Eric Pickles Conservative Local government minister encourages filming of local council meetings, Thanet council in behaviour reminiscent of fascist/socialist dictatorships doesn't.
I myself have been forced to leave public meetings due to thuggish behaviour of Thanet council officers aided and abetted by I suspect pompous self important councillors happy to take fat allowances from you and I who have to work for a living. My crime to use electronic devices such as tablets and phones to write this blog as you might expect these arrogant muppets couldn't offer an apology.
Can someone explain why Cllr Simon Moores can use a camera and Cllr.Ian Driver can't?
Thanet Council has an appalling reputation and given the calibre of councillors from Labour to Conservative is it any wonder. SHAME ON TDC PLEASE GROW UP!
Explain? Er NO!
ReplyDeleteMind your own flipping business, we're better than you!
So F Off
Simons picture was taken during an adjournment ...therefore no rule was broken!
ReplyDeleteYou are joking or representative of Thanet councils gene pool?
Deletedo tell since I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the councils antics
Does that mean the public are allowed to film and take photos during adjournments? TDC should clarify!
ReplyDeleteDon't be so silly
DeleteSo since you are a know all Ken, explain why TDC is not following the guidelines laid down by the government?
ReplyDeleteIts not long ago that we had the independent standards committee because they issued a report that was damming of the council followed by the LGA peers report that seconded this with certain councillors being described as toxic. Were you one of these Ken or one of the hard working councillors being dragged down?
should have said "independent standards committee resigned"
ReplyDeleteWhat about an enquiry into the disappeared monitoring officer, Thanet council must be modelled on some sleazy south american banana republic
DeleteWhat a week a well known troll reappears on the scene and is promptly ejected from the Save Manston FB page and then we get double standards at Council seeming to say "don't do as I do, do as I say"
ReplyDeleteand then I hear to cllrs told security to throw Cllr driver down the stairs making sure he bounces off each one
Barry, which cllrs "told security" this?
ReplyDeleteSimon is simply furious that Ian wasn't even interviewed under caution.
ReplyDeleteBeyond our Ken
It is rumoured that Kenny replied to police "But what about the arrests of Thanet Council Cllr Cyril Hoser's accomplices? They had sub-machine guns".
Two weeks ago the IPCC asked what is the case that Kent Police were compromised to conduct Stephen Lawrence inquiry. And the explanation began with the above story of Thanet and its motley crew of tory cllrs.
Whereas we know the UDA had a Margate base for importing drugs and despatching assassins (arrests 1992 by Met) the case considerations extend to IRA supportive groups in Thanet. The League of St George manning the right wing and the Socialist Workers on the left. With a later tory cllr having a foot in both camps. Back when our Ian was with Socialist Worker Party ? No wonder Simon has a sulk that he was interviewed under caution whereas Ken simply was helped from the building.
I think that Ian driver is doing a great job of exposing the arrogance and hypocrisy of those in power. However, this is only part of the job he needs to do. On Thursday, councillors were (yet again) playing politics with an important local issue. Manston airport has lost money year-on-year and has now gone bust. This history flatly contradicts the bright future predicted for the airport by so many councillors when it passed into private hands. More importantly, it proves that councillors no zip about commerce and business, so they should stay well out of those areas. Unfortunately, they have received a petition. The petition has several thousand signatures. However, they haven't bothered to check how many of those live in Thanet and they haven't bothered to check how many of those signatures are real. In their haste to climb aboard the bandwagon they have cast aside their own rules and are squabbling over who supports the airport the most. Inevitably, they are now proposing using an unspecified amount of taxpayers' money to reopen and run the airport. at what point did they ask local taxpayers if this was an appropriate or desirable use of the council tax? Many local people have seen services and amenities cut, because of the recession. Where did this magic pot of money suddenly emerge from and, if it exists, should we not be considering how it could be best used. In essence, TDC's councillors have allowed themselves to be manipulated by a campaign, driven by people who don't live in Thanet. They are, once again, allowing the economic future of the Isle to be dictated by a political big idea. However, this time it's worse. They are intent on pinning the area's future to a business venture which has already failed twice. TDC's record is appalling. Whenever they involve themselves in business decisions they get it wrong; Pleasurama, Transeuropa, Dreamland and Manston. Ian Driver needs to be in the council chamber arguing coherently against this madness. If someone wants to save Manston they can do so using their own money. Otherwise, let's move on.
ReplyDeleteWhy should people have to live in Thanet to support the airport? Surely a thriving airport would attract customers from Herne Bay or Canterbury or Deal, so they're entitled to have a say in this, particularly if funded by KCC? It's not like a local supermarket that just affects the immediate neighbourhood.
DeleteWhere were the 8,000 and their families when airlines like Flybe, KLM and others tried to establish viable services from Manston? Probably flying out of Gatwick.
DeleteSo, someone anonymous who could be anyone from anywhere complains that some of the signatures may be from people outside of Thanet. Ok.......
Delete9:48, Your hero Ian Driver is the biggest bandwagon jumper of the lot. He originally openly opposed the airport, but now that he knows how popular it is amongst voters he's completely changed his tune. Fact is NO local cllr will oppose such a strong campaign.
ReplyDeleteGranted Ian Driver flits from one subject to the other, but he certainly helps reveal the short comings of officers and council members.
DeleteIf some of these idiots allowed a little daylight into proceedings such as the Transeuropa debacle or EKO or Eastcliffe non development.
Anyone of the above would have had, the public asking what the hell is going on.
Its a pity that despite several multi million cock ups deadbeat officers and councillors will continue to bleed taxpayer dry.
Thank Ian for highlighting the shambles.
It is about time an elected representative did start taking cues from the people who elected him, that is what is expected, is it not?
DeleteIf you want to call that bandwagonjumping, cllr anonymous, that is your right, but at least have the courage to put a name to your denigrating comments.
Sort yourselves out TDC, we've just about had enough of your sleazy incompetence.
Bluenote, thank you. Glad you agree that by campaigning for the airport he's simply doing what the majority of voters want.
DeleteIt would be great if our elected representatives were taking their cure form the people who elected them. But there is not a shred of evidence that this is what they are doing. The vast majority of signatures on the petition come from people living outside the area. SMA are not Thanet voters. The organisation is run by people from Medway who want Manston to expand as an alternative to Boris Island. Thanet councillors should be working in the best interests of the people of Thanet; not doing the bidding of Medway voters. However, all is not lost. In my opinion, the statement issued following Thursday's council meeting says absolutely nothing. The notion of a CPO has been kicking around for several weeks. Yet, at Thursday's meeting, councillors were provided with no information about the process or potential costs. Any discussion was held against a background of ignorance. I know that this is not unusual for TDC; some might argue that it is the norm. In my opinion, all that is happening here is that councillors are doing their usual thing of playing politics with an important local issue. It has given Iris an excuse to grandstand in the council chamber. The council will try to drag the whole thing out for as long as possible before making any decision. If possible they will avoid making any decision at all. In the meantime, events will overtake them and AG will put forward plans for the site. At this point the whole matter will be taken out of TDC's hands. Call me cynical, but it wouldn't surprise me if politicians at some level are actively meeting with AG to discuss her plans whilst simultaneously publicly claiming that they back a CPO.
DeleteYou aren't local either. If you were then you'd be doing more than anonymously commenting on blogs, just as the 1,000's of locals who want Manston are doing. Fact is there's not enought locals against this to even start a little "No to Manston Airport" group.
DeleteTony, any thoughts on the news that KCC still want to fund a Manston Parkway station, even if the airport stays closed?
ReplyDeleteAlso, do you personally support a CPO for the airport?
Anon 12.48 are you sure that its KCC that want to fund the station? Ten millions has been allocated in the governments Growth fund and land is being made available as part of the Cogent LLP housing development proposal at Manston Green. KCC may have supported the station but I don't think they ever suggested it would be paid for by KCC taxpayers.
DeleteWhatever. My main question to Tony (not you) is whether or not he thinks it would be a good idea to build this if the station stays closed.
ReplyDeleteAny improvement in local infrastructure is welcome, I appreciate that free loading councillors particularly labour are anti and clearly don't have the imagination to see the bigger picture.
DeleteThe funding for the station assumes that houses will be built. You don't need a new station for the existing population; they already have three. The new station will cater primarily for the London commuters living in Gloagsville. It's a done deal and Sir Roger doesn't like it. That's why he's whipping up the SMA.
ReplyDelete3? There's actually 7 stations in Thanet.
ReplyDelete..and they're all in close proximity to where the people who use them live. So, why build a new one miles away? it's obvious. there are plans to build thousands of houses and this station will serve that population.
ReplyDeleteFor Goodness sake - Ian Driver go to your dope café and get stoned with the rest of the dopes. At least TDC is attempting - against all odds - to save Manston Airport from that greedy owner. There is no doubt in my mind she has had the nod from someone higher up the greasy pole who has promised her a brown envelope to build unaffordable homes on the site. SHE MUST BE STOPPED she is the unacceptable face of Capitalism. Stopped bickering TDC act your age, not your shoe size
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Sands fiasco £10m. + The Ferry fiasco £3+m now Manston.
ReplyDeleteIs that why my street lamp has been turned off - to save money.
Fuck you Thanet, I'm off.
Bye Bye
I'll bet they leave the microphones switched on though, paranoid creeps that they are!
What a good point you have about the street lamp. I live alone and my street lamp has been turned off outside my house making me feel very vulnerable. KCC response "It is Government policy, nothing to do with us" Well, KCC and your reprobate of an employee - don't expect any Council Tax from me - at least in prison I maybe safe and I can turn my lights off WHEN I FUCKING WELL LIKE
DeleteHave you never heard of lights out in prison? you wont have a choice. But you can write to / email your local KCC councillor and leader of the council cllr Carter and complain. KCC have a choice they could make savings elsewhere rather than the 12 to 5am lights out, for instance they could stop the one and a half million pound grant to the Turner Gallery.
DeleteBetter still, keep the lights on at the Turner Gallery at night. That way most of Margate will be lit up.
ReplyDeleteYour lights are being turned out to save money to give to I wrong?
ReplyDeleteLooks like they won't have to give any money to Riveroak, and that we'll now have a thriving airport AND street lights! Good news, eh?
I've read this article and it's sounding like China Gateway all over again. My advice to you is to read it carefully. Then, tell me which aviation company these people are representing.
ReplyDeleteThe 2 Lib Dems just look stupid asking the Taiwan economic group to visit but ignoring the water supply and missing fines. Shouldn't that be what they are focusing on to be elected? And when exactly will Taiwan maybe perhaps possibly invest the supposed £100BN in Manston? At least Business Guru Foolish Foley is always good for a laugh: he should stick to recruiting plumbers for his business chamber. "Try Fred's Plumbers" this month is about his limit.
ReplyDeleteYou stood for election to TDC, Mr Flaig, when you were a Liberal Democrat. Of course you were solidly rejected, which is perhaps why you now court UKIP - which is more in line with your expressed opinions anyway. Should you ever stand again and be elected, I assume you will decline the "fat allowance" that will be due to you?
ReplyDeleteOr is your post just another of your rather foolish outbursts, written in the style if the thuggish debate in a pub?
Labour would know about thuggish, and free loading, great to see the sudden interest in Manston now Calamity Clive has been booted out, still on the solidly rejected, you could also include your colleagues, with the exception of unemployed (as I understand outside of politics) scobie who managed to elected but after filling out job applications what else do you have to do.
ReplyDeleteThe question put to you was whether you would decline the Councillor allowance if ever you were elected (presumably now on a UKIP ticket). An answer would be so much better than another bout of your loutish ranting.