Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Waterbridge return for an encore!

Looks like that well-known local firm, the "Margate Town Regeneration Company" apparently based in Reading is about to roll back into town for an encore performance at the Margate Winter Gardens.

This time they're apparently arranging an exhibition of two development schemes they have planned for the Dreamland site, both of which are expected to fundamentally change both the use of the land and the character of Margate.

Presumably the idea behind it, is like that old trick of parents, who might well ask their children at bedtime, which story they wish to have read to them, until they get wise to it, most children don't realise that, in choosing they miss the more significant fact, that they are going to bed. Similarly unless stupid a salesman will ask you which colour you prefer, which size, etcetera as a way of getting past that big question will you buy.

What really is still at stake, is whether we want to buy into the Reading based firms, plan to destroy the Dreamland theme-park for ever.

Disappointingly despite suggestions to the contrary, the developers did not place information from their consultants, about Margate or Dreamland's viability as a tourist attraction, on their website, at least that's my understanding.

What is at stake here, is the whole character of Margate itself, they appear to claim, that they are not interested in Dreamland as a theme park, what they need to prove to us, the local people is that their right.

Principle also comes into the decision making process, no one will ever forgive Thanet District Council if they allow a change of use, purely on the basis that the current owners, can make a greater profit by redeveloping the site for housing etc.

If the council roll over, as many of us expect, then presumably owners of agricultural land, could with some justification make similar claims and make millions from housing rather than farming.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to think the council woule listen to us but I have very little faith left I am afraid.
    A big opportunity to bring life back to Margate is within their grasp but they will not take it.
    Margate could recover with the right mind set, a pity that only the little people who can see it
