Sandwich did I imagine it?

Today for the lack of anything better to do I thought I would go out with my camera and a squeeze as many photographs into it before lunch as I could. I was also tasked with the responsibility to bring back some gravy granules. It is my opinion that East Kent is one of the more consistently picturesque parts of the country and I soon forgot the gravy but that's another story.
I also set myself the challenge of taking as many photographs of different locations as I could before I got the call to my mobile phone demanding to know where I was and why wasn't I at home.
First stop the Spitfire and Hurricane museum at Manston, where I took a few exterior shots of the building, then I drove towards Sandwich via Preston, Elmstone and Worth. What surprised me was that when I arrived in Sandwich how few visitors there were even allowing for the weather.Sandwich must be one of the best-kept towns in the country or Europe not being an expert I would guess that many of the buildings date from the Middle Ages, noticing the absence of tourists I thought I would look up Kent Tourism website. I followed their link "view of Kent" which helpfully has a little map which you can click particular areas such as "Canterbury and coastal Kent" this I did.
First thing there is little mention of Sandwich, if you click a link entitled "the Great outdoors" it starts off by saying "Relax in Ashford and Tenterden area!" (which had they looked at their own map appears in Heart of Kent) helpfully this section also includes some links with the heading "explore", one of these is entitled "winding-down" again we start with Tenterden, but I think they save the best for last with this link "a taste of the Continent" on this page Kent tourism do their best to make sure that you spend as little time as possible in Kent, they helpfully explain the various options to escape East Kent refraining only from suggesting that you rub copious amounts of lard on to your skin and swim across the Channel or follow the M20 at Dover board the first ferry, and then ask a gendarme where you might be welcomed.
Just for balance I thought I would see whether the pas de Calais tourism website have reciprocal suggestions to visit England strangely it didn't.
Do they have gravy in France?