Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blogging Hell

Crikey some days you think that blogging has come of age, and then something crops up you think it's as crass as it always was.

God knows here on the planet Thanet, there has been enough twaddle spoken and written about blogging often by those who should know better.

I see Cllr John Worrow is off on one with his recent blog posting (sadly unavailable as I post this) about ethical diversity blogging or something similar yes I know the stuff I inflict on those without the self control to avoid these pages with a load of twaddle and really if I had any decency about me I wouldn't do it, I mean think of all those poor vulnerable politicians, and jobsworths who can't defend themselves.

Still it seems that John is suggesting bloggers come together and appoint vigilantes sorry wardens to monitor blogs with a mind to curbing racist and religious intolerance, a noble idea, but in the real world there will always be cranks and criminals who will abuse free speech and then of course there will always be those self appointed arbiters of what's right and wrong.

At the end of the day we all know the difference between reasoned fair comment and twisted words of propaganda and inuendo, so while I concur with John's motives, I think he is barking up the wrong tree with this one.


  1. It justifies his miserable existence I guess.

  2. I see his new blog is "Offcial"
    I assume therefore it is just a mouthpiece for his political master

    Strange for a man who titles himself a campaigner

  3. Is John Worrow a heavy drinker? It seems to me that most of his posts are incoherent angry rambles which he often regrets in the morning and deletes (Boy George lookalike, gay vicar, muslim spokesman and now this).

  4. Oh dear. oh dear. I see the pack hounds are still after Worrow. I agree he has handled all of this rather foolishly, but the behaviour of those (presumably the North Thanet Conservative Association led by the odious Moores) who continue to dribble their hatred of him is becoming tiresome. Move on, people.

  5. 10;56 get a life, I think 10:05 raises some intersting issues, as advisor to the Cabinet Member Michelle Fenner did she authorise all those postings and as they were headed with JW as representing TDC on Diversity and equality were they TDC's views or done with their authority?

  6. I suspect that Simon will be asking very similar questions this evening. I wonder if John will show his face?

  7. I've been promoted I see!

    Too right I will ask questions but I doubt that Clive will allow it as it puts him and Michelle in a very difficult spot, let alone the councillor ' formerly known as Worrow' who everyone will be waiting to see turn up!

    .. I should really sign out as 'The Odious Moores" it has a ring to it rather like Edmond Blackadder!

  8. I have a cunning plan...

  9. Whats happened to the TDC blogging protocol that the previous administration thought was necessary and no doubt threw a good few thousands of officers' time in setting it up?

  10. You can look up the TDC blogging on protocol which was a series of recommendations drawn up by the legal officer and principally directed towards Mark Nottingham.

    In summary, a councillor is bound by the code of 'standards in public life' and would be wise to be aware of libel legislation as well.

    The blogging protocol was simply a document, which outlined those obligations and gave some advice on the legislation surrounding the publishing of statements which might be deemed defamatory.

    None of this was sinister and other councils had similar documents at a time when councillors were starting to blog enthusiastically and make statements about their political rivals.

    In at least one high profile case, I vaguely recall a councillor in the north of England was the subject of a successful legal action and since then local politicians, with a few exceptions have been rather more circumspect with both Blogger and Twitter.

  11. If you stop free speech you don't stop those offensive ideas - infact you can make them seem more attractive to some.
    But when you do stop free speech to stop the open debate of offensive and ridiculous ideas.

  12. Worrow's world should be interesting in view of his e- mail posted to you as detailed in your blog of 14 July 2009......."I (worrow) personally believe that freedom of speech and bullying are not the same thing."
    So why is his freedom of speech different from anyone else's? If this is an 'official' blog, I don't want any of my rates being wasted on his twaddle!!

  13. Talking of Freedom of Speech, I'm informed by Democratic Services that questions will not be permitted this evening.

  14. That would make sense if this really was an Extraordinary meeting, but its clear from the agenda that its just another Full Council meeting now. It even has a 30 miinute Leader's Report item, a staple of any Full Council meeting...

  15. Six of one and half a dozen of the other then James!

  16. As, according to 10:56 (sometimes known as Jerry, I am the Odious Moores Disciple I thought I ought to join in on this thread, silly though it is.

    My one concern, if this new Diversity Blog is to be official, is just how much public money is to be wasted on it.

    We have already seen how John Worrow posts and deletes articles, almost as quickly as he join and leaves political parties, so just what credibility will this 'official' site have.

    Even more interesting will be how he intends to police the Thanet ether and sort out these rather naughty bloggers that he spots from time to time. Will he also continue to delete all comment he does not like for, if it is official, it becomes our blog as council tax payers with a right, surely, to make use of it.

  17. You've also seen the suggestive stories your leader, Moores, posts and then declines to back up. But of course they suit your bias, don't they? And you and Moores suit each other. Hope it's nice and warm up there.

  18. As was said on the BBC Radio 4 programme a few months back:

    "The Conservative Party, putting the "n" into cuts."

  19. I see JW is still having trouble signing in!

  20. 5:39 Declining to back up is very different to posting and then deleting almost as though you are ashamed of what you have written.

    Pleased to see you acknowledge that I am in an elevated position in comparison to you. Trust it is OK down there as well.

  21. Actually I meant your position up Moores's back passage, but if that makes you feel superior, then hey, who am I to comment. As ever your entirely one-sided take on the Worrow saga does neither you nor the rest of the "Nasty Party" any credit whatsoever. I still ask why Worrow would ever have wanted to join such a vile bunch.

  22. What a sordid suggestion and you are forgetting, I am not the one who does back passages. According to you I am homophobic.

    Getting back to the thread, we were discussing JW's proposed new 'official' blog and there was nothing in my earlier posting personally detrimental to the man himself. Just observations on the funding and purpose of the blog. That is enough for you to launch once again into your 'nasty party' jibe.

    Frankly it is you that, in the finest traditions of the left, are still fighting some perceived class war and are consumed with hatred. In truth, however, many of those of us you find so distasteful probably have more humble roots than you.

    Please come up to date and stop looking for phobias and isms that are not there.

  23. For the very obvious reason, Peter, that we do not have each others email addresses.

    However, let me point out that, whenever you are attacked on these blogs, you always come back with some response, even if it is just love and peace. Every time I make a comment Jerry leaps in with his accusations and nasty party nonsense so I, also, simply respond.

    I would dearly love to meet this individual and straighten him out on a few facts of life, but it is not going to happen. Hence blog response is the only avenue.

    Sorry if it disturbs you, but you keep listening to Lou Rawls or Cliff as the mood takes you.

  24. Calm down, Tom-boy, you'll start hyperventilating and you may not have a paper bag close to hand.

    I am fighting nothing, just watching and commenting on how you, and the other anti-Worrow campaigners, led by Moores, are continuing to fire snipes and jibes and little-boy jokes and threats, mostly from little-boy Moores. You are deseperate to keep the saga alive. I have agreed with you that Worrow has done little to earn friends and support. What a shame you remain steadfastly silent on the tactics and vile behaviour of your Tory Party friends and colleagues, who have been scorned by him.

  25. Was not I that announced the launch of an 'official' diversity website, but JW himself. Even non-Tories and fellow members of the LGBT community are fed up with him and make their own criticisms. Why, therefore, do you restrict your bile to those you perceive as Tory?

    If the guy was so concerned about not attracting critical comment surely he would stop all his provocative blogging. Truth is he is loving every minute of it as he naively sees it as popularity.

  26. Peter, do you seriously think this will get any further than all his other plans? It's not going to happen.

  27. 15.00 another JW bandwagon he has jumped on which will last as long as his time as an elected Conservative member.

  28. The guy is a complete Walter Mitty flipping from one vision of self grandeur to the next. Bet he puts political party leader and people's champion on his CV.

  29. Leader of the Grey Party, confessed Conservative, voted into Birchington South Ward, crossed the floor to become an Independent, and now Labour have adopted him as the Member for Diversity and Equality, advisor to Labour Cabinet member Cllr Michelle Fenner.
    Some truly have greatness thrust upon them, what next Managing Director Diversity Wardens?

  30. I am breathless reading all these comments. To sum up Worrow has let his constituents down badly - and with his new title has gone to his head with totally over the top comments on diversity and gay issues - which most ordinary people in Thanet could not give a toss about - employment and future investment in the area are needed not subsequential events such as Diversity and Gay Issues. Get a life

  31. I am breathless reading all these comments. To sum up Worrow has let his constituents down badly - and with his new title has gone to his head with totally over the top comments on diversity and gay issues - which most ordinary people in Thanet could not give a toss about - employment and future investment in the area are needed not subsequential events such as Diversity and Gay Issues. Get a life

  32. Worrow might find this an interesting read or not depending on his views

    Tesco: The wages of Sin

    'In the case of supermarket cartels like Tesco, whose aggressive commercial behaviour is throttling the life out of what remains of the independent UK retail sector, not to mention our farmers and producers, and have recently courted controversy with their decision to rescind their charity contributions to Cancer UK in favour of funding disgusting spectacles of our national moral decline like Gay Pride, we can only rejoice at the news that £4 billion was wiped off their share price yesterday, following “disappointing” Christmas sales figures.'

  33. It may suit you to "Worrow bash", Anon, or Anons if there is more than one of you involved here, but don't extend your vindictive bile to the rest of the LGBT community. Many do care about equality and diversity issues, alongside the economic needs of the area. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Your own prejudice tends to come across in your choice of language and tone.

    And you might like to reflect whether the Tory Party backed, even led, onslaught on Worrow is now looking a bit tired. After all, even the lie spread that he was continuing to provoke is now evidentially untrue.

  34. 8:52, are you not contributing yourself to keeping this anti-Worrow thread going? Most of the 'Tory led' brigade have tired of it, but I think it suits your purpose to resurrect it where you can.

  35. Simply "replying" to the preceding Anon comments, which were perpetuating the snipes at Worrow. Curious (but unsurprising) that you should challenge me but not them. Whatever, I agree that the matter should now rest, and I hope everyone adopts that approach.

  36. It will all kick off again on the 10th of February...

  37. equality and diversity training was really introduced to separate and divide by defacto government for their own ends

    reverse most things and you get nearer to the truth its all a LIB/LAB/CON after all and the veil is slipping fast

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