Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's been an awful year, so welcome 2014

Everyone has a different perspective on this last year, for me just looking at how things have degenerated in public life, I've little confidence, that things are likely to improve.

In Thanet,it seems to me that in particular, Labour has shown themselves to be at the very least, less tolerant of scrutiny.  It's easy to understand why given the thinly spread talent that makes up Labours front bench.

Thanet councillors seem to expect the mere fact of being elected demands respect, whereas those of us in the real world know that is earned.

In my view, Thanet council officers and council members exude arrogance, one reason I no longer go to meetings is the level of harassment which would not be out of place in Russia.

Having myself been bullied by council staff and forced to leave public meetings,  it was with some sadness, that I read back in October how once again, a local blogger was forced to leave another public meeting apparently with the involvement of Kay Dark the labour appointed council chair.

Coming to more recent history, the councils standards committee I guess felt honour bound to resign after Labour led by Clive Hart objected to conclusions in a recent report suggesting councillors distrust of the public, the local suspicion of secrecy corruption and distance between council offices and the reality of people lives and needs of the community.

Let's face it, local politicians throwing their toys out that pram is nothing new, demanding that an independent group of, I suspect honest decent people volunteering  themselves to serve local democracy, should have to rewrite a report to suit Clive Hart and his cronies is outrageous.

Moving on,  I suggest Labour take lead from Bob Bayford's Conservative group who rather than have a hissyfit, following  a Standards Committee meeting held on 21 November, thanked committee members for their hard work, making councillors aware of the "fragility of their reputation" with Cllr Bob Bayford adding  “We accepted the report’s main conclusions on Thursday and we repudiate the torrent of criticism directed at the report and its authors during Thursday’s Standards Committee meeting.”

If Clive and his colleagues in the Thanet Labour group want a better 2014, I suggest they take good hard look at themselves in the mirror and look beyond the empty headed sloganeering. Probably the best way forward for Labour would be dump Clive Hart and that other genius Alan Poole who seems to specialise in blaming the public when the council cock's up, blimey they TDC cannot even empty the binds round here.


  1. Indeed. Here's to 2014 being a far better year.

  2. Are you campaigning (for UKIP masquerading as the Liberal Democrats) or is this just another of your whining, negative, curmudgeonly, rants against the Labour Party - and nusrses, doctors, firemen and everynone else in the public sector? They exist. Meanwhile, you were roundly rejected and dismissed by the electorate. Get over it.

    1. Sorry mate but if Labour start living the Stalinist Dream, throwing out members of the public from public meetings, using my council to abuse the democratic practice. We've seend vote fixing elsewhere.and you agree with it please just F OFF!

      I'm sorry for Labour but beyond sloganising Thanet Labour is a joke, anyway happy new year, those who like their politics clean and honest.

  3. Sorry Peter can't agree with all you say yes the old town is on the up, Tesco will of course be out of keeping on the Seafront, causing gridlock, and of course given your own rather dubious interests in Exotic photography you'll probably not mind if I don't take any lifestyle advice from yourself.

  4. If you can't crack that, then revert to your prevous "threat" - and stop blogging.

  5. Peter, this is from someone who expects us all to take political advice from someone who shovels crap for a living. Just do what the electorate did and ignore him.

  6. If you're going to delete comments simply because you don't like them, fine, but don't presume to pass judgement on the activities of others. Your UKIP credentials are very apparent. Peter has hit the nail squarely on the head.

    1. If your referring to me the only thing that I recall deleting, in recent times was a spam advert, two points I'm sure peter on more than one occasion has claimed he'd never visit this blog, so why visit, secondly if Peter wants to make judgements about me then it seems only fair to point out his own excesses ,

      So dear Peter sort your issues out then dish out advice

    2. Strange that no-one visits Peter's blog yet they seem to know everything about his work.

    3. Multiple postings Pete I wonder you old b

    4. Peter its clear that you are full of your own importance, why then cry, when it seems that the only reason you posted on this blog was to be rude, obnoxious in support of your Labour pals.

    5. Peter, apparently anyone who disagrees with Tony is a Labour activist, so that's just a label you're stuck with whoever you support!

  7. It never ceases to amaze me just how the standard of blogging comments plunge once the anons join in with their peculiar vile rants.

    1. John, you will have also noticed how the ill informed and unsubstantiated anonymous comments always appear when anyone criticises Thanet Labour. No matter how arrogantly they perform or how badly, there are those that always leap to their defence without any substance other than to accuse others of being UKIP or Daily Mail readers.

    2. I love the way Epps and Holyer enter blogs like panto dames - very reminiscent of the ugly sisters in Cinderella. They're behind you!

    3. Anon,

      Well it's good to hear that you actually love something. Though I am surprised to learn that you have seen a pantomime. I would have thought the plot too complex for your limited comprehension. Perhaps your carer was beside you to explain things.

    4. Why do those of your political leaning always use (psychiatric) illness or disability as a form of abuse or "humour", Holyer. Blogs like Thanet Life are riddled with snide references like yours, and suggestions that someone's medication is overdue. It does nothing to detach you from the "nasty party" label.

      I don't have a carer and fortunately don't need one. I take no drugs for any psychiatric condition, but, despite people like you circling like vultures, I wouldn't feel ashamed if I did.

    5. Anonymous 17:58,

      I speak for no party. It is the likes of you who uses party labels as a means to attack all those who have the temerity to disagree with you. You are the one with the obsession. Anyway, you have a puerile grasp of politics and speak in slogans.

    6. Whether you "speak for" a political party is hardly relevant, Holyer. Your views and opinions are clearly to the political right, which is fine. My sole point was and is that it is - always - those of you at that end of the political spectrum, locally, who persist in making jokes or insults out of disability or mental health. The behaviour is evidenced most strongly over on Thanet Life.

      Your anti-social attitudes, rudeness, and intellectual snobbery say more about you than any challenge or comment from me or anyone else ever could.

      Enjoy your New Year.

    7. Anon 1104,

      Oh dear it's you again, isn't. I should have realised. You wallow in the idea that you are being persecuted. Well, OK, if it makes you happy. As for me, I will seek an anon free blog.

    8. Bye, bye, Snooty, bye, bye…

  8. I seem to remember Tony that you had problems getting in and out of council meeting when the Tories ran the show. I even recall that you exposed the signing in of one of their buddy councillors then residing in Panama so that he could claim his allowances. Of course the tories claimed it was a mistake but it set the scene for mistrust of councillors and little did we know there was worst to come like the ex leader being banged up..
    A lot of the current problems at TDC stem from the combining of the Chief Exec role with that of Finance officer at a time when the council is under much financial pressure. It is too much for one person and the £3.4 millions ferry debacle is a good example of the council saving £100k on pay but losing millions. Another tory own goal.

    1. Labour trolls/cabinet out and about here as usual.....useless lot

    2. Since when did two wrongs make a right, 13:41? Labour always told us how much better they would be, but the performance so far demonstrates a weak team under an uninspiring leader. I am with Tony in despairing at the appalling standard of governance in Thanet.

  9. Simple Checksfield, one man s exotic art photography is another s porn, you seem too specialise in offending people grow up at least working is a little better than being a doorman , keep up the work for your labour mates checksfailed

  10. I thought Peter was a well known supporter of Roger Gale?

  11. and the lack of an effective opposition. Anyone commenting on blogs hardly amount to opposition
