Sunday, December 18, 2011


Last night I was in reflective mood and was thinking I'll blog on the past year, its a cliche I know, still it is with some regret, that I announce the death of Mr Puss (the family cat),  and will reflect on a significant presence at Flaig Mansions.

Now I have to acknowledge, that it's easy being sentimental about a cat, certainly he is the only pet our family has had discounting Tom, Dick and Harry (goldfish), it had never been my intention to have a pet, but the cat sort of subtlety ingratiated himself, and despite already having a home, moved in, still he has never had any reservations in helping himself and has regularly invited himself to meals with neighbours for years.

Until this morning, he has always been reliable, turning up for meals on time, demanding a share of any open tin of tuna, when I'm on nights he's generally sort of greeted me by walking up to where I've managed to park.

Not being at the back door this morning, I whistled which generally gets him flying from the shed, next doors garden or from upstairs in the house.

Admittedly losing a pet is not the same as losing a person, but even so he will be missed.

Anyway I mention him on these pages perhaps for the last time although he has frequently featured and here is a sort of retrospective selection.

Mr Puss calls for calm in fat cats row

Mr Puss Hacked off by Media

Mr Puss Issues a Statement

Mr Puss Disappears in Snow - Feared eaten by Foxes

Kent's big Cat danger 

Cat trivia is the BBC dumbing down

Plain Speaking from local author jane

End of the road for Bignews Margate?

Still at the center of family life captured for the last time this Saturday morning with the youngest member of the family.


  1. Sorry to hear that. My place adopted a cat a good while back and despite being brought up with mostly dogs, I find myself rather fond of it. I understand how you feel.

  2. Bit of a tearjerker this one Tony.

    Thanks for posting this. Brings back wonderful memories of the Gloucester Avenue area some years ago. Name: Blackie.

  3. Thanks for the thoughts, for the first time in years the house and garden is sort of empty.

    And it seems strange not to have Mr Puss barge his way on the arm of the chair, so as to soak heat from the Laptop fan or too hear the sound of him wading through his breakfast (his collar making a little metallic tinkling sound)

    Still life goes on.

  4. Sorry to hear that Tony. The loss of a pet is always a blow to the family.

    Wishing you the best for Christmas

  5. Thanks Simon hope you have a better christmas than me.

  6. Sorry to hear that Tony, I reckon Mr Puss would recommend you visit cats in crisis.

  7. Cats in Crisis, Adopt a new cat and give him love, he / she will return that love. Give a poor cat the chance in life it deserves.

    RIP Mr Puss

  8. Sorry to hear about your cat Tony, I'm sure he will be greatly missed.

  9. Sorry to hear of your loss Tony.

    To me a pet is as much of a loss as a family member. We had a scare with our 14 year old this week, fortunately she pulled through but it didn't stop me from bawling like a baby in the vets! I'm sure Mr Puss had a lovely comfortable and happy life with you.

    I know that this is probably a bit too soon, butI would highly recommend popping to your local shelter.

    I recently visited on in Manston and they are desperate for kind people to re home their animals. Christmas is the worst time for this!

    I'm sure Mr Puss would be glad to know that his place in the family is not lost!

  10. Good advice 9 41 however we've been given a cat, which probably sounds a bit too early, although as we've time off for christmas it is perhaps the best time to adopt a new member into the family.

    Mr Puss can never be replaced and I have to admit bawling my eyes out last Sunday and again on Monday morning when at the vet's suggestion I buried him in the garden.

  11. Sorry to hear about Mr Puss. I was never a cat person untill we had one and I still find myself looking for Mog on the window cill even after all these years. Gine but not forgotten. Have a good Christmas up at Flaig Mansions Tony Mr Puss would have wanted it that way
