Friday, June 18, 2010

BIG EVENT Tomorrow

Obviously there is a lot of interest in Margate’s Big Event, so for those who have googled themselves on to these pages I have compiled some photos of past events so you can get an idea of the flavour of the event Click Here.

Also you can find full details from the official site if you click here.

I have to say that this event has pretty much something for everyone, also a lot of credit has to go to those who help put the event together, I happened to nip down to the Palm Bay site this afternoon, where I met Cllr. Roger Latchford who was helping set up the event.

The cabinet member for regeneration and economic development, was keen to point out the efforts and hard work of council officers, in setting up the show.



  1. Fantastic PAID council workers on overtime unlike all the event organisers in Thanet that give all time and effort for nothing !!!!!! Maybe someone in this time of economic cuts should add up the real cost of this event and also look at the lack of publicity .I love it when council people pat council people on the back ....wake up and smell the real world !!!!!

  2. Why shouldn't they get paid?

  3. I seem to recall last year that a little church group managed a week of crowd pulling events at our local parks for less than 1% of the cost of the weekend "big event" and at a considerably better cost/benefit ratio. While I think that showing the aeroplanes to my kids is great there is nothing else that particularly I like/enjoy about the day. I've not got the budget needed to buy anything being sold (often at a huge price) there.

  4. 12:04 we're not all keen to work free, anyhow perhaps, you could volunteer, certainly it's clear, that councillors in these parts don't get remunerated fairly in most cases for the work they do.

    Roger was doing what I've seen him do every time this event is on and that is helping produce the top class event that is probably the envy of other districts in the south.

    Cynical as I might be it's clear to me that most councillors do what they do because they wish to contribute and enjoy doing it, in the same way I like to advise them on how to do it.

    I often work weekends and rather uncharitably insist on being paid.

  5. Tony,

    I think you need to watch this youtube video. Crap weather for an Airshow.

  6. Anon 1204 needs to realise that this event HAS been well publicised, I have had relatives and friends from as far away as Manchester phoning up to see if I could put them up for a couple of nights, so they could attend this event. (and I did not tell them it was happening)
