Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I choose freedom over repression

Some of you will have read the previous post, and I think that most readers will have found something to either agree with as well to be offended by, and clearly such is the case of councillor Ian Driver I think very miffed indeed. I won't go into too much detail regarding our man of the people since I shall in all probability refer his comments to Thanet councils standards committee.

Now if someone takes the effort to write a comment, I don't feel to happy to delete out of hand, what is said, also I don't go through with a fine tooth comb ever comment, there are times when I monitor ever comment as they come in, however unlike a news paper letters page, letters are not published by me as an editor of a newspaper would, comments are self published, by you the reader when you press the button marked "Publish Your Comment", I do accept that when able to do so I should delete some contributions.

Still who am I, I'm not God, it's difficult to decide which is acceptable and which isn't sometimes, clearly I get allsorts read this stuff, from ordinary people, labour duffers, Tory toffs and the eccentrics who traipse from one group of cranky activist to another in an attempt to find a home for their own sense of self importance.

A recent group who make a regular contribution to these pages are those who claim that children are being taken in to care on the flimsiest reasons and then hastily put out to be adopted. Now extraordinary as this seems to you and I it's worth giving these people the benefit of the doubt, particularly when set against recent history, when children from this country were routinely sent to Australia and Canada by church groups in some cases as little more than slaves.

My last post was very much about liberty and expressing yourself in a free society, we can expect read views we are offended by and I have to accept that I'm not always right, in my honest opinion, some of our councillors are nothing if not hypocritical, whilst I'm more than happy to act on suggestions from readers, why Ian Driver thought it necessary to say the following "Tony you should be ashamed of yoursel"f or "Tony I am disgusted by some of the postings you have allowed here" or implied threat "Tony Faig, Gordon Bennet, Tom Clark et al be advised that some of the comments which have been posted/ allowed to be posted on this blogsite in relation to =marriage are offensive and abusive and motivated in my opinion by homopobia Be warned that you are sailing very close to to the wind and that action may be taken.

Driver also said this "The least you can do is to remove the posts and aplogise to John." which I did, however so far Driver is no mood to do similar, understand this I did not allow a comment it appeared on this website, not being a control freak, I allow free debate, when was able to respond I did, not as quickly as I should have maybe.

So hear it is, I allow you free reign, usually, and I have no problem in apologising for some offensive comment even one placed by the odd tit, still I find it galling that Cllr Ian Driver after his usual right-on stance, is not man enough  (Oh dear I hope that's not sexist) to apologise himself, for all that homophobic crap.

Still we still live in a free society and Ian Driver (sometime councillor (when it suits, I think)) is a part of that, so keep those comments even those over the top nit picking ones, however way off the beam they might be.

Finally I've had several death threats and threats of violence over the years, I even had saint *** and the Kent establishment try to silence me and they can all go a **** themselves for all I care, I try to keep this site honest and charlatans & opportunistic  politicians beware.

Oh and apologies for the next person who finds free speech and maybe a bit of latitude uncomfortable.


  1. Well said, long live freedom of speech and expression....as for the death threats ect it seems it is par for the course, especially when the truth about children and the authorities is mentioned in the same breath !

  2. lets get this clear you allowed your blog to be used by a foolish person to suggest that a colleague of mine be hanged. I have no aplogy to make for asking you to remove this offensive post. get a life and grow up.

    Ian Driver

  3. So when Jeremy Clarkson talked about having striking public sector workers taken out and executed in front of their families, you thought he was being serious?

  4. Jeremy Clarkson is constantly ridiculing the Freemasons (thank gord some one is allowed to)wonder how many death threats he gets; not as many as some ex councillors I bet.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ian Driver, Let's get it clear I didn't allow any foolish person to make the crass joke or what you interpret as a death threat, I did however take a sober decision not only to delete the comment but also apologise on behalf of the author who frankly could have been anyone, you however are to unable even to act in a similar fashion over your own extraordinary comments.

    Maybe you don't understand how these comments are published, as I explained earlier I do not choose comments to publish, the act of publishing is that of the individual, you yourself must be sufficiently intelligent to understand the process?

    Perhaps what really causes offense is that I allow a free flow of conversation, it's my personal view that you've engineered an issue, if as it seems you are suggesting I am either homophobic or promoting such a cause, then your much mistaken.

    Anyhow I've been working all night so I'm off to bed, and although it upsets councillor driver hopefully my mainly good readers will continue to add comments which are thought provoking and some times a tad upsetting, while I dream of an equitable society made up of free thinking liberals and an end to the gray world of politically correct bullies.

  7. Just come back from an Easter break, to find I am the latest victim of Driver's sensitive nature. My comments about Worrow were based on his extremely poor quality of- what he calls - debate. It had nothing to do with LGBT, get a life Driver and stop being so hypocritical . You feel you have the right to insult our Queen, but no one else can use any term you don't like with regards your little friend.
    Tony - I'm sorry to you if this gave you any problems and I'm sorry you felt the need to accede to Driver's wishes......because everyone seems to be put in a position of doing what he wants lately...... In any case I thought it was quite a good post!

  8. If we can't use 'terms' without someone constantly nit- picking every word, there will be no freedom of speech. Well said Tony and long may you and all contributors be allowed to continue.
    By the way are we still allowed to do the Gay Gordon's if we're straight?

  9. 8.44 - I think we should have the council debate that very point!!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Gordon - if only you had addressed your comment to another councillor, Ian Driver wouldn't have batted an eyelid!!!
    Wait a minute, then, Cllr Worrow would have had to defend them.......even if they were homophobic.

  12. Tony, I would not be sure Ian Driver is intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of publication. He does seem to have a pretty blinkered and bigotted view of life himself, wherein only his causes are right.

    Picking up on GB's comment, not only is it OK for Driver to insult the Queen in the most derogatory terms, but he also has previous for dismissing religious belief as mumbo jumbo. Matters not to him then that his comments are highly offensive to some people.

    The man is an out and out hypocrite so just ignore him. Since I was also threatened alongside you over my remarks, I'll happily stand beside you in court if he can really find one that silly.

  13. Tony, I would not be sure Ian Driver is intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of publication. He does seem to have a pretty blinkered and bigotted view of life himself, wherein only his causes are right.

    Picking up on GB's comment, not only is it OK for Driver to insult the Queen in the most derogatory terms, but he also has previous for dismissing religious belief as mumbo jumbo. Matters not to him then that his comments are highly offensive to some people.

    The man is an out and out hypocrite so just ignore him. Since I was also threatened alongside you over my remarks, I'll happily stand beside you in court if he can really find one that silly.

  14. Yet again you have allowed offensive comments on your blog.

    I have a daughter who 30 years ago would have been described by idiots such as Gordon Blimey as a spazzer.

    I am seriously annoyed and offended that you contiunue to allow such comments on your site.

    You have also allowed a posting whihc uses the word "darkies" whihc is also incredbibly offensive and possibly in breach of the law.

    Mr Faig you are responsible for this blogsite. To allow the posting of comments about hanging people who support equal marriage, spazzers and darkies without editing them out is a gross derliction of your responsibility.

    I will allow your reader to draw their conclusions about your outlook on life and equality. I will also be considering reporting you site for allwing discriminatory and hateful postings.

    I am all in favour of free speech but I am not in favour of homophobia, racisim and and offensive comments about people with disabilties.

    I trust you do the right thing.

    Ian Driver

  15. Right this time it wasn't me - it was the other Gordon to whom I give thanks for the support...right back at yer. Ian you are so obsessed by people attacking you - you just don't get it when someone is being facitious. Lots of us have disabled relatives, who we love dearly, but for some reason we know when a person doesn't mean comments in a vindictive manner. We are all the butt of a joke at some time - and all politicians are fair game - lighten up and stop picking on Tony.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Really, really sorry Tom - it is to you I owe the thanks, apologises for getting the wrong person. Old brain isn't what it used to be. Sorry to the other Gordon too!

  18. one more thing Mr Faig stop making excuses about the free flow of conversation on this site. You are the owner of this site. You and only you have responsibility for managing the content of this site. Most site oeprators take the reasonbale precaution of approving comments before they are published. You do not do so. You must therfore take the consequences and crticisms.

    Mr Fiag I would suggest that you now begin to take suffficient steps to control the content of postings on your site i.e. by the approval of comments before publication and by not allowing offensive or illegal postings about sexuality, race, disabilties and acting quickly to remove them.

    I am sure your trade union, the thanet trades council, and your politcal party will support this approach and would be most concerned to know that you currentley appear happy to allow racist, homophobic and anti-disabled comments to remain on your blogsite. Your lack of action in this regard and your ill-conceived defense about free speech raise a lot of questions.

    I positively encourgae you to complain to the standards committee about me. Lets see who right or wrong a publisher of grossly offensive material or a person who challenges such a publisher.

    if anyone owes any apology it is you Mr Faig for allowing your blogsite to carry offensive and potential illegal comment agaisnt disbaled. LGBT and black people.

  19. one more thing Mr Faig stop making excuses about the free flow of conversation on this site. You are the owner of this site. You and only you have responsibility for managing the content of this site. Most site oeprators take the reasonbale precaution of approving comments before they are published. You do not do so. You must therfore take the consequences and crticisms.

    Mr Fiag I would suggest that you now begin to take suffficient steps to control the content of postings on your site i.e. by the approval of comments before publication and by not allowing offensive or illegal postings about sexuality, race, disabilties and acting quickly to remove them.

    I am sure your trade union, the thanet trades council, and your politcal party will support this approach and would be most concerned to know that you currentley appear happy to allow racist, homophobic and anti-disabled comments to remain on your blogsite. Your lack of action in this regard and your ill-conceived defense about free speech raise a lot of questions.

    I positively encourgae you to complain to the standards committee about me. Lets see who right or wrong a publisher of grossly offensive material or a person who challenges such a publisher.

    if anyone owes any apology it is you Mr Faig for allowing your blogsite to carry offensive and potential illegal comment agaisnt disbaled. LGBT and black people.

  20. Ian's right Tony, there's really no need for derogatory remarks about homosexuals, spastics or coloured people.

  21. But offensive comment on his own site about the Queen and religion was OK then. Being very selective aren't we about what offends.

    I thought, in my ignorance, that the PC view is that something is offensive if the person(s) it is directed at finds it offensive. Are the comments here directed at or are they simply discussion between.

  22. "... get a life and grow up."

    Er hang on a minute Ian, Tony actually does something useful with his life, like keeping the wheels of transportation rolling, or stimulating independent thought with his excellent blog, which in this day and age are both rare and noble things.

  23. There you go, comment deleted. It's that easy: if someone is offended then do the right thing and take down what you've contributed, although the purpose of my comment was lost on some of you, including you Mr Driver. Had you taken time to absorb what I was saying then you might have taken a different line instead of jerking your knee!!

    It's obvious some people don't do irony: do they not remember Alf Garnett?

  24. Are they going to set up a trust for the thousands of kids trafficked to perverts in middle eastern oil sheikhdoms.

    Oh, yes, them beardy blokes at Royal Ascot have got exotic tastes, to say the least.

    Can I say that, or is that 'beardist'?

  25. Probably better if you say nothing, 12:15. for your conspiracies and hijacked kids in their thousands are, as always, way off thread. Once upon a time Cadbury used to take objects like you, bake them and cover them with chocolate. How is that for inciting violence, Mr Left Hand Driver?

  26. Way off thread?

    I think not.

    Did you actually read Tony's post?

    Have another look.

  27. Steady with the thinking, old chap, or you will do yourself a mischief.

  28. You are not trying to stifle free speech, are you 1:18?

    Sounds to me like another example of the brotherhood closing ranks.

  29. You and your obsession with the brotherhood gets almost as tedious as your hijacked kids, sometime passed to parents in the USA, but today off to the shiekhs.

    Not I am not trying to stifle freedom of speech but I would be more than happy to snuff out inane stupidity.

    You should be very careful the brotherhood don't hijack you and hang you from a well known London bridge.

    Hang on a minute, I am engaging in an exchange with a nutter which is the step before becoming one. Help!

  30. I have a homosexual friend who i greet with the words"hello you old poof"he laughs and says"hi!still sleeping with ugly women then?,so is that homophobic or sexist or mysogenistic or just people treating life as equals,i also have a black mate who i call"snowflake"he calls me "honky"and "white trash"i do not care about the (politically correct)way to speak to people,it is in the perception of the words that causes driver and worrow problems and they should lighten up or get a sense of humour if they want to help their cause.

  31. I find the words "Driver" and "Worrow" offensive so please don't allow them on your site again or I shall throw a tantrum

  32. 2:13, Your attitude is sickening and truly offensive.

    Welcome to the new world economy folks; trafficked kids, organs, drugs, weapons, cancer.

  33. Not because of the extreme scrutiny or indeed even more outlandish suggestions coming from Ian Driver, I have removed comments from Jenny, as I am unable to verify the content.

    This is a policy I've always had, it's not perfect but maybe Ian Driver could take on the task of checking this, over last 11,801 comments along with maybe checking out all those homophobic statements he may well imagine me to have made!

    It's is rare that such comments are made and that I have to intervene however despite all the recent insinuation, I am responsible and do not happen to indulge in promotion of homophobia or anything like it.

    My understanding of things is that if you make a comment, the chances are you may have to one day stand by it. So while the author is entitled to say what they like accepting liability, I once, I'm aware might also have to share that responsibility and since I cannot verify the comments, I have to act accordingly.

  34. Whilst yours is pathetic 3:59. Other than unfounded articles in obscure publications, just where is your proof.

    Tony has just removed a comment by a lady called Jenny about a fracas she witnessed in a local bar. You get away with anonymously posting unproven horseshit.

  35. Tony, if the comments from 'Jenny' were regarding an event at the Seaview, I think you will find that the gentleman in question has made an official complaint already. Watch this space.

  36. I'm drawing a line under this subject, it's not been conducive to reasoned debate and has rapidly becoming a bit boring.

    I've just spoken, to Ian and passed on my mobile number, so that he can contact me, should he come across anything untoward.

    I don't knowingly allow any offensive comments but do respect those views protected by the right of freedom of expression.

    I can always be contacted via Email
    tonyflaig@gmail.com and if you wish to speak with me I'd be happy to supply you with my mobile.
