007

Never mind the quality feel the width
as Local bloggers reach new heights

Proof that Thanet has become Kent's blogging hot spot, as Thanet life announced Friday that its hit counter would shortly pass the quarter million mark, this news was then followed by a further announcement that Eastcliff Richard's own counterstaterometer would soon exceed a rather incredible 2 million hits.

Here at Bignews Margate, figures are closely guarded, so as not to unsettle and discourage other talent, however it is impossible to suppress information concerning Google's Pagerank the measure given by Google as to the importance and relevance of any given webpage.

Therefore I would like to point out, that this page frequently scores 4 out of 10 (including Friday) on checking today I note that Thanet life scored 3 out of 10 as did Eastcliff Richard, Eastcliff Matters. ( to be fair this does fluctuate day-to-day time to time) Check your ranking or some else's at
Still as Homer Simpson would put it, IN YOUR FACE!, not bad for someone educated in one of Kents second rate secondary schools.

Apologies for that, I don't know what came over me.

On a more serious note Mr Puss has expressed considerable concern, over the fate of the cat illustrated in Thanet Life's Hooray! post, and is expected to seek assurances that the cat in question has not been flattened artificially.

Well done Simon Moores and please note that this blog would not exist had it not been for Thanet Life but please no more flat cats.


  1. We love Mr Puss and think he should have his own blog!

  2. Mr Puss is currently writing hs memoirs, but its possible he might just cobble a blog together once his publishing deal is finalised.

  3. Thank you Tony.
    Page ranking has been a problem because the weblog is but the URL I added when it expanded was

    The headache was further compounded by Google not being able to separate out "Thanet" from ThanetLife which taught me a few lessons about choosing a good domain name.
