Thursday, December 22, 2011

How stupid is Ed Balls?

Just a quick point, I see in this story carried in several papers over the last couple of days, in which Ed Balls is suggesting Liberal Democrats should join Labour and I just wonder what goes on in his tiny brain.

Why after more than a year and a half in government as a coalition partner, would any Liberal Democrats wish to join Labour now, if they hadn't already, clearly loyalty and honesty are something Labour has had much difficulty with in the last few years.

Labour in the late nineties, started a campaign of cosying up to bankers and big business, seeing Blair cutting apparently a deal with Rupert Murdoch (doing nothing to regulate the press, no surprise the resulting scandals now), and developing polices culminating in the complete abandonment of working people.

It's only since losing office, that Labour have suddenly shown any interest whatsoever us lower orders, why you might wonder?

I cannot recall one senior Labour party member giving a toss for the poor during their time in office, they were all too busy living the highlife and brown nosing bankers and big business, did any one of Labours devious ex ministers stand up for low paid while they were carrying out policy which has resulted in low paid being worse off than ever.

Ed Balls must be a bigger idiot than he looks, if he thinks he's going to get many takers of his offer to join the ranks of Labour who have little offer in the way honesty or integrity. So no thanks Ed.


  1. I think it would be very difficult to be a bigger idiot than Ed Balls looks!

  2. Well, as he's a member of the Torture, Rendition & Illegal War party, I'd say that qualifies him as deeply stupid or just plain vile.

  3. Maybee he should appeal to the Conservatives after all Mr Worrow was a Consrvative and was voted in as a Conservative now he is in the wasteland so maybe Red Edd should seek him out for a tip on splitting a Government

  4. Considering his role as economic adviser to Gordon Brown, I'd say he must be pretty damn stupid.

    Although it's more likely that he's up to his neck in treason, which is beyond stupid.

    It would probably be safe to assume that he took more than a bit of stick over his surname at school, which would make him prime material for recruitment to the dark side.

    Unfortunately, those with close ties to the banksters seem impossible to shake off, that t*sser Mandelson is a prime example.

  5. Bearing in mind that the Libdems face wipe out if there was an election tomorrow, some Libdems may decide to changes sides rather than end up on the dole.

  6. Peter I not an economist or an idiot so, I would say a reasonable figure would probably be derived by calculating how much a person needs to take home to pay for rent, food and heat perhaps have enough left over for a night out once in a while and a few luxurys, currently working a basic 40 hour week most people particularly with children are baled out by the taxpayer with family credits etc.

    Tell me why a local high profile business can invest millions such as is the case here in thanet, on high tech equipment and yet cannot pay more than the minimum wage its immoral.

    Still you may not understand, just keep taking your pics and I'll do politics

  7. 3:09 PM What makes you think the Lib/Dems chances of survival would be enhanced at the polls by switching to Labour? Ed Milliband's popularity in the opinion polls is miles behind Cameron's, so aligning with him is unlikely to do much for ones chances.

    An election now would be much more likely to be a straight two party fight which all the indicators are that the Conservatives would win. In truth, therefore, the Lib/Dems are doing Labour a favour keeping this coalition going whilst the Eds, or preferably the David with a new top team, make the party more electable again.

    Don't wish for a collapse, my friend, because it could bite you very hard.

  8. Peter, one policy does not make a government and tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of lives in illegal wars is an unacceptable price to pay for a minimum wages.

    Even the minimum wage, which I do see has merit, caused some job losses when introduced and served to stop smaller firms expanding. Everything has its price and your enhanced pay packet came at the loss of someone else's means of support.

    Anyway, this is way of thread from Lib/Dems turning to Labour but you introduced it.

  9. Agreed, Peter, but it was probably more about vote attracting than caring. After all, if you win a landslide election on the back of creating a New Labour image, some seemingly socialist policies are necessary for window dressing.

    Mainly though, as Tony said, it was about sucking up to the rich, crochet on the lawn, Tony playing 'Big Iron' Blair on the world stage and Gawd the Terrible screwing up the finances. (Reference to 'Big Iron' stems from being a Marty Robbins fan).

  10. Recall sitting on a L40/70 bofors gun on the Malacca Straits coast during 'Confrontation' listening to 'Big Iron' and 'Devil Woman' from one of the other crew members portable record player. Don't think he had much else except Elvis 'Crying in the Chapel' and the Brothers Four version of 'El Paso.'

  11. Hope you were comfy sitting astride that great throbbing gun, "Guy Lacoste". The euphemisms people use!

  12. Wrong sexual persuassion to get my kicks from an anti-aircraft gun. Much happier with the ladies in the bars over on Penang island.
