Sunday, April 11, 2010

South Thanet moves North

I was surprised to see, driving up Northdown Road, Stephen Ladyman, glaring from Labours office, I knew that the boundary had changed but now find myself surrounded by South Thanet.

Fortunately I’m in an enclave which is still North Thanet. Anyhow I’ll vote Liberal Democrat since I believe they represent traditional of values of equality, decency and fair play unlike Labour and the Conservatives who look after their own, which these days happens to be bankers businessmen and public sector.

For more information Michael Child has a map of the new Thanet South click here.


  1. The question you might want to ask yourself Tony, is that with the LibDems having very little or no chance of winning a seat in South Thanet, who do you actually want to win by casting your vote?

    Given the pattern of results for the last General Election in Thanet, a vote for UKIP or the LibDems increases the probability of a seat for Dr Ladyman in this new marginal constituency.

  2. It must be strange, living in a part of North Thanet and finding South Thanet is due North.

  3. Don't worry, Tony, the South Thanet candidate seems unaware herself of the boundary changes and has a billboard promoting herself sited near Margate Hospital and that is quite clearly still N. Thanet.

    Dr. M. didn't read your posting properly as you state you still live in N. Thanet but he's advising you not to vote Lib. Dem. in S. Thanet so it's not just the candidate who is confused.

    Technically South Thanet is classified as a Tory marginal as, on paper, it would have gone Tory last time so if Dr. Ladyman should keep the seat, it's classed as a Labour gain.

    Confused? Not the only one.

    Some voters in Dane Valley who live very close to Broadstairs have also been getting confused as they've been receiving S. Thanet promotional material but they are still N. Thanet like yourself.

    S. Thanet now extends well into margate to areas like Dane Road, Grotto Hill etc. All very confusing.

  4. That looks like a building into which someone has inserted an old fashioned telephone kiosk.

    Press Button B for further Balls Up

    Press Button A for Away be Gone.

    Vote Popular Alliance

  5. Peter, consider comparing like with like. Electoral boundaries have changes for both Thanet constituencies and there is potential confusion by advertising Laura Sandys in North Thanet. In response to your arguments elsewhere, advertising for movies is an absurd comparison.

  6. Custom and practice says you don't tread on someone else's toes so having her hoardings in Roger Gale's patch just isn't good practice. I've never seen his posters in S. Thanet so she shouldn't be in N.Thanet nor is it sensible for her deliverers to put leaflets into N. Thanet doors.

  7. Simon the question you might ask yourself is why you walked away from the middle liberal ground of politics opportunism or conviction as I understand you once were involved in centre politics in the SDP Liberal days

  8. It all goes to show that the current system of first past the post is unfair and that ONE MP for Thanet would be enough. Some would say one is too many.

  9. Sometimes you just have to vote for who you believe in even if it is hopeless. Mind you I doubt Doc M nor Mr Gale would be so sure with a Single Transferable Vote system. (Cue the nay sayers I have no doubt).

  10. True Tony, I used to support the centre ground of the SDP and even wrote speeches for David Owen!

    But that was a very long time ago and since then my views have changed. I fear 'Big Government' and what it's done to our society and to use a well-worn slogan, I believe it's time for change!

  11. Thanks, little brov for explaining lunatic Thanet border changes. We've been receiving glossy stuff from Laura Sandys for months now (presumably paid for by well known non-dom), only to discover she is standing for Thanet South and we are still in Thanet North. Even more puzzling is my discovery that big bruv who lives due north of us is in Thanet South constituency.
    Fully agree with you that now is the time to do the right thing and vote LD. Briefly considered tactical, but Ladyman/Gale seems like the choice from hell!
    By the way little sis has put her money where her mouth is and made an official return to the fold. This shows some prescience on her part as she signed up before the first ('I agree with Nick debate') and stuck to her decision even through the horrors of last Thursday's national 'Everything is Nick Clegg's Fault Day'(sponsored by the gutter press God Bless 'em).
    Anyway enough of this frivolity, the serious message is that north or south the right vote is for the most honest, intelligent and fair minded bunch: Clegg, Cable and co. Vote Lib Dem on May 6th

  12. Laura Sandys receives no funding from Non Doms,

    Question that ought to be asked is why the Lib Dems replaced their candidate in North Thanet

  13. モテる度チェッカーが今回リニューアルしました!!今迄と違い診断内容にモテない人と診断された方を救済する、速攻効果が出るモテる為のアドバイスが付きます、またモテる診断された人には、より一層のモテ・テクニックを手に入れませんか

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  15. 今話題のツイッターで理想の関係を築きませんか。ツイッターで自分の出来事をリアルタイムで表現して相手にその想いを伝えましょう

  16. 第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズから展開と結果をズバリ当てる!出走馬、枠順など全てを考慮にいれた緻密なデータをもとに検証

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