Published and promoted by L. Latham on behalf of on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, Flat 1, 2 Prospect Road, Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 1LD
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thanet Earth - Should Fruit and Veg be grown in Agency Culture
Published and promoted by L. Latham on behalf of on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, Flat 1, 2 Prospect Road, Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 1LD
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Turner Contemporary opens late on Fridays even Good Fridays
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Turner Contemporary Opens
More later maybe
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Turner Contemporary this weekend
The Contemporary opens this weekend if we want Margate to revive, we need to be positive as the Turner Contemporary Gallery opens, and of course its no time for histrionics about rights, wrongs missed opportunities et cetera, the Turner Contemporary is the only game in town and in my opinion is looking quite good.
A couple of times when I've driven back into to town after work in the last few days I've had the urge to take a picture of the Gallery in bright sunshine and blue skies, reflected in the calm water of the beach and harbour, the only thing stopping me, the traffic and the limitations of the Iphone camera.
Last Saturday I had a leisurely, walk around Margate, starting at the top end, the high street is not as bleak, as has been painted in the press, once at the bottom its clear that businesses, notably arty shops have sprung up that didn't exist last year.
The town for has for a while felt busier, if only with amateur photographers although I'd imagine, a fair few journalists of the relaxed lifestyle art travel type, have also been trawling around, I myself I had one documentary maker spend a couple hours at Flaig Mansions asking my opinions, I think he got all he needed, since he never came back, don't think I bored him witless.
Anyhow I realise that for many, they'd have liked to have seem some other way of enhancing the area, but Turner is here and now, enjoy and make the best of it, go along to the opening.
As far as I'm concerned, the only bad thing, about the Turner has been the delayed opening which can be fairly and squarely place at the doorstep of Conservative Kent Council and the original architects, this should have opened four years ago, still better late than never.
Since I'm standing for the council and I would like your vote (Dane Valley) and just made a political point so best include imprint.
Published and promoted by L. Latham on behalf of on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, Flat 1, 2 Prospect Road, Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 1LD
Friday, April 08, 2011

I see the Independent reports on an attack by artist Dinos Chapman ( who he?) of Margate's well known and much respected artist Tracy Emin for donating one of her creations to the nation.
I known about as much about art as, I suspect Dinos, knows about good manners and the concept of giving something back the community, in a selfless manner.
Not surprisingly Emin is upset that her gift has (in my opinion) been twisted into a crass and cheap publicity stunt by Dinos Chapman, who until today had not registered on my own radar.
Apparently Dino is suggesting that Emin's public spirited gesture is somehow an endorsement of the coalition's continuation of Labours policy of charging for adult education.
According to the Independent Chapman is strongly opposed to the increase in tuition fees and has formed a group to fund legal fees of students caught up in protests.
Chapman ought to rethink his view as it seems to me to be simplistic and naive, a blunt spiteful political message out of proportion.
Emin' s done well, and what is wrong with her gift to the nation, I guess he understands the logic of his attack, I don't and few will except for a handful of luvvies, I think a thank you, to Tracy would be more in order.
Finally as Emin acknowledges her education 'as the greatest opportunity' is also quoted 'It would have not hurt him to have checked with me before he started inciting hatred' maybe Dinos could dig deep and apologise.
PS today I donated part of my income to her majesty's government via PAYE does this make me an accessory to all government policy, I hope not.
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Tough day for Mr & Mrs Smug or Worse-off Wednesday
You will have to forgive me for not being too upset about "Worse-off Wednesday" myself I have avoided the news broadcasts, with what I would guess would be highly emotive reports telling us how terrible the new tax system is for some poor families, who just happen to be amongst the most affluent, earning a damn sight more than your average Thanet resident.
It seems that some families, on very comfortable incomes will no longer be receiving the generous tax credits, that they once did and despite all the doom and gloom, from presumably well-paid journalists, ( who I guess expect me to top up their generous incomes), it appears if you take what the government has said at face value, that something of the order of 80% of people, will actually be better off, this tax year.
In other news apparently Nick Clegg is once again the fall guy for the current government, his campaign to crack down on internships, unpaid work and work opportunities that have been arranged through the old boy network, opening up, such opportunities to all, was the subject of an attack since Nick Clegg himself had been given his first work opportunity as a result of his father's networking, quite how this would effect his own view, that people should have an equal opportunity, to such work many years later is frankly beyond me.
Just why British journalists seem so hysterical and focused on singling out Clegg is beyond me, maybe it's a reluctance to accept anything other than the two party system, my view is that many national journalists are inherently lazy and anything other than black and white or left and right is just too difficult.
Coming back to the tax thing, my view personally is rather than "Worse-off Wednesday", it's more like "Same Sh/t different Tax Year" only some of us are a tad better off.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Liberal Democrat candidates for Dane Valley
I can't tell you how good it feels to have been asked to stand as a candidate for the Liberal Democrats in the May local council elections for the Dane Valley ward.
I will be joining Bill Furness local Liberal Democrat campaigner, and Matt Brown, a fellow commentator on local matters.
I hope that if you've agreed with my views over the near five years I've been writing this weblog, that you will consider voting for me and my fellow Liberal Democrat candidates here in Dane Valley and elsewhere.
I feel things need shaking up locally, many councillors seem complacent with the established order, and years of complacency seem to have resulted in the area being as it is and not as it could be.
Published and promoted by L. Latham on behalf of on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, Flat 1, 2 Prospect Road, Broadstairs, Kent. CT10 1RD
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Normal Service will resume
However not for a week or two, I had a couple of days off last weekend, and enjoyed a quick break away.
Monday will be posting an announcement.
In the meantime, Bill Furness (Thanet Liberal Democrats) has some interesting thoughts
Margate: the ghost town on the isle of concrete
Margate was unkindly labelled "Britain’s top ghost town" recently by the national press. However did this come about?
It was the present Tory-controlled Thanet District Council and the previous Labour administration that badly let down the residents of Margate – a lack of leadership and vision have failed us all and given us this unwanted accolade.
The increasing expansion and planned construction of even larger shops at Westwood Cross is killing the high-street shopping areas of Margate, Cliftonville, Ramsgate and Broadstairs with its free parking and range of larger shops.
There are no real constructive plans or ideas to combat this attraction to shoppers, and older existing town centres have been left to die.
Even the Margate Caves – one of the town’s last tourist attractions – were shut down and boarded up in very puzzling circumstances, while millions of pounds are being spent on the Turner Contemporary in a bid to attract people to Margate.
This project has a built-in annual loss factor, and I just hope that this vision for the regeneration of the town does not falter or we, the taxpayers, will have to bail this venture out.
We are also lumbered with the plans to build 1,200 new homes on the green fields next to the shopping malls.
This will increase the amount of traffic on the already-congested roads around Westwood – why does the council not use the many brownfield sites in Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs before using up our fast-depleting green fields.
As an example of how things could be done differently – and better – the borough of Eastleigh in Hampshire used up every brownfield area that it could, saving a very large area of greenfield land that would have been needed to build a planned 6,000 new homes.
A visit by our local councillors to Eastleigh borough to see how this was achieved would be of great value to our community – we must stop concreting over fields when there is so much unused land within Thanet’s towns.