Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Shock horror! - Labour to take control of Thanet Council?

Not sure how true this is but I understand that Labour are most likely to take over the council next week presumably with the help of the unforeseen principled stand made by John Worrow, whose resignation from the conservative group has further depleted the somewhat tenuous grip the Tories had on power.

Anyway more on this later for the time being I'm working to top up public sector pensions, while the ungrateful blighters take the day off and consider how flipping marvellous they are.


  1. If they all received the same hourly rate as you do Tony then they wouldn't have to worry about their pensions!

  2. 12:35 The more you receive the more you pay into the system to support the public sector. Without the Tony's there would be no such jobs.

  3. Hart as leader and Poole as deputy. What did Thanet do to deserve this then?

  4. If this comes off, Worrow should be tried for treason.

  5. Meanwhile over on kentonline Paul Francis has reported "Auditors brought in to probe KCC councillors' expenses". Surely not at the Tory dominated 5 star council!

  6. With 26 in each party and 4 independents it not just cllr Worrow that has decided to change sides. Have the tories broken promises given to the independents or have they just had enough?

  7. David Cameron Exposed - Traitor, Liar, Socialist, Puppet.........

    just a red version of these none are worth a carrot

  8. I understand that Clive Hart as bunged in a motion of no confidence in Bob Bayford for Thursdays cabinet meeting and that things are a tad finely balanced.

    Of course the only real option for Thanet, where we are likely to be looking at years of narrow, or no overall majority councils, is to change from the leadership elected by the councillors – which effectively means chosen by a very few people in both political groups – to the system where we the electorate elect a leader.

    The council held a public consultation about this and the unanimous result was that local people wanted to elect their own leader. I don’t think the councillors even gave it a thought before deciding to overturn this result and carry on selecting their own leader, from the existing councillors.

  9. the independents hold all the big committee posts which pay about £9,000 each and labour and conservative couldn't refuse them. I hear Worrow wants a slice of the action or else! Nothing to do with animal rights or parking

  10. One has to wonder at the wisdom of North Thanet Conservatives for selecting Worrow as a candidate with his track record and likewise Thanet Labour in choosing Driver. The latter having already trodden on more toes in the party in a few months than the most clumsy of ballroom dancers does in years.

    Both these men have separate agendas to the parties they represented at the election and the people who voted for them.

    As to the suggestion the Tories have broken promises, I think it more a case that they only just scraped a majority in the bargaining following May's election and, without Worrow, they no longer have that.

    Whether the best interests of democracy are served in all this is questionable because what the Tories did have was by far the biggest slice of the vote compared with the other parties and independent group. Certainly Labour did not really pull a bigger enough share to demand the leadership, but thank to the treachery of one self motivated snout, they may well get it.

    What was it I read somewhere on the blogs the other day from some astute lady, watch your property price tumble in a Labour Thanet. It happened before if you recall, that is if you could even sell at all.

  11. The electorate, last May, should have voted Tony in as a Lib Dem and more Independents, then we would not be in this party political mess now.

  12. The problem with that Readit is that Tony's thoughts & opinions are closer to BNP than Lib-Dem.

  13. Readit, in an ideal world there would be no politics in local government but, unfortunately, there is and the party faithful vote for the rosette, not the person.

    Having said that, a group of individuals with no party discipline could throw up an ego or two with resultant disruption. All independents would be no guarantee of harmony.

  14. Worrow's treachery has only proved what most people already knew that Worrow is only interested in Worrow, His Grey Party antics in the past and now betraying all who voted for the Blue Rosette Worrow, is a total discrace.
    Birchington South Ward has been betrayed, time for the voters to express their displeasure. Time to go Worrow you have inflicted enough damage in thanet

  15. It will be interesting to see how the independents go on this one, particularly whether Jack Cohen does a deal with Worrow to install Clive Hart.

    I cannot help but think the constituents of Birchington South will be a tad miffed if they find two of their representative doing back door deals with Labour.

    Still Jack Cohen clearly is above popular ism if his Vote for the Tesco's on Margate sea front is anything to go by

  16. What acually does Cllr Worrow do for a living? I tried to find out by going to the members interests declaration on the Thanet Council website but alas Cllr Worrow's is not posted. Can anyone shed any light on his employment outside his Council activities?

    Laurence Davies

  17. Laurence Davies, you should contact TDC and ask them why his register of interests is not avaiable under his details on their web site. Its a legal requirement for him to produce it but it might not be his fault that we cant view it.

  18. what each committee chairman receives is posted on the TDC website for you to read. The independents hold the big three. planning, scrutiny and licensing. What does Worrow want then?

  19. Worrow is Thanet's answer to David Icke!
    Watch out for the lizards.

  20. I don't know about lizards but there's a couple of snakes on here.

  21. Worrow is a Carpet Cleaner that is his business apart from promoting the most important thing to him.....WORROW

  22. Amazing how quickly the bile flows...

  23. Can Labour make any more a mess than the Conservatives have done over the past few years,we need a change in the Leadership of the Council,I think that JOHN WORROW
    is capable of doing this job,he is Left of the Conservatives,Right Of Labour,is very Inteligent and very capable of bringing the warring faction of our Councillors together.
    I hope that he would seriously think about putting his name forward for this position and that
    his fellow Independent councillors
    will back him if he does.
    He is well respected in his Village
    of Birchington for the hard work that he has done there.
    If you read this John go for it!
    Thanet needs you.

  24. "The independents hold the big three. planning, scrutiny and licensing. What does Worrow want then?"

    The answer is very simple. For the good of the local Tory party and for the good of Thanet one of the cabinet should stand down and make way for him. I am sure at least one of the cabinet is public spirited enough to do this or are they all in it for the money?

  25. What qualifies Worrow to take a cabinet place from Bayford, Wise, Wells, Moores or Bruce?

  26. The majority view seems to be that Worrow should resign and stand in a by-election. That's certainly how I feel. However, the request rings hollow and hypocritically when it comes from Bayford, as I and others have already said.

    Not so long ago, Canterbury City Council changed from Lib Dem/Labour to Tory because of a Lib Dem defection and the Tory view then was so need for a by election. Different authority, but same Party. Sadly all Parties will press for a by-election when they are the losers and resist one when they benefit. Oh for the day when the norm is defection = resignation from elected office - at all levels.

    Equally sickening is how over on Thanet Life, Moores is now allowing nasty remarks about Worrow whereas a week ago even mild criticism of a Tory councillor would never have seen the light of day. Again, it's what turns people off politicians.

  27. Agree with you 6:40 but then Worrow is being very selective about the comments he publishes on his blog. Hence he is no better than the others.

    He should resign completely, as should anyone who changes the banner under which they first stood, and, if he wants to remain a councillor, stand as an Independent.

    Doubt it will happen, but it should be written into electoral law.

  28. 6:40 Come on now! There are three what might be described as nasty remarks about Worrow on Thanet Life. There are far more here and on thanetonline. Why not pick on Michael Childs or do you only have a problem with Tory Councillors.

  29. Peter, majority in this case would seem to be that of the most opinions posted on Thanet blogs suggesting John Worrow should resign. However, the real majority that matters relates to the good people of the ward in which he was elected in May last. That, I would suggest, can only be tested by calling a bye-election and seeing if those people still want John under his new banner.

    If he is as highly regarded as you and one or two others have suggested, then he should sail back in. His failure to do the honest thing, at least so far, would suggest that perhaps he is not that confident.

  30. 2:34 The thing Labour can do, as they did last time they were in power in Thanet, is drive away the monied buyers and devalue our houses. That to me is far more important than wheelie bins, seagull proof bags, vandalised toilets and all the usually world shattering matters handled by TDC.

  31. Peter, does not matter much what a handful of us say on these blogs, anonymous or otherwise, the fact remains that the people of John Worrow's ward should have their say.

    Also, if property prices fall, rents tend to rise as the buy-to-let fraternity can see a better chance of a profit. The last thing Thanet needs is more depression.

  32. May be John Worrow has worked out for himself that what pertains to be politics and democracy is all just hog wash ,lets hope we have at least one still in there with some moral high ground!

  33. 'House prices will go down under a Labour Council'

    Pull the other one guys, that is just total rubbish. Does anyone have a shred of evidence to prove that, or is it just scaremongering because some Tories and their supporters are worried that their laissez-faire approach to Thanet's problems might finally be recognised as being the root of many of our Isle's problems?

    The important thing to point out here is that a lot of people are arguing as though Worrow is the only one that has done something wrong. Bob Bayford is as much to blame for mismanaging his group and allowing one Councillor to be victimised to the point of being forced to resign. This man is supposed to be the leader of our Council and yet he cannot even take all of his own group with him. I certainly have no confidence in him.

    From an unashamed Labour supporter

  34. Do'nt panic I cannot see any change for at least another 4 months,I cannot see Labour really wanting to take over a budget that has been set already, Worrow will get a chairmans position and Bobs your uncle!

  35. whispers are going around that a Tory Councillor may resign

  36. Anon 19.44, you are right - there are nasty comments about Worrow on this blog and maybe others. The difference is that on Thanet Life, no adverse comments about Tory councillors would ever appear. None about Worrow would have appeared before a week ago. Moores censors, where others may not.

    That said, I agree with the other Anon that Worrow has been selective in what he has published, curiously allowing some snipes yet ignoring considered arguments urging him to resign.

    I guess it's all "media management". We'll have phone-hacking next.

  37. Peter is right he is a genius Worrow or anyone can censor their blog. I left a congratulations on his blog but he never posted it because I DONT OPPOSE ANIMAL EXPORT he obviously didnt think my complment was genuine

  38. Anon 10:40 PM

    You want evidence so how is this for starters.

    Through the mid 80's to 2000 I was a senior manager with a corporate estate agent responsible for 40 branches in London and the South East. Following the property market slump from 90 - 95, there was a steady recovery thereafter in most of the region except, you guessed it, Thanet.

    Thanet continued in the doldrums for six years after the rest of the South East had recoverd and only really picked up when Thanet District Council stopped being Labour controlled.

    Let me give you an example. One of my offices in Eltham sold a very modest little terraced modern house on an estate for £107,000. For the same money the seller bought a detached 4 bedroomed house on the North Foreland side of Broadstairs complete with large garage, two bathrooms, three reception rooms, a study and gardens all round in 1999

    The only areas outside Thanet that continued to present real selling problems to my offices were a couple of Labour controlled south London boroughs and Sheppey.

    Like it or not, money does not like Labour and that is fact, even though you will dismiss it as Tory scaremongering and probably have no expertise whatsoever on the property market.

  39. So the last poster was an estate agent and we know the public's opinion o festate agents.

    But readily available on the internets are the statistics for house prices in any given area.

    If house prices were all down to TDC being in Toty control then you will be pleased to know that overall prices in Thanet now are the same as in 2006. Thank you the tory lead council.
    There are some exceptions by propery type, flats in Ramsgate for example are down 17%.

    But like me you my think that house prices are more to do with the state of the economy and the availability of mortgages.

  40. 11:37 A comparison of areas at a given point in time is a much more realistic guide, but be that as it may, I will return to the example I gave.

    The little terrace in Eltham would now fetch £230,000 whilst the detached in Broadstairs around £450,000 rather than being the same value back in Labour days.

    Yes, you are right that market values are subject to national variations, the economy and mortgage availability. That still does not explain the differences between close proximity areas arising out of political control

    As to your snide comment about estate agents, I was a senior building society manager with responsibility for the state agency offices we purchased.

    An finally the values in 2006 were about twice those of 2002 when Labour in Thanet were given the order of the boot.

  41. Hmm,why do you support live animal export Don?

  42. Perhaps because he is concerned about keeping our farms going. There are many controls on this trade and it is not all the horror story as portrayed by those that oppose it.

    Mind you, I wonder if this was not simply introduced as a red herring to divert attention from the interesting debate on property values under Labour councils.

  43. Which Agricultural college did you get your farming qualification from Peter? You should ask for your fees back as they obviously neglected to explain the benefits of mixed farming.

  44. Peter, a couple of years of perusing the varied opinions on the Thanet blogs has led me to conclude that you are, to put it bluntly, something of a shit stirrer.

    You inject brief snippets, often snide, but never present your case or seek to debate with anyone who responds to you. Instead we invariably get some 60's type nonsense about 'peace' and 'love' so I assume you wear flowers in your hair as well. Probably still have a 'Ban the Bomb' badge somewhere.

    This leads me to the conclusion that you are a rather pointless invidual with no cohesion or evident trend to your views other than a rather pathetic attempt to be controversial.

    As someone suggested to you the other day, why don't you ever spit it out and tells us what you mean or even stand for. Then again, perhaps you don't actually stand for anything and are the rather silly, nothing sort of chappie your comments would suggest.

  45. Peter, Bones is a nickname and Botha is that I inherited from my forefathers. I hail from a little place called Kloof in Natal.
    Now perhaps you will respond or even tell us who 'we can guess' who I am. Unreal, man, but still avoiding an honest debate.

  46. Well done Peter, that shut him up!

  47. 10:17 I hardly think it shut anyone up. As ever Peter simply tosses in a snide remark and then avoids any debate it might generate. Sad really!

  48. See 11:37 does not go much on estate agents and browsing around over recent weeks on the blogs various contributors have lampasted christians, public sector workers, bankers, fat cats, Tories, councillors, vandals, Clive Hart, John Worrow, Simon Moores, benefit scroungers, lawyers, youths, Ian Driver, Tony, railway workers, the police, local government officers and just about every other sector of the community.

    What a caring, love your neighbour type society we have become. For me, apart from Peter Andre and Peter Checksfield, I find most people have their good points and most contribute something even if it is just grafitti.

  49. Peter, keep up the good work. People resort to being rude when they have nothing useful to contribute.

  50. Peter, it was a Jeremy Clarkson remark if you get my drift. Love you really, old chap but Peter Andre really does get right up my nose. What kind of bloke gets kept by his ex-wife.

  51. Has anyone else noticed that Peter Checksfield posts a comment and then exactly twelve minutes later his anonymous echo congratulates him on it. Strange that!

  52. The post, Peter, was about Labour taking control of the TDC but you managed to introduce arable farming! You followed that up with Showaddywaddy so, presumably, growing veggie meals and a 70's pop group that sing 50's/60's hits are linked to Labour and the TDC in your book.

    As to your response to 2.20, the last comment before that was mine at 10:59. Is that your idea of close together.

    Anyway, back to the thread, what exactly do you think of Labour taking over Thanet?

  53. Peter, I think you may have been misled by the criticism for the reality is that TDC are doing a half way decent job and Labour could be a whole lot worse.

    An elected leader has certain merit though surprisingly few districts have voted for such when given the option. I agree it works in big towns reasonably well, but Thanet, I wonder. Then who do we have locally with the personality, charisma, leadership and, importantly, time, to do such a job? Bayford or Hart are hardly in the league of Johnson or Livingstone as choices.

  54. Peter, I said half deliberately, but it is better than none. Margate does seem to be the centre of attraction thus rather leaving Westbrook and Westgate out in the cold. I say that because Birchington, Broadstairs and Ramsgate all have their own councils able get some things done.

  55. Margate and Cliftonville have the most deprived wards in Thanet and some of the most deprived in Kent and even at a national level so it does seem logical to concentrate more regeneration on these areas. Whether the schemes being carried out are those that would be most beneficial is a different matter.

    .... and no I don't live in these wards!!
