Saturday, August 02, 2008

Thanet District Council offers cash back to minority group


Thanet council not generally known for its caring attitude has come up with a cash back scheme to a much beleaguered minority, according to that well known website

Before you get any notion or fanciful ideas of a beneficent local authority, drop it, because as many other non commercial organisations and Thanet council is no different, in that, whatever else its role, the one that they are best at, is looking after no.1.

Council Staff can now shop on line at 1500 retailers (tough titties local shops) and receive cash back into their bank accounts. I just wonder how many of our bureaucrats will now have even less time to work once they've updated their facebook, bebo or myspace, read BignewsMargate and done the shopping online.

This is apparently being run in conjunction KCC and according to the report rather than just send a letter out with employees payslips, this would be too easy for TDC, so just to make sure no one misses out they've apparently spared no expense. The scheme has been advertised with a mixture of road shows, presentations and coasters on desks and in lorry cabs?

And if your thinking blimey! what the hell do Kent County Council know about employee rewards well, fear not according, to another report in they have a Reward Advisor and team ! if you would like to know more click here. Apparently their task is to inform employees, who are unaware of the perks available to them as public sector employees, of course it wouldn't occur to anyone at the council, that some employees are already on to a good thing with job protection, free parking and pensions that just don't exist in the private sector.

Surprisingly there is no mention of when this cash back shopping scheme will be rolled out to those of us who have fund this by earning money in the private sector.


  1. A bit like the issue of Cabinet members getting a golden parachute by way of the Electoral Commission for two years after they get deselected.

    Or the other gravy train if you miss the one above publicly paid Cllr pensions.

    Or you can also have your cake and eat it by obtaining both. small wonder poeple will not vote.

    My understanding it ain't happened here yet - but it will.

  2. This is presumably in place of a decent wage as with KCC.

  3. I reckon KCC staff do pretty damn well unlike the rest of us most jobs are secure, pension which can only be funded by taxing the public way beyond what's require to pay for services.

  4. Oh Tony have a look at the pay scales the poor sods who work at what used to be Margate Library(but which is now wasteway sorry ho hum gateway)with no parking perks just grief at what has become of their Library...
