It seems that Kent is awash with the new media publishers, perhaps if you have nothing better to do you may have taken a gander at Kent County council's Internet television station and similarly you have probably also taken a look at your Kent Tv Product from the publishers of Kent on Sunday, and various new local newspapers imaginatively called your (local area name), for now I'll concentrate on the taxpayer funded broadcasting.
Friday, September 28, 2007
It seems that Kent is awash with the new media publishers, perhaps if you have nothing better to do you may have taken a gander at Kent County council's Internet television station and similarly you have probably also taken a look at your Kent Tv Product from the publishers of Kent on Sunday, and various new local newspapers imaginatively called your (local area name), for now I'll concentrate on the taxpayer funded broadcasting.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Thanet Times and local MP discover traffic chaos

Now far be it for me to make insinuations, but back in April I suggested (at the time Of Thanet Council's approval of the Westwood Housing scheme), that nobody had mentioned the impact on traffic, that the colleges move would have, and as far as I can recollect, not one of our esteemed local journalists thought it significant until yesterday's front page story from Thom Morris (well done), it's just the timing of that bothers me. I just wonder, why our local media held off on this particular development, for so long, is it that they don't wish to upset the local government establishment, who also happened to be advertisers.
Anyway plans have now been sent to the Government Of The Southeast (Unelected overpaid civil servants) since a new college at Westwood, is not part of the local plan, which as we know thanet council adhere to rigorously except when it suits them.
Just for local journalists Thanet Council's latest, grand scheme for Margate, the new master plan which involves diverting traffic around the back of Dreamland site, will if it goes ahead create hideous traffic jams around Eaton Road Margate and the clock tower, presumably our local hacks will not report on this untill it's a done a deal and their stuck in traffic.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Last week I found myself on holiday, sitting in the back of a bike hire shop which also doubled as an Internet Cafe, adding yet another post, now although I get bored easy, surely I could have spent more time on the beach.
I always have plenty to say, but since returning on Saturday afternoon I have made a conscious decision to put this (blogging) on the back burner (sometimes two hours a day cannot be healthy unless your earning from it).
One experience from last week, occurred when walking down a busy street in a Majorcan resort, mid-day I felt ice cold despite the heat, it took a second or two for me to realise why. I had just walked passed the bar which a couple of years previously, I'd seen the first reports on the London bombings on the telly.
This week saw the sixth anniversary of Bin Laden's, attack on America, and when you see how one man's sick and twisted vision of politics and religion, results in the death of thousands and a lasting fear for millions it makes you think.
Seeing Bin Laden's image in the media this week, it's difficult for me not to blog, apart from being a sick twisted individual, looking at him with his dyed hair & beard, you cannot help think that despite the fact, he is a cold blooded murderer, as a man he also must be complete tit.
At some point Bin Laden didn't have the depth of charactor to realise, when his beliefs past those limits where humanity was more important than obsession. I shall not be adding much to this blog if anything this week.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Kent Council TV update
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
London to Paris 2 hours 39

I wonder in what year it will be possible for residents of Margate to travel at even half the speed of the Eurostar trains, it will probably never happen.
It says something for this country, that it is incapable of building a high speed railway without French and Japanese technology.
Even from Ramsgate we are informed that despite the fact that many of the highspeed trains will be maintained in the town, journey times will not significantly be improved, what a pity that Thanet South MP, Steve Ladyman could not have used his influence to have the track upgraded to allow for a proper highspeed service from the coast, when he was Transport supremo.
Anyway I´m pleased for the people of Paris who will now, be just 3 hours from civilisation.
See BBC Story
Monday, September 03, 2007

A few months back, news came from Kent council, that they had decided that spending 1.2 milliion pounds, would be a sensible use of public funds, there were comments from the great and the good Peter Gilroy ( one of the top earners in the country) his boss Paul Carter and most likely Bob Geldoff in support.
On the same day not having 1.2 million to squander, I though it were better to put my 1.2 mill under the matteress, and use my nokia phone with its attached camera and lauch Tony Flaig´s Kent TV ( Part of the Bignews Media empire) via the free You tube which KCC have blocked on their own computers.
That said, we have seen some odd little publicity stuff from Kent council and Ten Alps and in the meantime KOS Media has jumped on the internet TV bandwagon( at no cost to Taxpayers).
Now I justed checked out the Web site in question Kent Tv and low and behold despite all the nonsence of a September lauch there is todate "jack" detailing the big lauch, I suppose they meant September 2008.
To grossly distort Bob Geldoffs famous remarks " Give us our F******* money back!" or better still maybe put that money back in to care services for those who need the money.
Kent TV website