Whatever happened to M&S?
Thanet Districts Councils Forgotten Asset

It seems like only yesterday, that Sandy Ezekiel announced acquisition of the Marks and Spencer's building in Margate, which I believe was actually March last year.
Sometime in June there were suggestions from the Council of modern retail, office and workshop space as well as residential units at the site, also the creation of a passageway to access the old town, plus the standard old tosh about cafe society.
Well maybe it is time for the council, which is so obsessed with the cafe society, to pour itself a big mug of coffee (preferably not decaf) and come up with a plan.
Right now the old Marks and Spencer building is decaying unused and forgotten, given that local elections will be taking place I believe in May, you would imagine the smart thing particularly for the Tory administration, would be to show some leadership and publish firm and sensible proposals for this deteriorating asset.
Still since news is being promised concerning Dreamland and Turner Contemporary in the next few weeks, hopefully I am being unfair to the council and news will emerge from the councils secret regeneration bunker with plans to save Margate!
I thought it was earmarked to house some of the library, while the library is being turned into a one stop shop? So heaven knows how long it'll be before it's a whatever-it-is-they're-eventually-planning-for-it-if-anything.
ReplyDeleteCall me old fashioned, but personally I thought it was best off as a Marks and Spencers. I know, I know, they've gone to Westworld Cross (cue sound of entirely new can of worms being opened).
No i hear the library are'nt moving into m&s anymore.i also hear there are going to be job cuts right accross librarys as kcc was given the lowest budget from central gov than any other authority...the last i heard tdc were going to start work on m&s in late spring anyone else know anything about this?